Ch 17- Back to the Present

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Twillow had explained her and Kendrick's year and a half relationship to Helia in just a few minutes, even though there was so much to tell about that time. The redheaded slayer listened as she dried off in front of the fireplace. It was certainly an interesting way for two completely different beings to meet, if not slightly familiar.

"So...did this wizard, Sig, ever figure out how to open a portal to your realm?" Helia asked.

Twillow shook her head, "He's gotten a bit closer but we're missing a key ingredient. Parliel Ichor is what he called it."

Helia made a face, "Sounds...disgusting. What is it?"

"When the portal was opened to this realm there was a golden goo that was present when the barrier was breached. Sig says we need some of that to render down to use with the Sunfire Topaz." She sighed, "But...if the portal doesn't open again then there's no Parliel Ichor for us to collect. So..."

Helia nodded with understanding, "Well...if I ever see any 'open portals' in my travels I'll try to collect some golden goo for you."

Twillow smiled.

"Sounds risky...returning to a place you were banished from. In my experience that's a good way to get yourself in jail...or hung." Helia mentioned.

Twillow lowered her head a bit, "Perhaps...but I do want to see my family again."


"Oh, no. Not that kind of family. My parents and my three brothers."

Helia nodded, "Family is very precious." She leaned back on her hands, "I haven't seen my family in almost a year. I have a younger sister, and my parents."

"Where did you say you were from?" Twillow asked.

"Tegath. It's much further south of here nearer the ocean." Helia explained.

"I've never seen a Lower Realm ocean before." Twillow admitted. "I've heard it's like a land of just water and sky as far as the eye can see."

Helia dipped her head, "Pretty much. I don't venture out on it. I prefer the land."

At that moment Helia felt her stomach growl and she was actually feeling a bit woozy. She never ate much before a job as a full stomach could slow her down and the scent of food on her breath could give away her position to certain creatures. Apparently even that didn't help since Kendrick smelled her long before he saw or heard her. After fighting him and nearly being eaten she was exhausted both emotionally and physically.

Twillow noticed and leaned her head questioningly, "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah. But don't trouble yourself. I have food back with my horse." She stated, touching her clothes to see if they were dry.

Granted, she probably only had dried meats and maybe some hard bread.

"Nonsense! Let me get you something." The fae offered, flapping her wings with a strong breeze as she lifted off the floor.

She flew up to the shelves above the ledge where Helia had washed herself. It looked like a pantry of sorts lined with bowls and containers. Helia watched her fly and flit from one shelf to the next and then pause.

"Kendrick, don't we have anymore berries?"


Kendrick couldn't believe what was happening. A his a guest!? Ever since he turned one hundred seventy-five years old he'd lived on his own here in this mountain and never in that time had a slayer actually made it into his home. Especially not invited! Hell, it was rare that they made it as far as she did without him finding them first. He had to credit her that...maybe he was getting lazy?

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