Ch 28- Bar Fight

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By the time Helia arrived back inside the tavern the food was just coming out. Teams of little fairies flew the plates in and set them down before each diner. The peacock meat was nestled attractively on a bed of fancy rice and mushrooms and lavished with a red sauce that formed a design on the edge of the plate. Darby seemed excited by his salad as he picked up a fork and stirred in the extra strawberries. Kendrick and Sig just stared at theirs with awe. It was so well put together...magical really.

Helia appeared behind them and sat in the spot to the right of Sig on the end since it was the place where her plate was set. She stared at the plate of food and raised her fake elvish eyebrows.

"Whoa. That's fancy." She stated. "What is it?"

"Roasted peacock with a cherry wood glaze." Sig whispered with an almost excited air, "Fit for a king!"

Helia seemed impressed and readily dug into the meal.

Darby stuffed some salad in his mouth, nodding in agreement, "My sister and her husband run a great place."

There was no argument from the trio. Merl appeared with two large mugs of the golden apple ale and a glass of red wine. He placed the drinks down and then noticed that Helia had arrived.

"And what will you have, mi'lady?" he asked suavely.

Helia eyed the drinks presented and gestured to the mugs, "Um, I guess whatever they're having."

Merl tipped his head a bit, almost seeming surprised by the "elf's" voice. It didn't seem to quiet match her aristocratic appearance. Still, he nodded his antlered head.

In that moment a tiny fairy emanating bright bluish white light fluttered before them. She wasn't much bigger than a sparrow and was wearing a very short glittering dress that looked like ice crystals. Her hair was bright white and long, almost down past her thighs and her skin was a very light blue color. She flew before Darby first.

Her voice was chipper and she sounded very much like a bar maid, "Hi, Darby! Haven't seen you here in a while."

"Hi, Lumi." Darby greeted her.

She spun in the air a bit, "Chill that mug for you?"

He gestured with his fingers, "Yes, please."

Lumi delicately touched the side of the glass mug with her foot and it instantly frosted over with a crackle of ice. The other three stared with amazement.

"Thanks, Lumi. Isn't that the dress I sold you?"

"Yeah! I love it! Did you bring any more of those flower petal dresses you had last time?" she asked.

The faun nodded his antlers with a grin, "Yep."

She pointed at him, "Don't leave until I get to see them. I'm wanting something in red."

"Might have just the thing in my bag." He assured her. "But you'd look good in any color really."

As nervous as Darby acted, he seemed very confident when talking about clothes and what he sold. The tiny fairy smiled and then fluttered over to Kendrick. She seemed to look him up and down before smiling.

"Chill your glass, handsome?" she offered brazenly.

Kendrick's eyes moved from side to side as if searching for whom she was talking to, "Me?"

She giggled and swayed in the air shaking her shoulders gamely, "Of course, you! Want your glass chilled?"

He raised a dark eyebrow at her, "Um...yeah. Sure."

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