Chapter 1

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I groaned as I lift myself off the basement floor with a stinging pain on my back and on my stomach from the beating I got last night it wasn't the worst one but damn it still f-cking hurt like more hell.

At the usual time I hear foot steps stomping towards the basement door as it swings open to reveal the devil himself my Step Father.

Clark Bevin

Standing there with his tall height he was about 5'10 which is taller than me.His dirty blonde hair all messed up and looking so spikey you'd think he was a wild animal. Strong build body and big muscles that were being displayed with the red shirt he was wearing because of all the training he's had working as a soldier in the army.With dark deadly and brown eyes staring right into my eyes with a sadistic smirk

"Did you learn your lesson Slut" venom runs through each one of his words everytime he speaks.

"Y-yes Sir" my raspy voice croaked in fear

"Good girl see as long as you listen and obey like the little slave you are. I might let you eat something though you clearly have gained weight this week "he walked closer to me and unlocked the chains that were on my arms.

He set my hands free as he dragged me to the some what indoor gym. It's wasn't large or fancy it was the opposite small crapped and broken down.

"Hurry up whore I'm gonna take a seat right over there and your gonna make sure you work out until this watch tells you your done " he placed the fitness watch on my arm

This is my oh so lovely morning routine it doesn't really make alot of sense yet but it will soon.

I got into the treadmill and began running because it what's helps me reach the his goal faster. After 4 hours if running on end without a break I hear the watch beep as I slow down my pace and walk over to him. He checks to see how many calories I've burned as I secretly and silently pray that that it was a good enough amount for him. He just nodded his head .A sigh of relief escape my lips as I walked to the kitchen to make him breakfast.

Walking into the kitchen opening the cupboards taking out a pan and ingredients I need to make pancakes. I whip up the food in about 30 minutes and make him his usual black coffee no sugar. Placing the food on the table and waiting for him to come downstairs . He sat down and began eating the food . My mouth watered as I stared at him while eating.I know it's wrong to stare but I was hungry I haven't eaten in 9 days all he fed me was water and mints.

"Oh would you like to join me sweetheart" he spoke with food in his mouth and a sinister smile.

"N-no thank you " if I said yes he'd hurt me for thinking I could try and join him and saying no means I know my place.

"Sit down join me " I sat down on the chair infront of him as he placed a plate infront of me with a pancake on it.

I took a small bite of the sweet pancake as it's flavour filled my mouth.

"Your Uncle Amos is coming into town with his friends so better make sure your back early from work got that and you need the strength he's bringing more friends than usual "there it was the only reason he let me eat. That just made me fear what they had in plan.

Uncle Amos has 2 friends he usual drinks with and comes here for the night. He's tall around 6'0 with the same brown eyes and pale skin as my step father .

"Do you understand"

"Yes sir "

"Look at you being the perfect little girl you are " he said as I continued to eat the pancake my stomach filled even though it looked as if I barely touched it. Before I could try taking another bite I ran to the sink as the nausea hit me making the food contents come out of my mouth.

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