Chapter 29

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Vincents pov

ast time on On Brother

I put my phone of speaker.

Incoming call from Unknown
"Good Evening Am I speaking to Mr Vincent Hunter?" Said a man's voice that no one really recognized.

"Yes this is him"

"I'm Calling from RosaField General Hospital"my curiosity grew as he spoke.

"I'm sorry to inform you of this but we have someone from your family and I'd like too say I'm sorry for your loss Sir."

"Who are you talking about who's Dead"

Miss Josephine Hunter is the deceased

I couldn't hear anything after that I felt my heart completely stop I ran to Josies room which I know I just checked right now I saw her sleeping theres no way that she could be gone I didn't want to believe it, it couldn't be true.

I pushed the room door wide open pulling the blankets off her bed hoping that I'd see her almost praying even but she wasn't there only a stack of pillows in the shape of a sleeping body layed there.

Panic set in as I screamed my lungs out letting myself fall onto the floor with my brothers all standing there in disbelief.

"Where is she Vincent"Aiden charged I front of me picking me up by the collar of my shirt.

"I t-thought... She... .. I don't know"i couldn't speak I the tears filled my eyes as the realization that she wasn't here hit me like a ton of bricks.

"This is all your fault each and everyone of you she'd still be here if you guys weren't constantly acting like dicks towards her. This is what you wanted right for her to leave well you got it she's gone and she isn't coming back."Aiden looked at each of us as he screamed in front of us.

He knew he was right and so did we this only broke my heart because I never got to apologize for everything that I did to her or how I treated her.

"I don't regret anything that I did she deserved it for killing mom" August rolled his eyes just as he was about to step out Wyatt jumped on him and punched him continuously before Elliot pulled him off.

"Everyone just STOP IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP" Aiden yelled as everyone stopped what they were doing.

Even if they tried to hide it the guilt was evident on each and every one of they're faces slowly eating them alive which Suprised me to see Aiden with guilt since he always treated her like the Queen she was.

"I'm done with all of you, I will never forgive any of you for how you treated her and I'm leaving for good after I fetch my little sister from the fucking hospital and I'll bury her alone Wheter moms dead or alive she'd be disappointed in all of you"he stormed off after that leaving all of us shocked and guilt ridden.

Aiden was the a bit of the quite type and seeing him have an outburst like that really got to me because everything he said was true.

But it's to late too apologize

Aidens Pov

I walked to my car trying to getting in and finally being able to let it all out I screamed at the top of my lungs and the tears never stopped running down my face.

The guilt of not being there for her, of not being able to protect her just like I promised I wasn't there to hold her hand or talk to her or just to even say I love you for one last time... I couldn't say goodbye after losing her a second time except this time she isn't coming back.

15 minutes later

I started the car and drove to the hospital the place that I hated more than anything in the world.

Constantly had this smell of death and sorrow that surrounded it. Walking to the reception I walked over to the receptionist who sat in front of the computer applying a lot of make up smudging the files that were in front of her.

"Hey babe what is such a sexy guy like you doing here"She puckered her lips almost like she was coming in for a kiss batting her extremely long eyelashes.

"I'm here to see my sister could you tell me where she is"i couldn't care less at her actions I had one goal and one only to hold Josies hand one more time.

"Ooo your a family man I love that about guys you know my brother in law also sweet like that except he pays me good money for a few quickies. He's cheating on my sister with me the audacity that he has I swear all men aren't loyal these days" she kept rambling on and on I felt like she'd never stop talking.

"LADY!!.. Could you please just show me where my sisters ward is please."Slightly raising my voice trying no to lose my patience.

" Geez you don't have to fight Handsome who's your sister"

"Josephine Hunter"i sighed as her bright yellow nails tapped away onto the keyboard as the screen reflected onto him.

"Oh her... she died 2 months ago"

"Wait what do you mean she died 2 months ago I was with her last week and I just got the news a few hours ago"

"Do you need a doctor it might be hallucinations due to extreme grief"At this point she was getting on my nerves with her chattering

"No I'm pretty sure I wasn't hallucinating please check again"

"There might have been a technical error she was mixed with Joanne Hunter so it's not Josephine Hunter who's been Dead.... I mean deceased."

"So where can I find my sister"

"She's in Alpha Ward 726 and she's recovering well"

Wait recovering..

She's alive

Thank you for reading 💗💓

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