Chapter 48

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Trigger warning - Guns, Abuse, verbal abuse and belittling

Aidens Pov

I haven't seen Josie the entire day and I missed her, ever since she was hospitalized we've spent most of our time together after that. I woke up this morning with a message from her that she'd be spending the day with grandfather, I'm glad that she's getting to know him and I trust that he wouldn't hurt her he's basically a teddy bear when it comes to her.

But that meant I had nothing to do today and I refuse to try and spend time with the people in this household. I forgot that I had friends at this point but spending time with jo was more important.

Incoming call from Rome....

To say I was surprised was an understatement my childhood best friend was calling me we haven't spoken to each other in a while since she went out of town for like I don't know 2 years without communication.


Romeo :
I'm in town and I was wondering if you wanted to meet up?

You dissappear for 2 years without saying anything then you suddenly want to meet up?

I know, I know I'll explain everything I promise. Come on you really don't wanna have coffee with your best friend for old times sake.

Where do you want to meet up?

Great let's meet at 2pm at Mayas coffee hut

Alright see you soon

Call ended....

Am I nervous yes. Me and Romeo met when we were 4 at the water park where she tried to drown me. She said she didn't like my hair cut so she was using the water to reshape it. It was lucky that she wasn't strong enough to pull me down at the time.

Over the years we spent most of our time together and I mistakenly caught feelings for her but never told her in fear of ruining the friendship that I had with her so I focused on her other girl but her somehow she never left my mind so I never really settled into a relationship I'd just talk for a few days then go ghost.

I know that wrong but rather that than going into a relationship with someone else knowing I'll never fully be committed. I was so glad that I was done getting ready since it was almost 2pm. I went downstairs seeing Vincent on the phone. He look somewhat upset yet anxious I still wasn't talking to them but doesn't mean I didn't care about their well being.

"Have you seen Elliot anywhere. He hasn't been answering his phone for 2 days and he never mentioned that he was leaving."he asked me even before I could say anything.

"No not really... I haven't spoken to him in weeks so I wouldn't know. And I honstly don't care" lies I cared way more than I let on.

"Look Aiden I know we fucked up and big time but we're trying to make up for it. We'll at least I am. I care bout you and Josie in fact all of you and I'm sorry I haven't been the older brother that you guys have needed me to be but I really am trying to fix things as best as I can. I know nothing can excuse how badly I treated Jo, I was a dick but I'm trying so please I just need a second chance I won't fuck it up. "he sounded so sincere and I knew he was telling the truth I could tell.

"You should be telling her that not me"

"I know and I'm trying my best give me chance take as much time as you need just please think about it at least" I nodded I could only forgive them if Josie was finally safe in her own home and when they could gain her trust and mine. And if not I don't mind losing all of my brothers but not her.

I walked out of the house to getting into my car i got out of the property and drove to Maya's coffee hut the drives wasn't too long but I was nervous seeing her after such a long time.

She sent me a text that she was already there while I was driving so she was already inside. I got out of the car when I heard the pressure of a cold mental object on my head before getting hit with it against the back off my head.

Then the world went dark...

Wyatts Pov

I haven't seen any of my siblings in so long I missed Josie dearly but I couldn't leave. Things have been Rocky between me and Jason I quickly found out he was quite the temper whenever I do things that he doesn't approve of and I realize that if I hadn't been such a bad boyfriend that he'd probably be way calmer.

He's been upset with me ever since I told him he couldn't meet up with Josie due to her going through so much I just wanted her to adjust first before she had to meet any new people in her life so it wasn't my intention to make him feel like I was embarrassed of him but he wouldn't listen. But one day he just let the conversation go.

We've moved in together since then it was a bit fast but he told me that he didn't like spending time away from me so I understood that. Today he told me he was taking me out so I was busy getting ready mostly though I was practically done. A white simple t-shirt and a pair of black jeans and sneakers and I really like my outfit it showed off my toned muscles and good body build. The door swung open with an angry Jason, he looked me up and down with disgust.

"What the hell are you wearing?" his question confused me these are the most basic clothes ever.

"Clothes. Did something happen you seem upset" he stormed over to me roughly pushing me against the wall that's when I felt a sting on my cheek.

Then another and then I stopped counting after the first 5. He threw a few punches using his leg to trip me as I fell to the ground using my hands to cover my face while he yelled.

"How many time have I told you to stop dressing like a tramp. All I wanted was to take you out and you disrespect me like this how many time do I have to tell you before you learn your lesson" this wasn't the first time he's done this before.

He stopped after what felt like hours before he left banging the door. I sat on the floor crying to myself when I heard him come back in. He sat down next to me cuddling me into his arms planting soft kisses onto my head.

"I'm so sorry baby I didn't mean to get upset but you know you need to follow my rules or else you upset me. You know I love you right. If I didn't I wouldn't be helping you fix your disobedience. I love you so much" I sobbed into his shirt.

I wish I was perfect for him I want to make him happy because I love him and I know he loves me.

"I know and I'm sorry I'll go change I love you too" I loved him I just wish his love didn't leave so many wounds.

End of chapter
Thank you so much for reading 💗💗😭
Omg I love reading the comments 🦋💗they mean everything. And thank you to everyone reading and voting I swear I read every comment and I love all of them.
And I don't know if I ever gave August's cousin a name so yea - what should his name be? 😭Cause I suck at coming up with names
And sorry if has any errors I'm still working on fixing any mistakes

Hope you enjoy your day or night 🦋💗

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