Authors note

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sooooooo this isn't an oh brother update it's something Different.
Other than writing oh brother I write poetry I just never publish it because it's usually sad or heartbroken stuff etc but this poem I wrote because of the white dove. I've mentioned that most of my work is me finding a way to vent out my own trauma or heartbreak I just hide it in the words of fictional characters. Which is why I take breaks when writing I stop writing when I'm happy I guess because for a minute I forget about all the pain and anger and frustration. But once I start again it's very easy for me to fall into depression because of my words. Hence why I only write when I'm going through it because it's my outlet. But reading your comments really does help me push through and I really appreciate all of you from voting, to liking, to following, adding my books to your lists and honestly just reading the book. I was and somewhat still a bit insecure about my writing but you guys make me feel confident more and more by each day. Writing makes me both sad and happy lol. Though I wish it payed a bit lmao still wouldn't give up these books for nothing

So the white dove is a different journey on its own. It's very different from oh brother. There will be trigger warnings, grammatical mistakes, unfunny cringy jokes, questioning the authors sanity, a slightly slow book updates and last but not least a somewhat good book that I hope will be up to your standards. Still very undecided on whether there should be smut cause low-key I suck at writing it.

But I will put my effort into it so I hope you guys give it a chance.

The white dove is for anyone who's ever stayed because even pain can feel like love.

Even a stranger could feel like home.

The poem is called Surrender

Never condem someone of their actions when even if you're in the crossfirebecause you, yourself don't live a life of perfection.
Don't burden a heart with unknown scars that you deem fit to place on them not knowing the weight of your words.
Don't promise them the world if your idea is to abandone them on the same planet you promised. Don't say kiss the faded scars that still bleed just because they don't bleed from your touch they bleed from your words.
Don't make me crave you love at night but lust over your mind during the day.
Don't claim me as yours when you were never mine. Don't love me when I'm broken and expect me to love you when I'm healed.
Don't save me because you are burdened,save me because you see me in the mist of darkness and chaos.
Don't watch me leave when you know you could have pulled me back.
Don't think I hate you ,when I wasn't born to hate. Don't love me in the dark while I love you all day.  Don't love me half, love me whole. D
on't be burdened by the past when the future is so bright.
Learn to let yourself heal from everything you hide, you deserve healing and happiness even if you feel like you don't
You gonna be okay even if it's not today, it will be someday.

My last words to this chapter is forgive them and forgive yourself babe🫂❤️‍🩹 you're okay, you're safe, and I love you


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