Chapter 67

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Aiden Pov

I carried her in my arms as we left the mansion I finally have my sister back though I feared the loss of the progress we had been making but this time it's gonna be different. I'd rather die in a continuous loop than see her hurt again.

We all drove home even the girl that I still didn't know her name. Wyatt walked to the kitchen to make her something to eat when she woke up . I walked her up in my arms to her room taking off my shoes as I layed her in bed and I stayed with her.

"No one will ever hurt you again I swear"

Josie Pov

************************************************************ Entering Dream State

"Well well if it isn't the school slut"Fiona's screeched with her posie laughing behind her.

"Can I help you Fiona?" I sighed trying not to let my nerves get to me

"Me why would I need the help of an orphan and since when do you talk back do you need another lesson bitch" they laughed as a small crowned was slowly forming.

My eyes filled with tears but I wouldn't cry and I wouldn't let them get the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"I'm s-sor-" I felt a sharp slap on my cheek.

She pushed me into the lockers as my head hit the lockers causing me to groan, making me fall to the ground.

I already got a beating from Clark and now even at school I can't get a fucking break.

Before I could say anything she kicked me in my stomach with her heel multiple times she was only satisfied when she saw me puke blood.

"You will never, never speak to me like you're above me, I will always be on top, I will always be better than you."

"No one will ever love someone like you, you really think with all those stomach roles someone will actually take interest in you?"

"P-please leave m-me a-alone"

"Don't talk to me whore you're just a problem wherever you go I hope you die"she spat onto my face before leaving me bloodied.

No one helped me no one cared enough to help.

I pushed myself up and walked/semi crawled to the nurses office.

Nurse Emily saw me and she ran to help me to walk to the bed

"Sweetheart this isn't bullying it's abuse" she said as she fetched the first aid kit.

"I'm f-fine I just fell down the stairs"

"I know how someone who fell down the stairs looks like. Please tell someone before you lose your life over this"

"I'll be fine promise" she was done helping me clean up as she bandaged me. 

6 hours later - Afterschool

I limped out of the school building but I can never catch a break can I. I felt an arm drag me into the alley way.

Before I could even see who it was I was punched in the nose. I looked up to see it none other than Fiona's boyfriend Ricky.

"Hey whore did you miss me I heard you slapped my girlfriend and for that I'll teach you a fucking lesson not to ever lay your hands on my girl?"

He started punching me relentlessly



Please stop

It hurts




Josie wake up

************************************************************ End of Dream State

Hearing someone else's voice pulling me out of my nightmare. I finally opened my eyes as I felt Aiden's arms around me.

"I'm sorry"the only words that left my lips, I utterly felt like a burden having to need someone around me constantly he also has a life.

"Never apologize, Josie you're my baby sister I'll take care of you til you grow old with 50 cats" that made me giggle a bit

"Wheres my husband?"I asked with a small smile

"Why would you need one of those? Men are stupid anyway"

I hugged him back with a soft smile on my face. The door opened as Wyatt walked in with a plate if bacon and eggs.

"Hey Jay I made something to eat for you" he placed the food infront of me and I just looked at it yes it looked good but I couldn't even think about stomaching it down.

"T-thanks Wyatt but I'm not really that hungry"

"Are you sure?"He looked at me skeptically but didn't push.

"Okay I'll just put it away and I'll save it for you you can have some later or I'll cook something else" I dreaded the idea of consuming food but I nodded either way.

"I'm gonna go shower yea? I'll be back in a few"

"Can you bring me back your hoodie?"he smiled and nodded as he left my room. Wyatt sat down on the bedside me.

"Are you okay..?"he asked with his eyes on me

"No but I'll get there"he came close to me wrapping his arms around me.

I was still at first but then I hugged him letting him pull me into his warmth.

"Josie if you-"

"I'm fine Wyatt, I'll be okay I just need time I'm home now so I can work on healing" I told him, knowing he's words already.

"If you say so sis and I'm sorry I have to go, I'm having slightly troubles with my boyfriend and he a but upset he hasn't seen me in a while. " I nodded hugging him for the last time.

"Go, go,  hopefully I can meet him soon. Does he make you happy" as soon as I asked this question he was hesitant

"the ..happiest I've ever been"he sounded like he was lying to me but I wouldn't push the topic too much.

"If anything wasn't right you'd tell me right? Or at least talk to someone"he shyly nodded hugging me one last time

"I'll see you later Sis " and with that he stood up and left.

And I was left alone, alone with my thoughts and I sank into the emotions of numbness.

No matter where I am or who I'm with I just feel utterly alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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