Chapter 61

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Trigger warning: murder

Aiden Pov

My very own little sister holds the highest title in the mafia world and she doesn't even know it. She's is badass. I know she's going to be an amazing leader though she doesn't feel like she would be I know she had amazing potential.

We all kinda just sat around the table in stunned silence that was shocking until we saw our father shed a tear, and then another, oh he was crying...who knew he could do that. I mean of course it's okay for men to cry but you'd think the man who use to preach on how we shouldn't cry would be because he didn't do the same.

"I'm so sorry for everything I should have been a better father , I should have been stronger for all of you, I should have been there I'm so sorry she made me do, I never wanted any of this. "

Does he need some water?

"What do you mean it was your fault?"Wyatt asked him while looking sternly at him.

"A few years ago I made a horrible decision and it's been haunting me my entire life. When I met you mother I was young and reckless and I loved life like any other rich kid. But then I met your mother and I was infactuated by her I mean she was beautiful, smart, cunning and head strong. Til I found out she was in the mafia it made me want her more but my father didn't approve of her not because she was in the mafia but due to get reputation infact he had a good relationship with your grandfather at the time. And word had been going around of random killings and everyone suspected. She had moved here 2 months and in those 2 months almost every mafia lord had lost shipment and faced a decrease in the amount of people working for them. "

"Okay so you and mom had a fairytale love story what about it? "

"Could you just let me finish?"

"Go on"

"As I was saying, the amount of bodies that kept showing up was ridiculous it wasn't even the higher ups it was all the workers in that way the was a shortage of members. Until it the kill scale gradually led up to right hand men and Don's. My father, your grandfather told me it who it was bit I didn't listen I was infactuated by your mother.

She was beautiful smart and cunning, she always got what she wanted.
We'd been together for a while but I knew I wanted to marry her and I asked for her hand in marriage.

And she said no because I wasn't the Capo. And that the head of our mafia would be lead by a woman when there a man in the family, she believed I wasn't man enough and I believed her to some extent.

But she told me if I killed my sister is be capo and she'd marry me. I couldn't believe what she said, she laughed it off and told me it was a joke..Things were good for a while until my entire family was involved in a car accident, on the day me and your mother spent the night together expect I slept all day and woke up late. Your mom told me everything would fall into place and I was so tired and sleepy that I just let it go and fell back asleep.

The next morning I woke up and I noticed I had multiple calls from my uncle who was my dad's right hand man and he broke the new that I was an orphan. I broke down and cried and your mother comforted me for hours when I finally calmed down she said yes yes I'll marry you Capo. I didn't think of it at the time I was hurting and she seemed to take the pain away

. She encouraged me to take over the mafia and the  business immediately in which it made people think I was involved in their murder. It didn't help that she announced we were in engaged to be Wed. And soon after the charges were dropped when no evidence of my involvement was found.

Things were going really well between us, really really well. Til I heard rumours she was cheating on me and we got into arguments and she wasn't winning or getting her way so she claimed I hit her. I didn't I just wanted the truth. She told me if I dared to ask for a divorce she'd ruin my reputation and life.

Even after everything she said and did I still loved her, I still wanted to see her happy and as soon as she fell pregnant I was overjoyed. Though around the 4th kid I really wanted a girl. But I wasn't really around I was out on business when I caught her with a man. She begged and pleaded with me not to leave her and I didn't said she wouldn't do it again she was intoxicated and stupid.

She told me she was pregnant with a girl and I felt like I was stabbed with a knife covered in acid. I didn't believe the kid was mine and she told me that the kid wasn't mine and that her father wanted her so I agreed for her to be sent away. But nothing ever felt right about the decision.

She got drunk a lot after giving birth admitting that she planned the hit on my family, including that Jo was my daughter and all I felt was guilt.

I felt stuck on why would she ever do that I struggled because it felt like grieving all over again. That's around the time I got distant with you boys I became a bitter old man.

Around the time when she left me she knew I still loved her though she'd hurt me she told me she knew where joise was and she made me send her money to raise Josie.

She sent me out in odd jobs all over the country she didn't want me near you guys she threatened all of you if I didn't comply. So I watched you guys from a distance and I pretended to come back to get things

I hated myself for years and when Josie was confirmed to be my daughter I felt worse so I took it out on you guys everytime I was gone instead of showing you my love or affection. And I apologize. "

"Damn bridal issues"Elliot said seemingly not to realise he said it out loud.

We all had a slight laugh yes we were neglected but to some point we don't care anymore.

Thank you all for reading 💕😭Omg 300k reads!!!!!!!you guys are amazing 🧸🥺🩷I love you all do much


PS no it's not edited 💀😭💋

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