Chapter 20

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Josie Pov

"You better fucking play along or else I'll have you dead daughter or not" Mason whispered in my ear as I shakily hugged him back.

"How was school Baby girl" he asked with the fakest smile I have ever seen.

I wondered why he was acting this way but then I saw it there she was.

Sitting on the couch as she watched us Ms Thea my social Worker. She was as beautiful as the first day that I met her.

Mason let me go as I ignored his fake concern of a question I couldn't care less of this threat. I went to hug her and it felt so good seeing her.

"I see your doing well Josephine how's the new home"

"It's.." I heard mason cough suddenly.

For a Mafia boss you'd think her be more careful and calm but no he was just a nervous Reck which made me wonder why.

"Its Good I'm happy and I'm learning a lot about my family'

"That's good dear can I see your room"

"Sure it's upstairs we can go together"

Just as I walked upstairs taking the first time mason coughed as he pulled me aside to "talk" and he gave Ms Thea the directions to my room.

"Can I help you" I questioned him as he kept dragging me to the kitchen.

"You've got to learn to close the trap you call a mouth You will not disrespect me in my house am I clear. "I pulled away from his grip stumbling back a bit 

"Respect is earned not given you keep thinking everyone respect you how wrong could you be look up the difference between respect and Fear"

"Many strong man have cowered in fear and knelt down in my presence and you your nothing but a little girl acting out on daddy issues" He's cold eyes bored into me as if he was looking for something.

"I will not be defined by your words I am a strong woman and it shows but your character shows nothing but a weak pathetic man with no morals in sight but then what can I expect from a man who runs away from the responsibility of looking after his own children"

And with that I walked away the longer I was around him the more my anger rised I went upstairs to find Thea sitting on my bed she looked so happy.

"I'm so glad that you finally found a good home Josephine" I sat beside her wondering if only she knew.

"Yea... They're great " even lying about them too be good made me want to throw up.

"So what have you been up too since you've been here or have you met anyone special" she playfully wiggled her eyebrows.

"Well there is someone"I knew that I could trust Thea so I told her about the person who's been on my mind every second of the day.

"Tell me all about him" I went into the walking closet as I changed while I talked to her.

"Well he's name is Jasper and he's been amazing to me since I met him. He's so understanding and protective I swear each time I see him I melt on the spot not just cause he's hot but because of his personality . I just think he's an amazing friend" I walked about wearing my usual sweats pants and hoodie since it was pretty cold.


"Yes that's what friends do "I knew I hadn't had friends much or any but still I was Greatful enough that Jasper even wanted to get to know me.

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