Chapter 58

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Trigger warning: stabbing, poisoning, hot british man😭

Vincents pov

"Okay so the August that was shit was an imposter and the real August is in hospital recovering from the torture his been in for who knows how long and Josie is in a crazy man's clutches. Elliot was kidnapped because he found out August was an imposter and Aiden was just kidnapped for fun"

"Yup that's about it " Elliot said no casually.

"I need coffee " I walked to the coffee machine pouring myself a cup while trying to register how so many times could go wrong unnoticed.

The rest of them sat around the table most of them were zoned out either way.

"I think our main focus should be getting Josie back" Aiden pointed out.

"True but we don't know who Jasper is working with? There's someone who has to be incharge of this cooperation. Jasper is the brawn so who's the brain"

The doors opened and in walked in the last person we thought would be here our grandfather, well and dad walked in behind like a scared Lil kid.

"Where's my granddaughter" his voice boomed in the silent room

"Well the thing about that"I looked to face the guys and they weren't at the table anymore.

The hell?

"Father can explain"I turned to look at the man who looked like I sent him to his death after I said that.

"Well I'm waiting and you boys get out from under the table " he sat down on one of the empty chairs and everyone sat back down normally in their seats.

"Josephine was taken by the King of souls"dad said with his voice trembling.

"Why was my granddaughter taken by a mere punk he's no king he's a peanut in a crowd of hungry lions. I sent you out here to make sure my granddaughter was safe and secure and I come back to find out she isn't here"

"Well it was more of a forced marriage agreement than kidnapping" I added as both the men looked at me in disbelief.

My grandfather took the fork the pen on the table and stabbed dad's leg with it he didn't even need to look for him to aim. Father screamed out in pain as he clutched onto the bleeding leg.

"Why didn't you mention this before I brought him here" dad gritted his teeth.

"You didn't ask " Elliot and the rest shrugged.

"She can't marry him"grandfather breathed a heavy sigh

"Well we don't want her too get married out of force too but we don't even know where she is"

"No as in she can't marry him or else that Little squashmellow would be the new don of all three cartel's."

"What do you mean"

"The rightful heir of the Italian Mafia and The Russian Mafia is Josephine Rosea Hunter. "

Josie Pov

It's 7:54 I can finally make my way up with his food I knocked on the door before walking inside as I placed the food on the side and I lightly tapped him awake. He pulled me with a lot of force on the bed making me gasp as I gave him my most fearful tearstained look.

"Sorry I just wanted to give you breakfast"I hiccuped through my words a few times.

"No sorry I didn't mean to do that Josie I would never hurt you I swear." His words felt so last Tuesday. He almost sounded normal for once.


"Of course I never really planned for things to go like this but she- actually doesn't matter"

"You can trust me Jasper,...were partners aren't we you said it yourself we love each other right? Plus I'm learning to love you everyday yes you have your rough edges but I'm love isn't about perfection it's about all those imperfections that make you the amazing person that you and I would never judge that. "

Barf literally

"You really wouldn't judge me even if I told you everything " he finally let me go and sat up on the bed.

"Never , love doesn't judge or condem it grows and nurtures"

"Your perfect Josie. " I sat on his lap while slowly feeding him.

"Take your time babe I'll be here with you every step of the way."

He finished the entire plate and hugged me around my waist I placed the plate back on the side of his bedside table as I cuddle in his arms he got comfortable, he got soft, men have a thus tendency of becoming weak.

Just like I want him to be.

I ran my hands through his hair cupping his face with my hand I pulled him in for a kiss. He closed his eyes as he kissed me back my other hand slide to the side of my thigh as I pulled the syringe out there. My hands wrapped around his neck as I looked at him

"I love you" he said his eyes filled with so much admiration.

"Aww thank you I'd love me too" I said as I stabbed that thing straight into his neck.

Didn't take long before he went limp in my arms so I just pushed him off.

"Pathetic"I took out the second syringe and gave him a double dose this should be enough to keep him down until stage 3.

Well time for the hard part dragging him to the basement cellars. Dragging his body down to the cellars was a workout why the hell is he so damn heavy.

45 minutes later

"I knew I should have gotten someone else to do this "finally getting to the basement I opened the doors and dragged him in the first cell I could find.

"I see you've been busy" the cute doctor voice came out I almost forgot he was here.

"Just getting my daily work out in" I locked Jasper's doors and went to take a seat near the drs cell.

"What do you want from me" I swear guys with English accents make me melt.

"Nothing much just your loyalty I mean we could even be friends you'd be indebted to me because there's isn't much you can offer me now or is there"He seemed to almost about it

"And why would I trust you plus, I could offer you a therapy session you look like you need one." I stood up and walked to the doors slowly unlocking him. Damn he's tall but height is nothing to me.

"I don't need healing i want revenge. Why would you trust me I'm literally letting you escape rn by your own free will." He towerd over me his green eyes piercing through mine.

"You have my loyalty darling" he picked up my hand and kissed it before leaving.

"See you very soon love"

End of chapter ❤️‍🩹😭
I hope you guys enjoyed that one.
Thank you so much for the love and support.
😚This chapter was honestly me procrastinating my exam tomorrow but 😭still worth it.
Love you guys so much.
Moon kisses 💫
😭 Low-key in love with Minnie 🌈it's a secret though.
🤭Okay no I don't hate men 😭😭😭I just severely don't like them because they get on my nerves.
So to any male reader I love you🫂it's okay to be vulnerable it doesn't make you weak, most girls actually like that. Well at least I do.
And for my ladies 🤭I mean y'all are always gonna be the love of my life so 🧸slayyy.
❤️‍🩹You guys can ask me anything or suggest anything even if it's a character Q&A.
Anyway love you all my beautiful babies.


Oh BrotherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ