Chapter 57

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Trigger warning: man baby, suprise guest (wink wink;) and lastly again MAN BABY.

Josie POV

I walked with the plate pancakes that were shaped into little dinosaurs and had smily faces on the up the stairs until I reached the most oblivious big gold doors this mansion could offer.

I knocked on the doors twice until I heard a come on.

Come Joe you've got this

I saw him laying in satin sheets with satin PJs and a night light besides his bed. And this was the future mafia leader? I hope he rolls off that stupid bed and - let me not get ahead of myself.

"Good morning my .. King" lord knows it's hard acknowledging him as a human let alone a king.

King of insanity. (Massive eye roll) if y'all didn't notice.

"He sat up on the bed like a kid as I stepped closer to him I set the food on the side of his dresser and turned my back to leave.

"Did I say you could leave"

"My apologies Oh great one"

"That's your first strike but I'll pardon it makes sure it doesn't happen again. "

"Did you need me for anything else other than your breakfast, you know your chores are quite....time consuming I'd like to accomplish all of them like the ... amazing potential wife I hope to be"I think I almost threw up for a second there.

"Yes, who's going to feed me? And can you cut it into smaller pieces I choke easily" You have got to be fucking kidding me.

"Of course"I stepped closer to him cutting the stupid pancakes into smaller pieces before slowly feeding him

This took exactly 1 hour to complete because he had to chew 32 times before swallowing and to have a sip of water after each bite so that he stays hydrated. Once he finished his plate I was so set on leaving but I stood there waiting just in case.

"You can go now I'm going back to sleep being me is exhausting so I need my rest"I just smiled and left the princesses room what a drama queen.

I walked back to the kitchen utterly defeated. It's 5:12 am i went venturing around this mansion. Time to have my fun men and their pathetic egos will never seize to bore me. I walked around until I ended up in the cellars luckily there were no guards. I walked around hearing a lot of groaning noises. I walked closer to the sound seeing a guy tied up there.

"You look awful"I said as I stared at him. He was full of cuts and scares trying to escape the ties he was in.

"Sure because every guy you meet in a fucking cellar would look like prince charming" he rolled his eyes and just stayed staring at me.

"Why are you in here"

"And why should I tell you , you could just be a spy" I sat down criss cross and lightly giggled

"I'd make such a hot spy if I do say so myself. But unfortunately I'm being forced to marry the bobble head that probably put you hear. "

"I'm a doctor, he kidnapped me to help him out with fixing up the hostages he brings here and I told him I wouldn't. Turns out he really doesn't know what the word no means"

"What if I told you I could get you out of here only if you help me out"

"And why would I trust you"

"Because I'm about to show every cartel that I am my father's daughter"

Daddy issues have me on a chokehold

"And who are you exactly"

"I'm so glad you asked my name Josie Knight and I'm about to take the king if souls, very own soul" i continued talking to him about the plans we had ahead of us.

I found out that his name was Dr Sebastian Colemen.
He was cute but definitely not my type he's the I can fix her type. And you can't fix what isn't broken so we digress who needs a man anyway.

I rushed back to the kitchen and it was 5:43 so I went to my room and took a quick bath, brushing my teeth and changing into the same uniform. I went to the kitchen pantry where Minnie left me a small computer which was all I needed. I used it to slowly hack into this losers bank accounts and set it for every hour to withdraw $500000 every 4 hours.
Then secondly Is changing the camera feed to keep relaying in loops of the same day.

Finally I don't have to sneak around as much. Funny how I could have moved out a long time ago with the amount of money I have. Honestly I was just too lazy to do the paper work. I wanted the time and I move to go make his second break fast. Welcome to my cooking show and what I recommend is placing around 25 capsules of the strongest laxatives I could find in this house. I crushed them all up and put them in the eggs this should be enough right? Oh well.

The point is too keep him busy just for a few hours and to tire him I don't really need him ruining my plans so soon. Honestly yes let's just say everyone has taken me for granted for way too long and it's exhausting I wanted to binge gossip girl this weekend but noooo I just had to be taken for this stupid marriage thing.

I finished up the breakfast and put it in the microwave so I could go down to the pantry for a few minutes. I found minne in there getting out the Ingredients for lunch.

"Oh hey Josie I thought I could help on the meal prep for lunch" she smiled warmly at me.

Minne is the type of woman that you can't just ignore she's gorgeous her dyed lavender hairtied up in a messy bow is honestly the highlight of my life in the hell hole.

"No need, he's gonna be quite busy today. But I do need your help with something else."

"Jasper is honestly never busy he pretends to be but what's up"

"Today he's about to be. I need you to find the stuff they have been injecting me with like all of it. And you don't have to worry about the camera or even the back up ones and the spy one they have been disabled"

"Yes Ma'am"she smiled as she dropped the food and went out before she left she turned to me and smiled

"Thanks Jo" I just returned her smile and set off into phase two.

I wonder how much he loves his cars or if the cars are scratchable oh well time to find out.

End of chapter🖤
I really hope you enjoy it
Yes there's spelling mistakes probably but hey it's a semi double update. I'm writing my finals so my times is usually focused on that for now.
Okay so I realised Jasper's lastname is also Colemen but 😭I'm too lazy to change it no they aren't related or anything so let's just say Jasper's last name is shithead or Smith I don't know.
(Sometimes I think I'm funny)😭😭but anyway!!!!
Thank you all so much if you have any advice or anything you want a see let me know.
😚Love ya all so much. 🖤❤️‍🩹


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