Chapter 25

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Poppy was able to find camera hacking into them showing us a live video feed of where Josie was being taken to an old abonoded building that wasn't heavily guarded which was a good thing. She was soon dragged out of the car kicking and screaming being placed into what I think was a room. I heard her screams and cries the her fear that just pushed me to find her sooner she has been and will always be my first priority.

Me and my most trusted men left the house with weapons I'd kill anyone who even layed a finger and on my princesses head.

Luckily Josie never hung up on the call so I could hear everything that was being said and I wanted nothing other to hold her in my arms and assure her everything was okay.

I sent her a text hoping she was alone at the time as risky as it was I just needed to let her know that everything is going to be okay.

Call between Jasper and Josie...

Josie - J-jas...he's going to kill me i just know it or he's gonna take me back to that hell I won't survive again

Jasper - Princess calm down for me okay take a few deep breath

It killed me each second I was away from her but now it tore me apart knowing she wasn't safe or near me

Josie - What if he takes advantage of me again  I'm scared I wanna go home.

Jasper - Everything is going to be okay Princess you trust me right?

Josie - Yes but he's dangerous Ja-

Jasper - Then trust trust that I'll make him pay for everything he's done to you Principessa he won't ever hurt you again E questo è il mio cammino solenne   


(And that is my solemn oath)

Josie - I have to go he's coming back and if I don't make it out of here alive I want you too know that-

Jasper - You'll make it just trust me
Then you can tell me then alright.

Josie - I trust and believe in you

Call after they stopped talking

I put my phone in my pocket still on the call as we raided the abandoned house there were only 3 guys on guard. They were drugged with a handkerchief chloroform with that quickly Knocked them out in an instant.

Sure I'd kill them for trying to hurt my baby girl but who would I be if I didn't torture them a little just for fun sake.

It was an old two story house that was basically on its last leg I knew how unsafe that it could be being here any longer than we were supposed too.

We checked most of them room on the bottom floor only to find that they were just filled with pictures of joise since birth some of them were very very explicit but she was hurt so badly she looked half dead in most of these pictures the scars that filled her body were uncountable but she still managed to look gorgeous.

I took the upstairs route as my men stayed down keeping watching for any suspicious activity that was going around with an order to shoot on sight.

I heard the voice of my angel shouting at her apposed kidnapper.

Found you my little Angel just like I promised.

I pushed the door down to find a man or a mere boy standing over Josie with a large knife that he had used to slash it through her stomach 3 times and this infuriated me even more that she was hurt. Even in her weakened state while she was battling to stay conscious she was still fighting him off

Shooting the man in the leg I ran over to Her she was bleeding out really fast as she choked on her blood.

Tears I didn't know I was even shedding fell down my face as I pressed my thumb on her face.

"Y-you came to s-save me" she smiled as I held her in my arms closer to me as I picked her up running to the car I yelled at the car to drive to the hospital immediately

Her voice breaking as she spoke she breathing was getting weaker with tears rolling on the side of her face her skin only getting paler.

As I felt my World crash around me I couldn't lose her I needed her

"Of course I came to save you I told you I'd always protect you" she smiled and I felt like I was losing my voice the pool of blood only grew thicker

In this moment time just stopped I couldn't move normally I wouldn't care seeing blood or a body but I fell in love with her the Moment I saw her I knew she was the one to be the Queen to my Kingdom but I never imagined that this how things would end up.

"J-jasper" she kept taking deep breaths as her breathing got shallow

"Save your energy little Angel okay don't speak were gonna get you the help you need" I didn't care that I was crying right now.

Being taught from a young age to never have fear of anything in this moment I was terrified more than anything.

"N-no Jasper I know I'm going to die but I'm okay with it I've lived my entire life in pain and when I met you... I finally found the happiness I was dreaming for since... I was a child thank you so much for everything. Look under my bed in the shoe box there's a letter for you and there's a diary make sure no one finds it other than you." she was slowly starting to close her eyes.

"No your going to make it Mi amor please I can't lose you before I could tell you that I love you please" I hugged her body closer to him I couldn't let go I wouldn't she was and is my one and only.

"I love yo-" we finally got to the hospital even though I was covered in blood I ran in there as I shouted for help.

She was placed on the stretcher Being taken away I felt like I couldn't breath nurses tried calming me down but I needed her she had to know I was there and I was still going to protect her

That's when I felt a prick on my neck as I slowly went down my World started getting dark my last thoughts was her beautiful smile.

I'm sorry I failed you Angel I kept one promise yet broke another.

End of chapter 💗

Thank you for reading
Merry Christmas to everyone and Happy Boxing Day
Have a good day or night 😊

- L

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