Chapter 9

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Vincent's pov

I layed in bed with Valeria arms around me as her little snores made me smile at how much I loved her.

Pushing a few strands of hair from her face to see her perfectly soft pink plump lips and her round angelic face and cute small nose.

She's not like any other girl that I've ever met or dated she's different.

"Are you just gonna keep staring at me like a creep" Her small voice pulled me put of my thoughts.

"Well it's not my fault that I'm sleeping next to an angel"I kissed her head holding her close to me.

"Oh shut it"she giggled lightly slapping my chest and leaving the bed.

"Where are you going lets just sleep in late" i stood up from the bed wrapping my arms around her torso.

"Yeah well I have an early class to get too but first we need to talk "she turned around in my arms so she was facing me.

"Talk about what am I in trouble" i smriked softly pecking her lips.

"Well i want to know more about your sister and i want to meet her"

"No way no i won't let that happen" i let go of her shocked with her request.

" Why not"she crossed her arms around her chest

"Why would you want to meet her she's just a burdened brat" i mistakenly yelled at her.

"Okay you have to go"

"No Val I'm sorry loo-" i tried apologizing.

"Look Vincent I know you and your brothers have had it rough and tough but from the mere sound of your voice i can hear how much you don't know and how you don't even like your sister. Is that even okay"

I wasn't sure what to say but even in ny relationship the brat was ruining everything around me.

"Fine I'll take you to meet her later today" i sighed.

"Thank you but you still have to leave Marcus is gonna be back from Soccer Camp after 1 pm and i have to be here when he comes back"She kissed my cheek and walked to the bathroom.

"Fine I'll see you later"I kissed her cheek and watched her go into the bathroom.

I left her house and walked to my car which was in the drive way. 

My phone began ringing so checking who the caller was and to my luck it was Tiffany my ex.


"What do you want Tiffany " i huffed.

"Come on Vinny binny i miss you and you haven't been answering your phone for the past 6 month's  and I've tried tracking you come on we were great together"She whined.

She was a crazy lady who i know regret even meeting or sleeping with her.

"Look Tiffany I'm not interested I'm in a relationship"being the 9 time this month I've told her this how on earth does she keep finding my number.

"That's not what you were saying 6 months ago when you were with me" she giggled over the phone.

"What happened between us was a mistake that should have never happened" i tried justifying myself.

"I bet your little girlfriend wouldn't like finding out about us"she sneered.

"What do you want" i felt my anger rising

"I want you to date me instead"she said the most stupidest thing ever.

"Never I'm hanging up"

"If you dare hang up on me I'll make sure she doesn't live to see her own birthday and you know it Vince" she threatened.

"If you hurt a single hair on her head you'll live to regret it now what the fuck do you want"

"Fine i need your help"

"So you thought the best way to get any way of help was to threaten me what makes you think I'll agree to that"

"I'm not good in asking for help alright geez give me a break. There's information running around the mafia world about your mom"

"What do you know"

"I need your help first meet me at Dela Monte the restaurant near parksville at midnight and bring your brothers with you i need them there"

"Fine. We'll see you then"

Call ended...

Starting the car and driving back to the house to prepare for Valeria's visit and to meet tiffany especially if it's information on mom.

I got home in 20 minutes to spare. I walked into the kitchen to find Wyatt dancing and making a sandwhich.

"Yo Wyy" i screamed at the top of my voice.

"What the fuck dude"he dropped the cup he was using.

"My bad scaredy cat shouldn't you be at college or Work or something"

"I have afternoon classes and its my day off so i was just enjoying my own company." 

"Yea well we need to talk"

"Abut waht" he said eating his sandwich.

"Tiffany  called she said she has information on mom".

After a few good minutes of chocking on his food. 

"No Vincent she's manipulating you again and your falling for it okay Mom died she fucking died giving birth what will that information would it be."

"Even if its so Wyatt its worth hearing whether you like it or not"

"It's your choice but don't involve me" he said walking out of the room.

Going upstairs to the music room where mom used to work from time to time.

I sat down on the piano chair even though i couldn't play at all. No ones been in here in years we've all come to just avoiding it. 

We all miss her and none of us properly grieved we all focused on hating Josephine.

But why do i feel guilty about hating her?

If she wasn't born then she'd still be here.

I don't even understand how Aiden could even care about her.

So why this guilt.

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