Chapter 7: truth or truth

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Louis POV:

I can't believe that just happened. We where just talking and all of the sudden we where making out, but than of course when ever something is happening one of the other boys (mainly Niall) always interrupts.

"I'm going to cook something if anyone wants to help" Liam said

"I do! We should make pancakes!" Niall yelled

Let's just say we are lucky the house in not on fire. There was eggs in Niall's hair, Zayn slipped on milk, Liam dropped a plate on Harry's toe which than shattered on the floor but thank god he was fine. After I poured something, I don't even know what, and flames came shooting up Harry had to of course scream, 'Get out of my kitchen!' The food turned out ok. A little burnt but edible.

I headed up to my room for the night. The other boys where watching Grease but I didn't want to watch it. I was scrolling through Twitter looking at Larry Stylinson threads when Harry walked in. I quickly when to Instagram.

"I thought you where going to watch the movie?"

"No, I rather catch up with you. We haven't really had enough time to have a conversation yet."

"Ok, how should we do this?"

"Truth or Truth?"

"Ok that sounds good. Harry truth or truth?"

"I wonder which I should pick?" Harry said sarcastically

"Ok truth it is" I laughed, "Did you ever listen to Walls, or Miss You?"

"No, well kind of, I heard Miss You and I think Perfect Now on the radio. I just couldn't bring myself to listen to it after what I did."

"That makes sense. Ok your turn to ask me"

"Ok, Louis did you listen to HS1 and/or Fine Line"

"I heard From the Dining Table because Niall told me to listen to it and so Miss You was I guess kind of a answer to that. Umm, Sweet Creature, because I may or may not have watched your carpool karaoke with James. And TPWK, Falling and Watermelon Sugar."

"Wow, that's a lot more than what I did." He said laughing, "Ok you ask me now"

"Umm, did you ever watch any interviews of me?"

"I saw the iPhone conspiracy one, and I rewatched when we got asked about the rainbow bear because I needed to see how not the react when they ask about us-" he got cut off by me snorting, "What so funny!"

"It's just, 'Is the song about Taylor?'" I said in my interviewer voice, "'No' 'Is the song about Louis?' 'I never umm want to tell anyone what a song is about umm they can believe what they want to umm believe but umm I would umm lean towards umm no' such a great answer Harry"

"Wow you really called me out there. And how is it you know exactly what I said?"

"Well for the first probably year, after we broke up I watched a lot of interviews of you and Larry videos"

"Really? Which ones?"

"Celebrity's being dark Larry's, Larry proof antis can't explain, stuff like that."

"Who do you think the darkest Larrie is?"

"Niall, but James as a close second"

"Definitely, if Grease wasn't playing right I bet Niall would be recording our conversation"

"Oh ya, once I took his phone to call my phone because I lost it and it opened to photo's and he had a whole Larry Stylinson album!"

"Of course he did. I'm going to go to bed now I think, I'm pretty tired."

"Ok good night Hazza"

"Night Lou."

I texted Niall:

To Niall🥔: We just played truth or truth, I think it went well, we caught up a lot

From Niall🥔: good, now shhh they are singing now, gn

To Niall🥔: night

I went to bed that night happy for once with Miss You stuck in my head feet away from the person that song is about.


Hey I don't even know what this is I just wanted to write something.
Please comment to tell let me what you think.

Word count: 681

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