Chapter 28: stylists

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Louis POV:

The next morning we woke up from the alarm at 7:30 and we went downstairs to get some breakfast. We already had most of our stuff packed up so we didn't really have to do anything. Lottie got everyone up and we all said our goodbyes before we left.

"Lou you better promise to call regularly ok?" Daisy said


Then we left to go back to London so we could make it on time for the test. Niall texted me and confirmed the test was pushed back a little so that was good.

Me and Harry stopped at Taco Bell to get some food about half way through our drive.

"Lou there is like 10 different people recording us right now."

"Umm hi do you think we could take a picture?" A fan came up and asked

"Oh I'm sorry love not today we don't really want to draw to much attention." I responded

"Oh that's ok, thank you for everything you've done though." She responded politely

"Oh your welcome love, thank you for your support." Harry said

We went to walk out not wanting to draw anymore attention to us when a man, that girls father, screamed something at us.

"You two are assholes!" He yelled, "How dare you talk to my daughter like that! She has dedicated her life to you, trust me I have to listen to her talk about it all day and you go and reject her picture."

"Dad, please stop! They were nice, stop. I'm so sorry." She protested

"Hey! We were very nice to your daughter and we appreciate her very much but I bet she does not want to creating this scene. And you know what fu-"

"Ok Lou let's go." Harry said dragging me out before I said anything I would get in trouble for.

"Wow some people." I said once we were back in the car

"That is going to be everywhere we are screwed. Hopefully they won't see us as the bad guys though. I think she was filming it anyway so they will see we didn't say anything bad."

"Let's just get back to the boys."


   "Hey!" Harry said walking in with me in the room were Niall Liam and zany were hanging out.

     "Hi I saw a video of you guys at Taco Bell, what happened there?" Liam asked

     "Oh just a fan, who was very polite may I add, we said we couldn't take a picture because we didn't really want to be seen, we'll look how that went. Anyway after we said no she walked away and her dad was like pissed I guess started screaming."

     "Ruby is going to be pissed" Niall said, "The covid people should be coming in about 10 minutes. Anyway how was your family?"

     "They are good, very good to see them."

Sure enough about 10 minutes later two people came in with big N-95 masks along with Ruby who did not look happy.

     "Ok here they are let's get this over with then I need to have a conversation with them."

Then the people giving the tests came over one by one and stuck the tester stick thing way to deep into your nose. That thing freaking hurt. Once we were done they told us the results would be back within the next 12-15 hours than they left and Ruby sat us down.

     "Ok let's chat. So the Taco Bell video situation. It's not terrible, in the video with the fan you can tell you were very nice and that dude overreacted but I do want to you do something. Just post maybe on instagram, maybe even you story and just post a picture with your family and say like, 'exhausted from driving but great to see my family again'."

So I took her almost exact words and put that in my story

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So I took her almost exact words and put that in my story.

For the rest of that day we hung out in our hotel room and played games. Ruby called around 10 p.m to tell us we all tested negative.

"Could you believe what would happen if one of us was positive? That would suck." Zayn said

"Ya that would. Omg guys how are they going to fit us in that car tomorrow? Last time we did it we only had 4 people so we had the perfect amount of room" Niall exclaimed

"Idk they will have to come up with something. I think some other people have done it."

     "I'm going to head back to our room, it's been a long day." Harry said standing up

     "I'm coming too," I said, "See you tomorrow boys."

     "Oh Ruby said to set a alarm for 8 by the way."

     "Ok. Night boys"

    "I think I'm just going to go straight to bed." Harry said once we were in our own room, "What am I going to wear tomorrow? Are we like going casual or? I set some of my ideas of outfits to my stylist so hopefully he got them."

"I would go more casual when we film carpool karaoke than go for like a suit for the actual interview." I suggested, "I'll probably wear the like same thing, I'll figure it out later."

"Night Lou, love you"

"Love you"


The next morning our alarm woke us up at 8 and I threw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt while Harry put on some loose ripped jeans and a shirt. We all met down stairs for breakfast and Ruby walked in about 5 minutes later.

"Ok boys eat fast than we have to get to the studio to meet James. There are some outfits you can choose from there, pick two, one for the interview and one for the game. One causal and one fancy-ish. Ok?"

"Ha Harry see I was exactly right!"

"Right for what?" Niall asked

"The clothes, I said the same thing."


"Oh also boys you will also be singing a song on the show but that will be later tonight to give you some time to get ready."

"What song?"

"I was going to let you choose. I was thinking a Made in the A.M. song but than Zayn wouldn't have a part."

"Ok we will figure it out."

Once we were there Harry directed us over to his stylist, Harry Lambert, who has lots of suits and outfits with him.

    "Guys this is Harry Lambert. I don't remember if you guys have met him but anyway here is is with clothes."

    "Hi! So here is your selection of clothes to pick from."

Harry picked first a suit that had like 4 different shades of green and the jeans he was already wearing with a sweater. I picked the sweatpants I was already wearing and a graphic shirt for the car and a plaid shirt and jeans for the interview. Niall got a grey suit and jeans and a t-shirt, Zayn a all black suit and again jeans and a shirt. Liam picked a light blue suit and jeans and a jean jacket with a white shirt under it.

We got all of our hair and makeup ready and than went to go meet up with James.

Authors notes:


I literally had to edit Harry into that picture with Louis family but idk I don't think it looks as bad as I could lolllll

Word count:1233

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