Chapter 25: day 14

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Louis POV:
Early the next day

The next morning was completely insane. Liam was running around on the phone with Ruby talking about us flying to London while yelling at us to get packed. Zayn was on the phone with the hotel trying to get the, to deliver their stuff and kept yelling, 'my hair supplies'. After a 10 minute argument he finally got them to deliver the suitcases to Liam's by the end of the day. Niall was on the phone with Paul and another person from our management at the same time trying to set up an interview for Paul. And me and Harry with nobody else to call and yell at we packed up the only stuff that was actually ours at Liam's (sneaking in a couple of his shirts I liked).

      "Are you excited go to London tomorrow?" Harry said folding a shirt and placing it in the suitcase

     "Ya, I haven't been there in like 6 months. Maybe we can stop over in Doncaster to see my family, I miss them so much."

"London is like my favorite place, it's like LA is work but London is my home. And yes we should see your family! Do you think they will be cool with seeing me? Even after everything that happened?"

"Oh my god 1000%. They absolutely adore you."

"No Ruby, you don't understand, we can't leave the house today!" We heard Liam yell from the hallway, "This is our last day of quarantine, yes I know you want us to fly over there today but we can't! Plus we also don't have Harry or Zayns suitcases!"

"Clam down Lima," I said walking out and talking the phone from him, "Hey luv it's Louis, yes I know you want us to leave but we still have to isolate today, but we promise we will be out of the house as early as you want us tomorrow. Security will arrive at 8:45? Ok we will be there and ready. Ok luv take a deep breath, we will be there. Bye see you tomorrow."

    "Wow ok that was a lot," Liam started, "But anyway make sure you are all packed and stuff set up for tomorrow. What else do we need to do today to get ready?"

     "Party?" Niall suggested

    "Umm probably not considering it's 11:00 in the morning and we have a really busy few weeks ahead of us." Liam said

     "Oh come on Liam, our last thing of quarantine."

      "Although we probably will be quarantined like 100 more times during this pandemic." Harry added

      "Please liam" Niall said

      "I'm going to do it anyway," Zayn said, "Louis come help me get the bottles."

      "I'll order Nando's!" Niall shouted

For the next hour we had a complete blast, laughing about things we did during the band and these last two weeks. We had a great time.

     "I'm going live on insta guys!" Zayn shouted, "hey y'all!"

     "It is so crazy that 100,000 people joined the live in one second." I said

     "Guess what! Today is our last day of quarantine! We are free tomorrow!"

     "And we will all be flying to London! New announcements soon?" Harry suggested, "We have had so much fun these past few weeks!"

    "Cheers mate!" I said holding up my glass, "and getting to see and know everyone again!"

"Let's answer a couple questions!" Niall said

"This one says, 'Are you working in any new music?'" Liam read, "Umm a little, most of us had some some stuff we were working on before we decided to get back together."

"Oh look at this one, what a great question," I said, "When you planned your hangout were you planning to get the band back together? And if not when did u decide to?' Umm no we did not plan it we just went to go hangout and ended up getting quarantined obviously and just felt like it was the right time. I think it was like after we finished filming the YouTube video and Niall suggested it and we all agreed so we partied all night."

   "I think when Niall first suggested it I said something like, 'I actually like being solo' or something but it was obviously a joke." Zayn said

   "Ok I think that should be it, we have some more stuff to do before we fly out tomorrow." Liam said

    "And remember, wear a mask if you have to go in public! Stay safe everyone!" Harry said and turned off the live.

For the rest of the day we hung out, finished packing and slept. Around 4:00 Harry and Zayn's suitcases were dropped off. We turned on a movie around 8:00 and Zayn, Liam and Niall were all asleep by 9:00. Me and Harry were cuddling on the couch, arms around each other.

    "Hey" He whispered

    "Hi" I responded

    "Oops" he said and laughed, "I'm going to miss doing stuff like this every day, being lazy and stuff but I'm excited to begin the next chapter of our life's with the band and with you."

    "Me too Haz."

    "Do you ever imagine what would have happened if we didn't break up, if the band didn't break up? How different things would have gone?"

    "I do sometimes but than I push that out of my head because it didn't happen, and you and me found each other again and we found the rest of the boys again. I'm so happy right now I don't want to think about that." I said

   "Your right. I missed you so much Lou. I love you." Harry said

    "I love you too, so much." I responded and we laid like that for the rest of the night but we had to get up the next morning.

Authors notes:

Well they are finally out of quarantine! Only took me a year to get to this point.

Don't worry the book is not ending although things will probably be different like not having one day in a chapter or two like putting multiple days in one chapter or something idk.  I have some ideas for the chapters coming up and I'm excited to write them so if I have time I will write later this week!

Thanks for all the support!
Word count: 1052


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