Chapter 17: Talking

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Louis POV
Later that day:

"Does anyone want to workout with me?" Liam asked as he walked in with his headphones in his hand.

"I'll come with you." Harry said, "Anyone else?"

"No thank you. But I think it's it's really cool that you have a gym in your house." I said

"Lou, I have a gym too" Harry said

"Same" Niall added

"Well good for you."

"I also have a disco ball room and pink stairs." Harry said

"Yes Harry we've all seen your pink stairs." Liam said and winked at me.

"Shhhh Payno, anyway when did you get a disco ball room?"

"I don't know. A year?" He said with generally no idea.


We had Mac and Cheese for dinner and for once we didn't watch a movie we talked about tour, memories from our 1D days and other stuff.

   "Oh!" Niall said popping up from his seat, "I keep forgetting to ask you this. Does anyone know what day of the quarantine we are on?"

    "I'm pretty sure it is day 9 of 14."

"Ok, I couldn't remember."

"Ok I'm bored of talking now does anyone want to watch anything?" Zayn said

"How about the two and half hour Larry Marathon?" Liam said as a joke.

"Sure!" Liam said, "What's funny to me is that you two are supposed to act like there is nothing going on between you guys but yet there is a 2 and half hour-"

"I get it Liam!" Harry said cutting Liam off, "We are loud!"

When it was over Niall was crying, I could see tears in Liam's eyes and I think Harry was sad too.

The next day at 8:36 AM:

I rolled over to look at the clock for a second and apparently we all forgot to set a alarm for the meeting. I just out of the bed and ran over to Harry's bed to shake him awake.

"We have a meeting in 25 minutes! Get up!"

I ran around the house getting everyone up. Surprisingly everyone got out of bed quickly and got ready. At 9:00 we all sat by the computer and logged in to the Zoom call.


Sorry I have not updated in like a month. I was at camp then on vacation. I start school next week so I'll try to update when I can. And hopefully the next chapter will be longer.

And thank you so much for 1.15K reads! I thought this would get like 10 so thank you!

Word count: 423

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