Chapter 32: meetings

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Louis POV:

The next morning we got up and got ready for Jimmy Fallon. We were rushed out of the hotel by Paul and our other body guards as we were running a little late. Niall woke up late and than blamed it on us because he was up all night mad that we went to the pool without him.

We got in the car and our driver told us we had a hour drive to the studio. I'm not really sure why they booked us a hotel so far away but whatever at least we got to sleep on the way there as everyone was still half asleep. I rested my head on Harry shoulder and closed my eyes.



"Have you ever watched Gilmore Girls?" Harry asked

"What kind of question is that," I said sitting up, "Harry how do these things come to your mind?"

"I don't know I was just thinking about tv shows to watch tonight. And now answer my question."

"I mean I'm sure I've seen a few episodes of it."

"Do you want to watch it?"

"Sure I guess."

"Shut up" Zayn mumbled from his sleep.

Once we got to the studio we got ready in our dressing rooms, Harry wearing a a yellow floral blouse and me a green oversized T-shirt and black jeans. The show was scheduled to start at 7:30pm and it was currently 11am. I never understood why they made us get to the studio so early.

Down town there was a few stores I wanted to go into but Ruby had said we had to stay low so Niall and Paul ended up coming with me. We saw a new fans and one even asked why Harry wasn't with me which I responded that he was taking a nap back at the studio. The weather outside was so nice now that it was the beginning of May, I can't believe it was less than a month ago that Liam sent that text to us. While we were in Nordstrom Rack Harry called me.

"Everything alright H?"

"Ya, when are you going to be back?" He responded

"Umm maybe a hour? Why did you call?"

"I was just bored, I can't believe she made me stay here alone."

"Your not alone H, Liam and Zayn are there right? We'll be back soon ok? I love you, your my Sun."

"I love you too. Oh and no, Zayn went to see Gigi, but ya I guess Liam is here, I'm should go see if he wants to write a song with me."

"That's a great idea, I'll see you soon."

"The song is going to be about you, you and me, and our late nights together, like last night."

"Ok you go do that. Love you"

"Love you too, bye" Harry said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Niall asked

"Who do you think it was? How many people do I call H, my Sun and say I love you to and million times?" I answered sarcastically


We got on the show around 7:30 for our interview. Harry sat the closest to Jimmy with Niall on his right, me next to Niall and Liam and Zayn on the other side of him. Jimmy asked us pretty much the same questions as we get on the other shows along with one about a record player or something.

After we finished up with the interview Jimmy told us there was a small party going on down the road at one of his friends houses and we were invited. At first we declined because of covid but he said everyone was required to have a negative test to go and we had just got tested that morning so we were ok.

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