Last 18. Uncountable Blessings

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After five years,
Life has been a rollercoaster for everyone. There has been ups and down but it kept going, some misunderstandings and some sorrows. Some people have left from this life but some new people entered as blessing and they brought happiness with them.

Life brings us as many joyful moments as it does downfalls, and although there are days we wish there was a manual to follow, it simply wouldn’t be the same without the spontaneity. The journey of life may not become easier as we grow older, but we do seem to understand it better as our perspectives evolve.

In Malhotra mansion,
Anika was working in the kitchen with her servants. She was instructing them for what to make in today's dinner party. She hosted a dinner for everyone in her house. Anika was really happy with her life and destiny, she stopped complaining about her past and now she only focused to make her future better.

Anika's p.o.v.
Today I'm soo happy and satisfied with my life. It has given me a hard time but now I'm being rewarded for my patience by my God. He finally listened to my prayers and gave me a family that I will cherish my whole life. I can't thank my God enough for his uncountable blessings upon me and my family.

Anika's thought process was broken by a giggling sound, she turned back and saw her three year old son Aarav standing behind her and giggling while Dev was trying to catch him.

Anika: Aarav what are you doing?
Aarav: Mum look Dad can't catch me!(laughing)
Anika: but why are you running!
Dev: Anu don't worry! He is being a naughty boy. I got him all ready for the dinner party but he doesn't want me to tie his tie.
Anika: why Aarav?
Aarav: I want you to do it!(pouting cutely).
Anika: okay my little hero. Come here!

He came near her and she tied his tie. His kissed his mother's cheeks and run away while Dev smiled at his happy family. He came closer to Anika and hugged her tightly, she felt embarrassed because he hugged her in front of their servants.

Anika: Dev everyone is watching!(whisper)
Dev: let them! I'm your husband!
Anika: still!(she pouted)

Dev unwillingly broke the hug and pecked her lips. She got shy and turned away; Dev was shocked that his wife still feel shy after soo many years of their marriage.

Dev's p.o.v.
I feel blessed by having Anika by my side. Since I married her, my personal and professional life has been beautiful and outstanding. I thank the Almighty for giving me such a gem, I can't be thankful enough to my God. I really love her!

Dev and Anika were checking the last arrangements when Aarav came running to inform that his Om uncle and Gauri aunty came with their three year old daughter Omika, who was the same age of Aarav. Om and Gauri came inside and sat down while Omika left to play with Aarav.

Anika: how are you guys?
Gauri: we are good Di! How are you?
Anika: we are good!
Dev: you guys are punctual!(laughing)
Om: yeah, you know actually since me and Gauri shifted to our new house because of my work. We didn't have time to meet anyone so now we are taking time out of our busy schedule to meet everyone.
Dev: that's great!
Anika: Where are Mum and Dad? And Ranvir and Priyanka?
Gauri: Even Rudra and Bhavya aren't here yet.
Dev: Anu I have talked to them. They are coming in few minutes.

In these years many things have changed, Anika's grandmother passed away while she reconciled with her parents. She understood that staying angry won't solve anything, life is too short to hold grudges against anyone. You don't know if you will meet them again, Anika understood that time is slipping and she shouldn't waste it by focusing on her past rather she should focus on her future.

In these five years Gauri and Om married and have a beautiful daughter while Rudra and Bhavya have been married since two years and now they are expecting their first baby. While Ranvir and Priyanka finally put some courage in themselves and confessed their feelings. Ranvir joined his family business while Priyanka finished her studies, they are engaged now and soon to get married. Priyanka, Rudra and Bhavya are in Oberoi mansion with dadi while Janvi and Tej have moved to Australia since six months to stay with Shivaay. He has married a beautiful girl called Mallika, he met her in Australia.  She was heartbroken and guilty like him but they found their real life partner in each other. They are still enjoying their marriage phase but soon they are coming back for Ranvir and Priyanka's wedding. Anika is eager to meet Mallika.

Everyone reached the Malhotra's mansion, they had their dinner and now everyone was just chatting and having fun.

Anika: Mum have you decided the wedding date?
Shanaya: not yet Anika. We are waiting for Janvi bhabhi and Tej bhai to come back.
Armaan: yeah, then we can sit together and arrange everything.
Dev: that's very good.
Om: Dad told me that Shivaay and Mallika bhabhi are coming as well.
Gauri: yeah I'm so excited for this wedding.
Dadi: this is the last wedding in our family.  After seeing this happiness I can easily die.
Priyanka: don't say like this Dadi. You have to live more hundred years.
Ranvir: yes dadi, we want to see you with us in every happiness.
Rudra: Guys don't make me emotional!(fake tears)
Anika: what happened Bhavya? Why are you sad?
Bhavya: I'm thinking that I'm still in my fifth month of pregnancy and during the wedding I will be soo fat. I can't wear any designer wears.(silky face)
Anika: don't worry baby! We will do the wedding after your baby comes.
Priyanka: yes bhabhi! We will arrange this wedding after my niece or nephew comes afterall he or she needs to see my wedding.
Ranvir: yeah that thier aunty will look like a candy !(teasing)
Priyanka: Ranvir!!!

They were all talking and discussing what to wear and then they all departed for their houses. While Dev left to make Aarav sleep, Anika started helping the maids to clean the kitchen and dining area. She was exhausted when she went into the room, she has a warm shower and then sat in her cosy bed and looked outside the window. Her reverie was broken by the opening sound of the door, she saw Dev entering with two coffee mugs in his hands. It was his daily routine to make their night coffee and then have it together and discuss their day. He was already in his night clothes.

Dev: here you go miss!(he gave her her coffee mug)
Anika: thanks hubby!(blushing)
Dev: no problem! Everyone was looking so happy together.
Anika: yes, I'm soo excited for Ranvir's wedding.
Dev: yeah even Aarav is. He is jumping in excitement since he got to know that his favourite RV uncle is getting married.
Anika: he really loves Ranvir.
Dev: indeed he does.
Anika: thanks Dev!
Dev: for what?
Anika: first coming into my life in my darkest hours and being a light for me.
Dev: Anika we both were in need at that time but sometimes some decisions taken in hurry comes out as best of our life. I'm proud and grateful that I got you. I love you.( he kissed her lips gently)
Anika: I love you too!( she kissed him back).

You think not meeting the right person is sad. Wait until life brings you the beauty of meeting the right person at the wrong time ! Dev was the right person but he came at the wrong time. He held Anika when none was ready to hold her. He loved her and cherished her till forever. Shivaay found someone who was waiting for him at the wrong time but the right person.

"Love will enter cloaked in different forms for everyone.  Life is too short so more smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate. "

Thank you everyone who supported my book and gave me love throughout this book by voting or commenting. Thanks a lot!!! I know many people were sad that Shivika didn't end up together, my idea wasn't to make a happy ending. I just wanted to write that sometimes some people come into our lives as a blessing, while others come as a lesson, so love them for who they are instead of judging them for who they are not. Shivaay wasn't perfect until he met Mallika and Anika wasn't perfect until she met Dev. Happiness is short lived so enjoy every moment.

See you soon with a new story....

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