16. Regret

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Anika p.o.v.
I just couldn't believe myself that I kissed Shivaay. I freaking kissed him. But then does this means that I cheated on Dev. How can I act so reckless?

Anika was sitting in her room, she was feeling guilty for the betrayal she unknowingly gave to Dev. He was her friend but still he was very honest. She was thinking that if she is not honest with him then how can they survive this relationship. Loyalty and honesty were the main base of any relationship, if she couldn't commit to them then how will she fulfill this marriage. She was thinking that she need to sort out everything with Dev and Shivaay.

Next day everyone got ready for Anika's mehendi and everyone was having fun and enjoying. Shivaay tried to talk to Anika but she was behaving like she didn't knew him. Shivaay was confused with her behaviour while Dev was clueless. Dev just took Anika to the balcony and tried to talk to her.

Dev: Anika look at me!(holding her face), What happened?
Anika: I'm sorry!(guilty)
Dev: Why?
Anika: I betrayed your trust, yesterday I shared an intimate moment with Shivaay which I regret now. I'm sorry I broke your trust.
Dev: Anika I don't know what to say but I'm not angry because you honestly confessed to me instead of hiding. Anika I will be always with you no matter what! You can count on me everytime you are in trouble.
Anika: thank you!

Anika hugged Dev, she was relieved that he listened to her calmly instead of forming an opinion about her in his mind. Anika now wanted to clarify to Shivaay that she wasn't interested in him anymore. He wasn't her type and she wasn't his. He was earth then she was the sky, if he was the sun then she was the moon. They were soo close yet soo far. He was just a mere attraction while Dev was her future.

Anika and Dev went out while Shivaay looked at then suspiciously because he couldn't digest Anika's closeness with Dev. Shivaay excused himself and Anika and took her to a secluded corner of the hotel, where they were alone. He pulled her close to himself.

Anika: What's wrong with you Shivaay?
Shivaay: what's wrong with you Ms. Perfect? Why are you roaming around with Dev? Don't you remember what happened yesterday?(he said smirking).
Anika: I remember everything, and you know what I regret whatever that happened yesterday and I already told everything to Dev, I can't betray him. He is my soon to be husband.
Shivaay: Do you really regret our moments?(he said in broken voice).
Anika: yes, I do. You aren't my ideal Shivaay. You insulted me in front of everyone when your ex girlfriend told you lies about me without any proof, while Dev trusted me without any proof. I'm clever enough that who is worthy of my love.
Shivaay: you don't love him, do you?
Anika: I never said that I love you. It's true that I don't love him but I'm sure he is an exceptional person and I will fall for him someday. You were just an attraction but he is my beautiful future.
Shivaay: I won't let you marry him, because I love you.(shouting)
Anika: No, you don't. Because loving someone is to be happy with their happiness. Dev loves me, I have seen in his eyes because whenever I talked about you to him, there was hurt in his eyes but he never stopped me or got irritated with your name but you can't even bear me talking about someone else.
Shivaay: this is my way of loving you. Don't you get Anika?
Anika: I really don't get it, because love isn't snatching, it's giving. It's about caring about others and not yourself. Please I beg you let me go. I don't love you. I hope you find someone who loves you the way you are. I sadly can't handle your flaws.

Anika went away leaving him alone while they were unaware that five pairs of eyes were watching them. Gauri, Bhavya, Om and Rudra were standing behind Shivaay while Dev was standing behind Anika. Dev was happy that Anika was doing this marriage with her own wish and not in any pressure but he was sad that Shivaay is not getting the girl he loved. Shivaay went to his room angrily and Dev left behind Anika as well. However the other were still standing there shocked, they were not able to grasp the new information.

Gauri: What is wrong with Di? I'm going to talk to her.
Om: Stop Gauri! Anika is right if she doesn't love him then how can she marry Shivaay?
Bhavya: I think Dev is suitable for Di.
Rudra: What is wrong with you Bhavya?
Bhavya: nothing is wrong with me, but everything that Anika di said was totally right. Shivaay bhai can't just accept that di rejected him and he is making a big issue of it.
Om: true, that's the main problem. His ego is coming between him and Anika.
Gauri: But Di can't just go and get married to Dev.
Rudra: I agree, Dev is a nice guy but Shivaay bhai loves Anika di.
Bhavya: he doesn't Rudra. If he really did then he wouldn't insult her publicly.
Gauri: I know he did a mistake but he is repenting and he is ready to make it up to her for the loss.
Om: it's not easy to make up for everything, sometimes wounded hearts takes ages to heal. In addition, Anika's heart is fragile like a little child. She's got happiness after soo long please don't ruin it for her. She mentioned clearly that she doesn't love Shivaay. Maybe she felt sparks with Shivaay but she feel peace with Dev.(Gauri and Rudra frowned).
Bhavya: I'm with you Om bhai, and moreover it's not lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes marriages unhappy. Dev and Anika Di are made for each other.
Rudra: you know , who is luckiest lover in this world?
Gauri: yeah, Dev. He loved a girl and without proposing her, he is getting her as a wife.

Gauri and Rudra went away frowning while Bhavya and Om rolled their eyes and left behind them. The mehendi function was about to finish and everyone retired to their room. Some people were happy ,others were sad. Sometimes it takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence. Anika was happy because she was following her brain because she knew she won't get hurt this time, Dev was happy that he is getting his dream girl and Shivaay was sad that he lost a gem.

Anika was sitting in her bedroom when Shanaya knocked on her door and Anika went to open it. Anika didn't expect her step mother to stand at her bed room's door at midnight. Anika was feeling awkward because they never talked before this moment.

Shanaya: I know you are feeling awkward but don't worry I won't force you to talk to me if you don't want to.
Anika: no...no it's not like that. I.. I actually don't know what to say to you.
Shanaya: I have taken too much courage and came to you. I know our relation is not strong or special. But I wanted to apologise because of me your childhood got ruined.
Anika: no, you don't have to mrs. Rajput. It was my parents differences that didn't let them have a happy marriage. I don't have any complaints from you.
Shanaya: still I destroyed your childhood. I'm sorry, I actually wanted to gift you something.
Anika: gift me?
Shanaya: yes!

Shanaya gave her a pendant with her parents photo, Anika started crying seeing her mother's picture. Shanaya came closer and hugged her and kissed her forehead.

Shanaya: I know this the time when every daughter needs their mother with them. I know you miss your mom but don't tell it openly. You can rely on me, I will be there for you.

Shanaya was going when Anika held her hand and said something that shook the ground beneath Shanaya's feet.

Anika: Thank you mom!(she said smilingly)

Shanaya hugged her and started crying, Anika wiped her tears and hugged her back. Gauri and Bhavya joined them and they all slept together in Anika's room, with Anika's head in Shanaya's lap.


I'm really sorry guys, I have been away for too long. I'm stuck on this story. I don't know how to move forward.
Who should Anika choose Dev or Shivaay?

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