Blood Red pt 2 (less angst)

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Long time no chapter guys! I am so sorry! I am still so surprised that this book has been up and being read and updated for nearly two years! It means so much to me that I'm writing stuff that you like. Anyway, if any of you don't know how my update schedule (or rather lack of it) works, I basically get an idea for one of my stories (I have a fair few lol) then I write that chapter, so yes sometimes I can't update, it means a lot that you guys don't pressure me for a new chapter, I get some comments like that on my other stories. 

Anyway, thank you if you read this little update, I do have an idea for another chapter soon, but I wanted to ask if you would mind me using a video of my singing, that's how I got the idea. I am not trying to promote my YouTube channel as it is something I do just for fun, but I didn't want to annoy anyone with an unwanted video. Let me know and with that, on with the chapter! xxx

Five pov

She was absolutely incredible, since my sort of confession, I had been talking with her more and more, I had even stopped hiding it from my family. The old man was certainly unhappy that I was so taken by our little 'prisoner', my siblings were worried to say the least, not that I listened to them about anything anyway. (y/n) was just... There aren't any words I could use to describe her that would fit perfectly, the fact that she was so imperfect and didn't fit into a perfect box was one of the reasons I liked her so much.

I know that what she did was bad, literally criminal, but she explained to me what happened. If I were left in a horrible torture house for seven years, only to find that my parents had adopted someone who looked exactly like me, replaced me in such a way, I probably would've done something similar. It wasn't her fault. Last time I thought about it, I tried convincing myself that what she had done was a result of a bad past rather than a bad mind, turned out I was right.

As I was saying, we were talking more and more about, well anything really. My past and training with my family, my worries that she was going to wind up being used by my dad, then her past in The Nut House and with her parents. Her evil, cruel, unloving parents. God just thinking about them made me angry. (a/n no bad feelings towards your parents!) As I sat and listened to her, my chin resting on my hand as I stared at her in what couldn't be described better as pure adoration, something occurred to me, I had no clue what her power was.

So, when she finished her last story, I began asking her, but I lost my train of thought when she looked up at me and smiled, the first smile she had given me since the psychotic grin she had after her parents died. It was gorgeous, almost ethereal and definitely surreal, I didn't think I would be seeing her smile for a while yet. Once my thought process returned to me, I plucked up the courage to ask her a question I wasn't sure she was prepared to answer. "(y/n), what is your power? I know vaguely what it is, but you've never really explained it to me." 

I could see just how much the question shocked her, she looked almost frightened to tell me, "You don't have to tell me if you're not ready," I started but she raised a hand to stop me, sometimes I wondered if her power had something to do with taking voices, whenever she raised a hand or a finger, or just wanted me to be quiet, I felt like I couldn't talk at all.

"I'll tell you, but please promise that you'll try and understand rather than just run away." I nodded profusely, not sure it was okay for me to speak again, I also didn't want to interrupt, in case she just abruptly stopped her story. 

"I don't really know what she is, I've just considered her as a sort of second personality, I also used to think of her as evil, but now I'm not so sure. When I found out what my parents did to me, how much they betrayed me after they said they loved me," I could hear her voice begin to shake, I know already what angering (y/n) and her could do to people.

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