38 | ridiculous

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A wrinkly turn of a page.


The quick flick of a quill.


The tap of an annoyed foot.


"What?" She snapped, the bridge of her nose wrinkling up at him from behind the pages of her book.

"It's ridiculous really."

"What is?" She sniffed, her eyes returning to the words of her favorite book.

"It's atrocious in all aspects," the blond hummed, staring at her strangely, "Curious how it defies the laws of physics."

The brunette sighed tiredly, "What are you on about now, Malfoy?"

At that, a smirk drew upon his cheeks, "Everything. It's ridiculous. Absolutely mad. Hideous. It looks like a matted mammal surviving on garbage yet it feels the exact opposite. You'd think it would feel like wires between your fingers but it's really not."

"Malfoy," a noise akin to a growl erupted between her teeth as he stared at the boy sitting on the library chair opposite from her, "Quit speaking in stupid riddles and tell me what's wrong with you!"

"What's wrong with me?" He gasped dramatically, dropping the book he was holding onto his lap with an unsatisfying thud. "We should be asking what's wrong with you!"

A scowl caused her brows to curve downwards and her teeth to nibble on her lower lip as she heeded him with contempt, "You're not funny. Out with it now."

"Oh, I think I'm funny. Terribly funny," he tapped the armrest with his fingers.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" She asked flatly, unamused with this blond bloke she called a boyfriend.

"No," he smirked broadly, lifting his book again and opening it to a random page to read.

The witch scoffed, "You're ridiculous."

"Says you."

Her jaw ticked, "What does that even bloody mean?"

"Nothing," he sent a sweet, mischievous smirk. "Why are you even wearing that hideous hat? It's not cold inside."

"Is this what you're complaining about? My hat?"

Draco thought for a moment, "Well, no, but now that you mention it.... it does seem worthy of complaints."

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, "I like this beanie and it keeps my head warm. It also keeps you from commenting on how massive my hair is."

At that, Draco snorted. A small, guilty grin curled the edges of his lips.

"Wait, you were calling my hair ridiculous weren't you?!" Hermione accused distraughtly when she caught that stupid little grin.

"You said it, not me," his arms raised in faux surrender.

"You - absolute - annoying - evil - ferret—" With each word she took a step towards him until she stood directly in front of him, her uniform-clad figure towering over him from the chair. He merely looked at his witch with an amused glint in his eyes.

"It's only the truth," he replied innocently, "Your hair is monstrous and defies gravity. It looks like wires and looks incredibly matted and tangled." He reached out to curl a tendril of her curls around his pale fingers, eyeing it wondrously, "Yet it feels so smooth and soft. No tangles at all."

"And you look like a vampire, but no one dares to tell you that," she harrumphed, annoyed.

"And for good reason," he glared heavily at her, his finger retreating from her hair. "That was uncalled for."

"So was you laughing at my hair."

"It's laugh worthy."

"You're ridiculous."

"Your hair and beanie are beyond ridiculous—"


"—Ridiculously good on you," he winked.

Hermione gaped for a long moment, taking in how Draco's face morphed into a proudly smug look, before slapping him upside the head, unamused.

this one is short bc i got two long ones in the making :)

inspired by Manely Ridiculous
by Aetherios

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