29 | spooky endings, sweet beginnings

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Dear Hermione,

He thumped the end of the quill against his cheek, his eyes trailing from the parchment to the curly-haired witch he was currently writing to. He watched as she knelt on her knees to reach the height of a little boy, fussing about the clothing the boy wore much to the boy's dismay.

You told me, years ago, your one dislike about books: the endings. You said endings were bittersweet, knowing the journey you went through with the characters you've read, you can't bare to leave them once the series is over. It's like seeing your own children grow up and leave the house, knowing you won't see them grow in their adult lives.

"Mummm! Stawwpppp!" The blond Slytherin looked back up from his parchment when he heard a pitched whine. He watched his young, miniature Malfoy attempting to pull out of the grasp of his witch who wasn't having any of it.

"Scorpius!" His bookworm scolded. "You don't want your costume to look messy in front of Albus and Tiberius, do you?"

"I don't care!" He stamped his foot to the floor. "This costume is itchy! And it's dumb! They'll laugh at me no matter what!"

"No it's not! And they won't," she gasped with faux offense, fixing the hat she strapped on around his chin to keep from falling, "They'll be jealous of how adorable you look!"

"I'll look dumb mummy!" He wailed, trying to leave the arms of his mum and run to the safety behind his father's legs instead. Unfortunately for him, Hermione wasn't finished setting up his costume. Draco's eyes gleamed with mirth, his lips curving into a lopsided smile.

You told me rereading a story doesn't provide the same excitement as the first read, and I can definitely vouch for that. The first read is the unknown, where the awe of uncovered foreshadowed secrets keeps us anticipating. You can't get the same feeling again after the first read.

"Scorp, all your friends will have the same costume!" His witch encouraged, fixing again the orange and brown pumpkin stem hat that his son had constantly kept ruining against his now unkempt hair.

"I don't like it!" His eyes narrowed into the familiar accusatory glare Hermione was accustomed to see on Draco whenever she did something dangerous her husband disapproved of.

"It's just for the pictures," she reassured, though Draco knew she most definitely wanted their son to stay in the pumpkin costume for as long as she can make him. He had endured so many days and nights of Hermione gushing about the cuteness of how Scorpius would look in the costume.

But you forget, when we set our children off into the world themselves, they're off into a new journey. Just like at each end of the book. We get so attached to the story, we don't want to move on. But at every end of the book, every goodbyes we face, is another adventure just as exciting and addictive waiting.

"Can we bring the costume I want?" Scorpius asked, pulling on the sleeves of his mum's muggle coat.

"Of course, pumpkin," Hermione smiled adoringly at the young blond who looked the spitting image of her husband if it wasn't for the innocent brown eyes and beautiful freckles that dotted his cheeks. "You can change in the lavatory at Uncle Theo's after pictures. Only if you're a good boy, okay? Please wear this costume for mummy, alright?"

The boy beamed, nodding frantically. He stood still now as Hermione combed a hand through his hair before setting the pumpkin stem hat on his head. Draco watched amusedly as she helped Scorpius into the pumpkin costume, his legs itching to walk over and tease his Bookworm for being so desperate to see him in the pumpkin costume.

After all, while the reign of Voldemort had been demolished, our new beginning sprouted and we've made our story last quite a long time. I adore each adventure we faced together even if we've encountered the roughest of moments.

"Dad! Daddy!" He saw his son waddle to him in his orange pumpkin outfit at the corner of his vision. A secret smirk tilting the lips of Scorpius's lips and Draco warily drew his attention to the brunette who shrugged nonchalantly when she returned his gaze.

"Mummy is forcing me to wear pumpkins," he began with an overdramatic pout on his lips and wide, watery puppy eyes that tugged on Draco's heartstrings, "I wanna wear my costume! Pumpkins are gwoss."

"You look cute, Scorp," Draco grinned, unable to resist pinching his cheeks.

"But it's embawassing!" He cried, jumping on his lap. Draco instinctively curled an arm around him, securing him on his leg. Scorpius looked up from his lashes to look at his father, "But it won't be embawassing if you did it with me."

His lips curved, "Did mum set you up?"

He furiously shook his head, "We can match Daddy! I'll be sad if you don't." His chocolate pools of brown bore pleadingly into his silver ones. Draco's heart and mind battled a war of love and self-pride. That battle, however, never lasts long when it comes to his two favorite people.

His jaw ticked when he shot a glare over to his mischievous witch who was hiding her laughter behind the palm of her hand.

His gaze softened when he looked back at Scorpius, a sigh of defeat escaping him, "Yes, I'll be your pumpkin, Scorp."

Scorpius squealed, his small arms barely wrapping around his torso before jumping off and disappearing into his room up the stairs.

He sneaked another glare over to Hermione, a glare promising of a punishment for making him wear a damn pumpkin costume in front of Potter, Weasley, and his best Slytherin mates during their family and friend Halloween party. He had the strongest of feelings that he wasn't going to ever live this down.

Every ending to our story is just the beginning, and I'll face every unknown with you and Scorpius any day no matter what you two put me through.

Draco Malfoy


happy halloween!

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