27 | pumpkins

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How did you even manage to drag me out here with you?

Hard, dry sticks of grass she called 'hay' poked uncomfortably through his black trousers where the blond boy sat. Arms were crossed against his hard chest and ankles crossed where he sat, he eyed the Gryffindor beaver girl who had knelt down by a patch of round, orange fruit with a scowl of disdain.

"Granger, it's so damn cold. Why the hell are we out here?" His teeth chattered when the cool breeze seeped through his clothing, goosebumps arising until it almost felt painful.

"You need pumpkins for your Halloween Ball plans, no?" She hummed, picking up a fat pumpkin in her arms to speculate it.

"I didn't mean to come out here an hour after the sun rises to stare at lumps of deformed fruit," he snarked, eyeing the girl clad in layers of muggle clothing that looked quite frumpy and did no good for a body he knew was goddess-like after hours of unconsciously staring at her from behind in classes- not that he was obsessed of course. Him being obsessed over Know-It-All Beaver? When Merlin rises from his grave and freezes the planet whole.

"You came to me for help, Malfoy. If anything, you asked for this," she retorted, glancing at him still situated cooly on the hay bales. "Well? Are you going to help? We'll stay here twice as long if you're just going to sit there and watch me."

His lips curled down at her, "We've got magic to make pumpkins, I refuse to set my knees on the filthy grass for the likes of you and your stupid idea."

You even managed to get me to help you out.

Draco's trousers soaked with the moist picked up from the grass on his knees. He muttered a multitude of obscenities and curses towards the bush of a girl that scoured around for 'perfect' orange little shites. He didn't know what 'perfect' entails, all of these pumpkins looked as horrid and disgusting as the next.

"Frankly, I never thought you'd really be coming here with me," Hermione mused.

"I was forced to," he muttered with a tad bit of maliciousness in his words. "If someone hadn't dragged me out of my bed like a fucking rag doll I would've been enjoying the extra four hours of sleep I'd be earning as of now."

"Who, by me?" The infuriating girl feigned innocence, though his attentive eyes caught sight of the slight curve of a smirk resting against the corners of her lips. He frowned at that, his fingers itching to smack the Gryffindor's annoying smirk off her face.

"Yes you," his throat reverberated a growl. "Damn Gryffindors."

I'd never understand why we hadn't created pumpkins of our own or picked the awful-looking ones and transfigure it to look better. But of course not, you and your muggleness had to walk to a fucking pumpkin patch in the damn cold on a saturday morning where I was supposed to sleep in.

"Slytherins," she sighed, rolling her chocolate brown eyes. "They'll never understand."

"And I don't think I want to," his nose wrinkled when he picked up a pumpkin with maggots crawling on the base of it's stem and ants trailing over it. He immediately tossed it far away from him, "Disgusting, bloody hell..."

The melodic sound of laughter echoed around the expansive patch. Draco couldn't help but have his lips flicker upward just a slight, slight bit at her mirth, but forced it down before she ever had the chance to notice.

"That's the fun part of it," Hermione smiled beguilingly. "Watching you squirm."

He glared at the witch with as much contempt as he could muster, "And she's sadistic too. How fun."

"Malfoy, I'll teach you the art of pumpkin finding," she dragged her knees against the grass to scoot closer to him, causing him to recoil in disgust when she came near him.

"There's no art in whatever this is. This is just torture," he refused to look at the girl holding a small, perfectly round pumpkin in her hands. He assumed she must've transfigured the pumpkin to make it look so perfectly round.

"If you could find one that looks healthy and round like this, that would be great," she practically shoved the pumpkin into his arms. "Those would be for decor. I'll find ones to use as ingredients for food."

"I'm not eating any pumpkin food there if it came from here," he sneered, his stomach churning with nausea. "Merlin, now I want to puke all the pumpkin shite I've eaten in my life."

Hermione scowled, "Quit being dramatic. A lot of fruits and vegetables come from the dirt, if you must know."

"I'm a pureblood, Granger, not a sheltered boy."

"Are you sure?" She raised a brow, earning another glare from the platinum blond Slytherin.

But I did it anyway, hunting for 'perfect' pumpkins. I still fail to see the fun in this, Granger. There's nothing fun with having your expensive trousers dirty from the wet mud and picking up pumpkins covered in ants.

"This is so boring," he groaned after hunting down five pumpkins that fit Hermione's unnecessarily high standards. He didn't understand why he had to follow her expectations when the task was given to him. "What was I thinking to ask you?"

"I wonder the same," she hummed an unfamiliar tune. "After all, you could just magically transfigure pumpkins."

"That's what I've been saying!" He exclaimed with indignation. "What the hell are we doing here then?"

She shrugged, "I like doing it this way. But really, why did you ask me?" She was curious now. They were barely acquaintances and did have several civil conversations every now and then between their arguments and banters. But those civil conversations occurred so rarely, it never developed any sort of friendship between them.

Draco didn't answer for he didn't know the reason himself. He remembered reading on his notebook of ideas of the things he jotted down. Pumpkins were a major part of the theme he strived for, and he couldn't recollect the reason why he went to her instead of one of his best mates much to his frustrations.

"Well?" She probed, irking him further.

"Because we're the Heads," he replied hastily. "It's in the job description to ask each other if we need something."

Hermione nodded thoughtfully before returning into her work. Draco did as well, this time silently as to ponder the real reason. Because he was sure he still wouldn't asked this witch for help regardless their roles of being Heads Girl and Head Boy.

Though I did something thinking, and the fun wasn't the whole ordeal at all. Was it because I was with you?

I hope not, Merlin, I refuse to enjoy your company,

Draco Malfoy

i didn't rlly think much on this oneshot sorry,

and there's this dramione fanfic that i'm currently obsessed with rn, it's called 'The Binding' by Curly_Kay on AO3. it's so good, i recommend it!

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