31 | after yule

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"I appreciate you asking me to be your date," Draco felt Pansy's hands clung tightly against the upper part of his arm, "Rumor had it you were bringing one of the Greengrasses. I almost had to confront them about it."

Absent-mindedly, Draco nodded to every word she vomited. He had attempted to listen to her when walking her from the Slytherin Tower, however he found out that despite being respectable acquaintances, nothing she said kept his attention longer than a few minutes.

He realized gossip from her never sounded as appealing than the words he heard coming from Granger's lips- not that he willingly listens to her. She was just unbearably loud with her mates. Damn Gryffindors and their loud mouths.

"I fancy you a lot, Draco. And I was losing hope you returned the feeling until you asked me! In fact..."

Draco took a sip from the glass Pansy offered him, surveying the room and drowning out his date's voice. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, but when he heard the crowd hush and he trailed his sights to where the rest of his peers were looking, he knew.

His heart ceased to function when he spotted Hermione Granger descending down the stairs. She was glowing, and he could practically see angelic lights beaming behind her like a goddess. Her periwinkle blue dress ruffled with frills swished as she stepped down. Her hair wasn't poofy, and instead, was combed and curled so wonderfully he wondered if she hired professional services. A curl bounced loose from her updo and framed her face, urging him to run up and tuck it behind her ear.

She looked beautiful.

He decided nothing could compare.

"Ugh," Pansy scrunched her nose, and if he had to be frank, Draco had forgotten she was on his arm. "Let's go, Draco. The swot came, and I'd rather not be tainted with her presence."

Draco couldn't protest as she swept him away to the dance floor. Throughout most of the dance, he unconsciously attempted to twirl Pansy into a position where he could at least get a glimpse of the girl in periwinkle.

He watched with a burning feeling, nothing akin to the warmth he felt when sharing the small skinship he had with Hermione the previous year, as she laughed in the arms of Victor Krum. He repressed a glare, but that didn't stop the desire to take her for himself and attack Krum's arms.

He was positive he hadn't looked at his date once for the past few hours, and it became quite apparent for her not to ignore.

"Draco? Draco!" A stinging slap on his cheek drew him out from his reverie. He shot an icy look at the one who disturbed him.

"What?" He hissed.

"Are you sure you meant to ask me out?" Pansy questioned, a blend of distraught and outrage etched on her face. "Or am I just someone's replacement? You haven't even spoken two sentences to me!"

Draco's lips parted, and before he could answer, she was already pacing away with shaking fists. His body became cold in a room of warm bodies as he stood frozen at her sudden outburst. His cheek was burning red, and he was sure her hand had imprinted on his face. With that thought in mind, he hastily strode out of the room with as much dignity he could muster lest there were any spectators.

Slowing down his steps as he turned to another corridor, he released a sigh. He wasn't sure whether to feel relieved he shook her off his arm or to feel angry at her and the Gryffindor- at Pansy because of her unnecessary outburst and Granger because she always manages to affect him without trying.

Draco clawed at his hair in frustration, his neatly gelled hair now unkempt and sticking in all directions. He wasn't sure what to do. He accepted the abnormal feelings he had for Granger, but he couldn't just act upon them. He's a descendant of the Malfoys and the Blacks for Merlin's sake! Two of the most unadulterated pureblood Slytherin families with no tolerance for people like her!

How would his father think of him when he hears about this?

At least he asked Pansy out, but that blew over. He would have to talk with her later.

Draco ran a tiresome hand down his face, letting out a groan into the empty halls. He was so confused.

As he walked down the corridor with thoughts of the two infuriating women in his mind, he heard sniffles through an open doorway. He halted, blinking blankly at the door. He didn't know what propelled him to walk over there when he shouldn't be caring. The sounds of small whimpers caused his heart to ache, and he immediately found himself standing in front of the curly-haired girl that agitated his thoughts.

"Granger?" He asked, his voice soft. She was curled against the stairs, her head between her knees as her shoulders racked with silent sobs.

If him insulting her almost every day to keep his pretense hurt him, he found that seeing other people hurt her was just as painful.

"Malfoy?" She croaked, raising her head and quickly wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "What... how did you find me?"

"You're not exactly quiet..." he said, shuffling his feet awkwardly before resorting to kneeling in front of her. "What happened? Who made you cry? Who hurt you? Was it Krum? Gods, if it was Krum I'll—"

"It's not Krum," Hermione intervened, sniffling. "What is it to you? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be laughing at my tears?"

He frowned, staring down at his hands that splayed on his lap. He had the urge to pull her against him, but he fought against it.

"I don't know," he admitted with sincerity, unwilling to meet her wet eyes. "I just know I want to help you. I want to have you in my arms and to wipe away your tears. But I can't."

She froze at his admission, her heart skipping a beat.

"What's stopping you?" She whispered, boldly taking his hands into hers to make him look at her. Warmth flooded the both of them and goosebumps arose from their skin. Newfound adrenaline ran through their veins at the mere touch of their palms together. "No one is around to judge."

Those six words were his undoing.

He pulled her over to him, encasing her with his warmth. Hermione sniffed, breathing in his scent that smelled so divine. She couldn't name a specific scent to him that seemed close to accurate, she just knew his cologne smelled really good and his presence made her feel comforted, churning her chest in a pleasant way. She was unsure if he could hear her heart beating rapidly. Draco thought the same for his own palpitating heart.

Draco muttered against her curls, "You know I still have to be—"

"I know." She simply replied, wanting to stay in his arms a little longer. This moment won't last long; they both knew it. Things would eventually have to be back the way it was.

He hesitated for a beat before pulling her closer to him, rubbing circles against her back.



this is actually part of a dramione story i'm writing :)

the story isn't coming out anytime soon tho, not sure if i'm committing yet heheh

i have this tendency to give up with writing actual stories since my motivation runs out so quick, but this time i actually planned everything beforehand and that story actually has been the longest i've ever written

kinda excited, maybe i'm actually going somewhere with that story :D

this oneshot book actually helped a lot with my writing endurance too!

anyway, have a good day, don't forget to take care of yourself :)

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