21 | obliviate

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To Granger,

I dreamt of you.


Her sparkly eyes reminded him of cocoa.

The glittering cocoa peered into his, and he returned a peek into hers with the same curiosity.

Freckles. So many freckles. He could count the stars and it would amount to the arrays of faded dots that dispersed strategically across her nose and chubby cheeks of youth.

And hair. Lots of hair. Tousled with tangled curls, her chocolate hair bushed up from behind her in a loose ponytail held by a thin, red ribbon. He wanted to pull the ribbon's tail just for fun.

And it was detailed. More so than previous dreams I've dreamt of. So detailed, I could still picture each intricate moment and memory it held.

She tilted her head. A giddy smile stretched across the young girl's lips when she lifted her small hand to shake his with learnt respect.

"I'm Hermione Granger. And you?"

Honey. She sounded like honey, his favorite sweet, and he couldn't hold back a smile that lit his own face as he took her hand with the same learnt courtesy taught by his aristocratic, socialite parents.

"Draco. Draco Malfoy."

"Dra-co," she tasted his name, testing each syllable against the tip of her tongue and curve of her mouth as she slowly spoke. It was simple but unique, something she found herself interested in.

"Hermione." He repeated, his lip curving upwards. He said her name like he knew no other and looked at her like she was his first human contact. There was no reason to, he knew many names from his networks and she definitely wasn't the first human being he ever saw. He felt silly for it.

"You said it properly!" She exclaimed, her small body jumping on her toes. "You're the first person who said it correctly on the first try!"

His grin widened at that, lighting up his face with beaming joy. "It's so easy!" He proclaimed pridefully to her, "How are people saying it wrong?"

"I don't know!" She pouted, her hands gripping the lime green pole supporting the swings in her local playground while she swung herself around it. "They just do. They think I'm even saying it wrong!"

"What rubbish," the blond scowled on her behalf for those who did what she claimed. "You know your own name."

"Exactly!" The muggle beamed once he agreed. She ceased spinning dizzily around the pole, staring at the boy, intrigued. "I've never met someone like you."

"I'm sure you haven't." He shivered as the autumn breeze blew past him, and he tucked his chin deeper into the thick, green and silver striped scarf handed down by his father. He covered his nose in which his gray eyes remained exposed to those of the girl's.

"I like your eyes. Gray eyes are rare, did you know?"

His gaze flickered to his parents who sat on a bench, poised in a tense position as they stared at the girl he associated himself with in caution. He released a silent sigh, turning back to face the bright girl.

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