05 | not a puppy

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Do not compare me to a puppy. Why the hell would you compare me, a bloody hot Slytherin Prince, to a clumsy piece of shedding fur?

Draco Malfoy stared out the window to their small muggle flat. His silver eyes trailed after his neighbor's red car as it passed by.

A Malfoy does not 'wait' for our loved ones. We work until the hours turn night that we forget we should go back home.

Draco left his work early after his conference meeting. She had said something about wanting to watch on the fat box telly at noon with him, and so he returned home early at the thought of her waiting in front of the telly. Malfoys don't get overly excited, so he was just curious. Very curious to see if she was there.

I was working hard before I came home early. Definitely. I had to work hard to endure listening to that prissy Head of Department speaking in monotone for a whole three hours.

Draco had returned home, and he nearly ran straight to the couch. But she wasn't there. He felt his shoulders slump and he felt rather... uninspired. Yes, not disappointed. Just uninspired.

A Malfoy does not feel disappointed. We stay flexible to whatever happens. If it was disappointment we felt, it was actually the lack of inspiration and motivation.

Draco found himself sitting by the window on their small, emerald couch. He sulked in the sunken corner of it as he stared out into the streets for Hermione's horrific red car. He didn't understand why she kept that rotting piece of junk if he could definitely buy her a better, more nice-looking one. But she insisted she kept it as she'd bought it from her own money she made herself. Who was he to argue with her?

Keep the hideous car instead of letting me buy you a fancier one? Fine. Stay in muggle London? Okay. Lie to me and say you'll wait for me at noon? Go ahead. But calling me a puppy? We're having serious issues.

He scrolled the through channels in the telly to find good shows to watch in the meantime as he kept an ear out for any sign of the creaky noise of the door opening. His lack of inspiration and interest, however, made him switch the telly off. With a lost sigh, he resumed to hopelessly stare out the window.

I am not a puppy. I do not sit in front of the door and whimper for my owner to come back. Draco Malfoy does not get pitifully desperate like that.

He looked at the flat's home phone. If he had listened to Hermione's talk about how the bloody thing works, he could have told her to come home by now. Or, if he had those mobile muggle contraptions himself, she could've called him beforehand that she was going to stand him up and he wouldn't have to leave work early.

Though, he quite liked leaving early.

But it was a tad bit lonely if she wasn't there to leave early with him.

You came late. I was miffed. You stood me up from our afternoon telly date.

At night, he heard the familiar creak of the door open. Draco glared at the pretty brown-haired girl with a frown as she locked the door once stepping inside. She didn't notice him. She was too busy hanging her coat on the coatrack and her bag on their small counter. It was when she turned around and saw the blond boy sitting on their couch, broad arms crossed against his chest with his ankle resting on top of his opposite knee, that her eyes widened in realization.

"I'm so sorry! I forgot!" She cried out, slapping a palm against her forehead for good measure.

You apologized. As you should for standing me up. But you repaid me wonderfully later on that night, so I'm not as infuriated about it than this other dilemma we have.

Draco's lip curled and he scoffed at her apology, looking the opposite direction from her. His mind forbade to forgive her but his heart already did.

"How long have you been waiting?" Her soft voice came near as she made her way to sit beside him. He stayed in his spot, refusing to soften his glare at her despite her intoxicating vanilla scent wafting around him that made him want to throw his petty grudge out the window and pull her into his arms. But he didn't want her to win.

"I wasn't waiting. I don't wait for people. They wait for me."

She snorted amusedly, "Why are you sulking here then?"

"Draco Malfoy doesn't sulk either," he said hastily and sank deeper into the green couch. Hermione let out a breathy laugh when he referred to himself in third person, causing his eyes to darken and scowl menacingly at her. Unfortunately for him, she was immune to his dark glares.

"You're so cute," she couldn't help exclaim with a jubilant grin, her eyes glittering brightly with the adoration she felt for him and he almost melted right there on the sofa. "You remind me of a puppy," She proceeded to ruffle his hair much to his dismayed protests.

How dare you, Granger, for calling me a puppy. And ruining my perfectly fine hair! I happen to know what happened to you and that polyjuice potion during second year, Mione. Don't dare think I won't ever use this knowledge against you for this.

"I'm not a puppy, go away." He swatted her hands off his silver-blond hair, feeling very small from her annoyingly patronizing attitude.

Hermione didn't listen to him, and instead, coddled him by practically setting herself on his lap and tucking his head under her chin as if her way to spite him. She pressed a kiss on the top of his head before tentatively running her hands through each unkempt strand of platinum blond hair. She leaned her cheek against him, almost snuggling into his silky hair.

His eyes widened at this- she wasn't usually one to initiate this much affection, usually only long snogs and warm hugs and not whatever this was that she was doing. He found he quite liked it, which was the opposite effect of what she expected. So, with his heart on overdrive and his body incredibly warm, he immediately surrendered into her affections as he leaned his face into her neck. Her vanilla scent was much stronger now.

"I'm sorry for forgetting. Lets do it tomorrow, yeah? After work?" She offered, continuing to thread her fingers through his hair and creating a tingling sensation on his scalp. He nodded at her, his eyes fluttering shut to bask in her ministrations.

"You really are like a puppy though," he heard her mumble again. His eyes quickly snapped open at the comment, and he regathered his jumbled and confused thoughts before forcing himself to physically jump out of her arms with his annoyance rising within him once again.

"I'm not a bloody damn puppy!" He growled at her and marched away into their room before she used any more of her evilly sweet and inducing charms on him. Hermione doubled over to hold her stomach in laughter at her effects on him and how much she emotionally confuses him. A smile never left her face as she walked into their room to him.

I'm not a bloody puppy. Stop saying that.


i threw in a bunch of fluff, hehe

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