18 | my valentine

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Dear Draco,

I love Valentine's Day. I had a gift for you, and I was so excited - and nervous - to give it.

Her chestnut bush of curls bobbed wildly to the beats of her bouncing steps as she skipped down the crowded corridor with a broad smile of elation. Bystanders stared at her as she passed by, but didn't think much of it as they immediately assumed it had something to do with the holiday of love.

And it did.

She was set to meet Draco as of now in the library, their usual daily study time being an hour after classes have ended. As she came inside, she spotted Draco sitting at their usual table with a couple of books stacked beside him, a piece of half-written parchment paper, and an open textbook right above it.

She felt her lips turn to smile at the sight of it; she appreciated his academic drive that almost nearly matched her own. However, unlike her he had the knack of having plenty of lazy days where he thought it amusing to bother her by throwing pellets of wadded paper balls into her hair, taunting her harmlessly, or just distracting her from her work with random talk every now and then.

"Malfoy!" She grinned down at him once she stood across from him. She held her small card behind her, her fingers fidgeting nervously against it. The platinum blond redirected his focus from his work to her, eyeing her with confusion.

"Granger," he acknowledged warily, "Why do you look like that?"

"Like what?"

His inquisitive gaze faltered down her figure clad in her school uniform and back to her overbearingly grinning face. "Like you drank a cauldron of sugary sweets doused in firewhiskey."

"Do you not know what today is?"

He raised a brow, shooting her a partial look, "Don't tell me you're one of those girls."

Her smile wavered but remained faded on her face as her brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"Like the ones who nag to get something for them. Merlin forbid I have to endure that again, Pansy and Astoria were ruthless when it came to Valentine gifts," he clicked his tongue in disdain, shaking his head as if to remove the memory of his past relationships, "I just think Valentine's Day is a chore. I don't really like it."

But I didn't get a chance to give you the card lest I embarrassed myself. You don't like Valentine's day, I respect that.

"Oh," her voice faded. "Because of the nagging?"

"Yes...," he paused, "And the whole gifting, going on dates thing. I don't get it. Why use today as an excuse to show how you feel when you can do that everyday?"

"I haven't really thought of it like that," she found herself breathing out in the silent library.

Honestly, she didn't care. She loved Valentine's Day, and she wanted to spend it as a taken woman with Draco for the first time. She felt her shoulders droop as the remnants of her smile disappeared.

The hand holding the specially made card for him sagged at his words. Without a second thought, her shaking fingers scrunched the hand-made card into a paper ball, loosening her grip and dropping it onto the floor behind her with a soft thud.

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