20 | potion problems

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Why can't you just agree with me!?

"Believe me, I know what I'm doing Granger!"

"No you're not, you're deviating from the instructions!"

"The instructions are wrong."

"And how the bloody hell do you know that?!"

"Because I'm smart Granger, and unlike you, I didn't have trouble brewing this potion back in sixth year from what I remember."

You're such a prat. An annoying prat. The biggest prat in the world of prattiest prats. The instructions said to cut it!

Hermione fumed at the blond boy who reached out and snatched the knife right out of her hand. He lowered the blade, the tip barely touching the ingredient before she swiped it out of his hands and back into her iron grip.

"Malfoy, I refuse to listen to you. You'll ruin the potion!" She growled, taking the knife and channeling all her fury caused by the certain Slytherin Prince to slice the Sopophorous beans clean in half.

"What are you doing!?" His voice rose to a tenor, taking the knife away from her before she could do any more damage.

"The bloody book said to cut the beans," she aggressively pointed at the book opened flat on the table, "and that's what I'm doing!"

"Have you not learned from Potter yet?" Draco seethed, his eyes rolling to the roof before using the flat side of the knife to crush the cut beans to extract the juice. "And I can't believe I'm saying this, but he actually did it right last time!"

"Harry was cheating!" She snapped, "He used that book from Snape, and I forbid to use any sort of shortcut he did because that's not the proper way!" She grabbed the knife again, causing Draco to hiss as a speck of red grew to contrast against his pasty skin where the edge of the knife glided delicately.

"Granger, you almost killed me!" He gritted through clenched teeth, glaring harshly at the petite bush of a girl unfortunately situated besides him. "I could've died!"

And you and your dramatic arse continued to say we crush the beans! Where did it ever say that? In your brain? With full offense, you're brain isn't particularly reliable with the stupid ideas and beliefs you have.

"Stop being a dramatic pansy, it's just a cut," she scowled, resuming to cut her half of the bean. "Use magic. You're a wizard, no?"

He scrunched his nose in a mocking snarl, albeit waved his wand for a quick spell to heal the cut. His frustrations with her heightened as he felt the tight ball within him coil. "Granger, your way of doing this will make us stay here for hours! With my way, we could get this done within an hour or so!"

"Exactly," she bit out, her fingers threading through her scalp to grip at her curly roots irritatingly. "It shouldn't take hours faster! That means you've done it wrong! It should rest in the cauldron as we stir seven times anti-clockwise!"

He shook his head vigorously, his fingers doing a repetitive motion of furling and unclenching, "That's where you're wrong—"

"Oh Merlin, here we go again," Hermione interrupted with an unrestrained groan, throwing her head back in annoyance. He chose to ignore her.

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