12 | books and hugs

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Aren't you such a clingy girlfriend?

Hermione Granger sat on the large windowsill of their Head Common Room. Her milky, smooth legs were stretched across the sill. She sat atop a soft green cushion that rested on the sill with red Gryffindor pillows scattered around her. She leaned against one side of the white wall with her attention solely on the potions book she held in her hands.

She enjoyed studying about potions. Mainly since she wasn't as good at it compared to her knowledge in other classes and she'd love to improve. Or perhaps because a certain pale boy had an interest in the subject, and she simply wanted to get to know him a bit more by acquiring more knowledge about it.

Her fingers played against the smooth edges of the pages, absorbed with the drawings and scrawls written on the book. There were marks on the book, marks that looked quite recognizable and she was sure she'd seen it multiple times while writing essays together with him in the library.

She didn't question it though. She was rather interested on what he crossed out and annotated on the sides of every other page. From the looks of it, it had been corrections that the book editor never caught on to. She bit her lip to settle down a smile crawling on her face. Draco always teased her for being a know-it-all, yet he's one to talk when here he blatantly wrote corrections on the potions book himself.

"Grangeeerrrrrr!" Draco Malfoy drawled in an obtrusive groan when entering their common room.

"Hmm?" She hummed, flicking through another page without averting her attention off the words.

"I'm so bloody bored!" He sighed dramatically, dragging himself over and collapsing against the forest green couch situated a few feet away in front of her. He eyed her neglectfully, his chin resting against the back of the sofa as he pouted. "Potter and Weasel left for some double date to Hogsmede. They offered me to join but only a lonely tosser would fifth wheel them," He sneered in disgrace.

"Aren't you one though?" A smile crept up her lips but never deterred her attention away from the book. She could feel his heavy glare boring into the side of her face at her quick remark.

"Blaise and Pansy are busy snogging at some empty room. Don't want to go near them. Theo is doing strange things in the Slytherin room. Don't want to see that. Loony is, well... loony. Don't want to endure her. And you've trapped yourself in this room. Didn't want to stay in here but I guess I'm that desperate. So basically, no one wants to be with me and I'm lonely," he finished ranting with another heavy sigh.

You're also such a child. A needy child at that.

"Go do homework then," she replied almost monotonously, curiously looking at the sketches of ingredients he obviously drew on the corners of the potion book. He wasn't a bad artist. She subconsciously nodded at that.

"Well just like you, I don't happen to be a procrastinator. I've done it all," he huffed. "And why are you nodding?"

"No reason," she replied distractedly.

"Granger! I'm lonely!" He tried again, although this time it sounded fairly peeved from the lack of attention he was receiving.

"Yes, I can see that," she murmured to herself.

He scowled at her. What's so interesting about that book? It's just his bloody potions book.

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