02 | forbidden forest

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Dear Malfoy,

You're such an absolutely troublesome, bigoted git! I despise you, as you should know. Why did you do that?

"Ron? Ron! Where are you?!" Hermione called out from the edges of the dark forest by Hagrid's hut. "You idiot! Why did you decide to go into the forbidden forest out of all other places?!"

Hermione paced back and forth, her eyes darting back between her rusty watch on her wrist and into the depths of the foggy forest. A letter was held in her other hand, one that told her that her crush, a certain red-headed Weasley, had a beautiful surprise waiting for her by the edge of the forbidden forest. Her heart beat erratically and a smile lit her face. She made no hesitation to jump up from the table in the Great Hall and run to Hagrid's hut. When she got there, however, there was no sign of Ron anywhere.

She muttered small obscenities towards Ron for the idea that he either stood her up or walked into the forest. It was possibly most likely the former as Ron was admittedly too much of a wuss to go inside, but what if something had taken him or lured him in the forest?

At the thought of him being lured, she groaned as she made her decision and dashed into the forest with her hand gripping her wand in her pocket. Crying out his name with worry and panic, Hermione searched near the ends of the forest, cautious of stepping too deep into it.

"Mione! Mione! Mione, over here!" A voice called out weakly.

She whipped her head towards the faint noise that sounded a bit further deep into the forest. She released a wobbly exhale at the fear of venturing deeper, but she shoved it down when she told herself that Ron was in trouble and she had to save him.

She leaped over hollow logs and ducked over fallen branches, using her ears to locate where the weak cries were coming from. She heard a whimper behind a large tree and she immediately skidded to a stop right behind it.

I was looking for Ron, Malfoy. I thought he had an actual surprise for me! No, it was you and your arrogant arse who wrote the stupid little note that I foolishly believed. How did you know I liked Ron anyway? Was it that obvious?

"You!!" Hermione nearly snarled, her hand flicking out of her pocket and pointing her wand straight at the blond's throat whose cries and whimpers became sniggering laughter and evil sneers.

"Me." Draco's eyes gleamed cruelly.

"What did you do to Ron?" She scowled deeply, walking closer to him with her wand touching the tip of his chin.

"I don't know what you mean," he smirked, "Did you mean the letter I wrote to you and you easily believed? My my, Granger. I thought you were smarter than that."

"You demented snake!" She dug the wand against his throat, unfortunately, not enough to choke him.

"Calm down, Granger," he sneered. "I just wanted to verify something."

"What are your games, Malfoy?"

"Nothing," He raised his hands in mock defense. "But I just found out you were hopelessly in love with the Weasel. Why, isn't that some useful piece of information, isn't it?"

"I'm not hopelessly in love with him!"

Besides, why would a bratty Slytherin like you care about who I like? Actually, you've been strange this year, Malfoy. You and your Slytherin friends aren't as bothersome as before the war. Especially you today when we found that old piece of junk in the forest.

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