24 | golden girl

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I really appreciate how you've quitted to insult me recently. It made me feel warm knowing that despite our pretense, you still attempt to make sure I'm alright.

She had laid on her back to look up at the stars, the crisp night breeze brushing past the brunette's goosebumps. The evening was chilly, but it wasn't particularly cold. With charms exuding warmth from each pillar, the Astronomy Tower could be quite a brilliant place to relax late at night.

She wasn't the only person who thought so as well.

The soft pattering of footsteps resonated through the tower where the stairs were, but the familiarity of the steps kept her from sitting up and drawing her wand. She felt the comfortable presence settle in beside her, laying down just a hair's width away.

"How's your day?" The figure asked in a low tone. Hermione turned to face him, startled to find his warm pools of gray flecked with several shades of blue already staring back at hers.

Each night we stay at the Astronomy Tower, you'd often ask how I am and how my day went. It's such a basic question, but it still makes me feel how much you care even of the little things.

"The usual," she shared a close-lipped smile, "Though I've been seeing you around more recently, are you stalking me?"

The blond Slytherin smirked, his hand reaching to take her own, "I just happen to be wherever you are, Granger."

"Strange," she hummed, "I'm positively sure I saw you following me around after lunch today with your two goons and your apple."

"I don't think so," his fingers played with her smaller ones, running a thumb across her knuckles. "I was just heading to the same destination as you were."

"To Hagrid's?" The curly-haired witch snickered lightly, knowing how much he despised him. She flicked her bush of a hair back to keep from tickling the blond's face.

"No." His nose wrinkled at that. "I meant I was going the same direction as you."

"Sure," Hermione drawled with an amused smile, her attention averting to the twinkling stars that watched them from above.

There was always the topic of how your goons would bother me. Ever since that last incident where I was bruised the night we came to the Tower, you became so furious. I was sure you did something since I haven't seen them much recently unless they were with you. And when they were with you, you were there to hold them back.

"They didn't bother you or anything, did they?" Draco asked after a few comfortable moments of silence. He had closed the distance between them, the hair's width of space now nonexistent as his arms brushed frequently against hers.

"Who? Your goons?" She shook her head. "No, for some reason, they say I'm off limits. Have you gotten anything to do with that?" She raised a brow at him.

Draco simply smiled cheekily, confirming her suspicions. "And you couldn't have even done the same for Harry and Ron?" She probed further.

A scowl furrowed his brows, "I'm not dating Pothead and Weasel. Why should I?"

"Because they're my friends?"

He remained silent as he pondered the question. His hand went to ruffle his blond locks as he frowned. He concluded his thoughts with a groan, "Fine. I'll only stop doing it every so often but only because you told me to, not because I care for them."

Hermione beamed at him, a bright smile to her face that made Draco felt like he accomplished something special. He wrapped his fingers around hers, bringing her hand to rest on his chest where his heart had begun to beat severest times faster from the mere sight of her contented smile.

Small moments like that and when you agreed upon bullying my friends less makes me happy. It gives me hope that someday, within the next year or so, you might change for the better. Slowly but surely, and I'll help you every step of the way.

"I have something for you," the blond boy smiled softly, propping himself to lay on his side and face her. He brought his hand to his wand behind him to wave a spell, and soon, a softly glowing light of gold appeared from behind him.

"What's that?" She asked curiously. She leaned to sit up only to be pulled down and closer to him than before.

"Calm down, Granger." He shot her a smug smirk, "I know my gifts are great, just let me show it to you properly."

She crossed her arms against her chest, "Your gifts are always the same."

His lips curved into a sheepish smile, his arm moving from behind him to settle between them. The gentle golden glow from the golden flower he held between his fingertips faintly illuminated their faces, casting attractive shadows and highlighting their best features. Draco's eyes never left her chocolate brown ones as, drinking in what the light of the flower allowed view of.

"At this rate, my bed will be the botanical gardens," she sighed, taking the flower from his fingers with a small grin.

"But what botanical garden has a glowing golden flower for the pretty golden girl?" He smirked, pressing a brief kiss to her lips before pulling back with a smile they shared as they stared back into the night sky.

And I think you're making great progress.

Hermione Granger

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