Chapter fifeteen

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I'll keep you safe- Sleeping at last


The aroma of food being made pulled me from my sleep.

I scrunched my nose, trying to take in the smell; I decided to guess the food being made was bacon.

After settling the guess with myself, I sat up, reaching for my T-shirt; pulling it over my bare chest

The floor boards creaked underneath the carpet as I walked to my door; music could be heard once I pulled it open.

I smiled when I realized it was one of Skyler's old records

Walking out to the kitchen, the smell of food became much more overwhelming, causing my taste buds to water

Skyler held a spatchaler in one hand, the other was resting on her hip.

I snuck up behind her to catch a glimpse of what was cooking.

Pancakes and bacon were sizzling on the griddle.

"My nose is never wrong" I smile

Skyler jumps slightly at my voice

She swung around quickly, gripping the cooking device closely

"Harry" She let out a relieved breath followed by a chuckle "You almost got hit with a spatula"

"Why are you up so early?" I ask, leaning myself against the counter

"I've slept so well recently because of the calling waterfall you got me. I wake up refreshed and ready to go"

"You sound like an infomercial" I laugh, tossing a sliced strawberry into my mouth

"Anyways" she waved off my comment "I decided to make us breakfast"

"I see that" I smirked.

Us. She made us breakfast.

The smile she's had on her face the last couple of days was enough for me, breakfast being made wasn't necessary

"Pancakes, bacon, and fresh fruit." she smiled proudly "Well-sort of fresh. I found them in the freezer"

"They still taste great" I assure her

"Have a seat, I'll serve you" she said, grabbing plates from the cabinet

"Alright" I tried to contain my joy by concealing it with a simple smile. A smile I was sure would never leave my face

Skyler set down two plates, then brought over the large stack of pancakes

She plopped a couple pancakes onto my plate, followed by several strips of bacon

"Fruit?" she asks

"Of course"

Skyler took the seat across from me and served herself

"So I know what we should do today" I say, an idea coming into my head. A great idea that Mr. Billings made me promise I would do

"And what would that be?"

"We will need to make a pack-able dinner" I reveal

"Oh, a picnic?" her tone rose in a girly manor

"Sort of" I nodded


"It's in the garage" I tell Skyler "I'll get it"

My footsetps echo loudly as I step into my garage.

I scan the cold room for the tweed picnic basket.

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