Chapter eleven

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Andy Grammer-We Could be Amazing
The sound of my vacuum cleaner humming loudly through my house was interrupted by my front door opening.
I turned off the vacuum as skyler came inside
"How'd the interview go?" I asked
She let out a deep sigh, allowing a disappointed look rest on her face
"It's ok. There will be other jobs" I reassure her
"I got the job" she let her smile break through her facade
"Really?" My eyes widened slightly
"Yes!" She exclaimed, tossing her keys on the counter
"Skye, that's great!" I pulled her into a tight hug
As I draw her away from me, my hands gently holding her arms, my eyes land on her smile. Her genuine smile.
"I'm so happy for you" I keep a warm smile on my face, tucking strand of hair behind her ear
"I only got it because I had you as a reference" She lightly chuckled
"Not true" I playfully tapped her nose.
Skyler furrowed her brow, her face twisted in a puzzled expression
"Do you hear that?" she asks, walking to the window
I stand still, waiting to hear a noise.
"Oh" I now hear the faint high pitched music "That's the ice cream truck"
"Since when does this neighborhood have an ice cream truck?" She asked, spinning back towards me
"Since last year" I then realized that Skyler must've not known about the ice cream truck since she had been ridden inside for the past year and half
"c'mon, lets so get some ice cream. My treat to celebrate the good news" I smiled, nodding my head to the door
"Ice cream trucks are for little kids, Harry"
"Oh please mother, please let me go get some ice cream" I clutched my hands together as I teased her
A chipper laugh radiated from her. She nodded her head in agreement and followed me outside
Excited kids gathered around the truck, proudly holding quarters in their hands as they await their sweet treat
We stood in line, studying the options displayed on the white truck
I felt a small tug on the back of my shirt.
As I turn my head, I see a little green eyed boy
I bent down to his height "Can I help you little man?" I ask
Skyler turned around as she heard my voice
"You're too tall. I can't see the flavors" He pointed upwards
"Oh" I chuckled "Is that so"
He nodded, folding his arms in a displeased manor
"Tell you what" I said, digging into my pocket "How about treat you to your ice cream for inconvenience"
His little eyes lit up at the shiny quarters I held in my hand
"Oh wow. Thanks!" I dropped the change into his grip
"No problem" I stood back up, moving forward in line
"That was sweet" Skyler smiled
"Least I can do, right? No one should be denied their right to see their ice cream flavors" I smirked
"What can I get you?" the man asked, wiping his hands on his waist apron
"Umm" Skyler took one last glance at the choices "I'll have one scoop chocolate, one scoop raspberry"
"And I'll have one scoop vanilla, one chocolate"
The man quickly placed the ice cream on our cones, handing them to us from the window.
I placed the money on the counter, then dropping a couple quaters in the tip jar
"Have a good day" I send him a quick wave
Skyler and I walked back to my yard, taking a seat on the bottom stair of my concrete porch
My tongue swirled around the cone, trying to stop the numerous drips from falling. The cold treat eased my temperature with every bite
"Thanks for the ice cream" Skye raised her dripping snack
"My pleasure. So when do you start working, and what are your hours?"
"Umm" She took another lick "They are hiring two part time secretaries, so I won't have that many hours. But the pay is still really good" She clarified "I work Monday, Tuesday, wednesday and Friday. Nine to five"
"This will be good" I nodded "You'll love it"
"I'm looking forward too it" She smiled
The heat of the sun rapidly melted our ice cream
Our hands grew sticky, small drops of ice cream staining our legs and face
"Well aren't we a sight" We both broke out into childish laughter
Skyler and I both turned to the young voice
The young boy from the ice cream truck stood before us
"My mom said that I shouldn't let strange men buy ice cream for me. And when I told her you had a funny voice she was even more upset"
I raised an eyebrow
"Oh really"
"Yeah" he nodded, kicking at the grass on my lawn
"So why have you come back back to see me then?"
"Well she told me not to let you buy me ice cream again 'cause you were a stranger"
He put his hand on his forehead, blocking the suns rays
"So I thought I would come back and find out your name. That way we wouldn't be strangers and you could buy ice cream for me again"
I pursed my lips together to contain my laughter
"Does your mother know you're here right now?"
"Don't you think you should tell them-"
"I'm Brady, what's your name?"
"I'm Harry. This is Skye" I point beside me
He scrunched his face, revealing his missing tooth
"Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend"
I looked over at Skye, studying her glowing face
"...No" I smiled half heartily.
Not yet
"Do you have a kid I could play with?"
Skyler now let out a laugh
"I'm sorry, bud. We don't"
"Alright. Well I'm gonna go home now."
"Alright" I smiled
Little Brady took off in a run, swooshing through the grass.
I finished the last bite of my ice cream cone.
Skye still gnawed away at hers.
"I'm going to go clean up" I stood up from my sticky position
"I'll come with" Skyler chirped, quickly standing.
I rinsed my hands in the sink, dabbing the spot on my face and leg where the melted ice cream had landed
I moved out of the way, allowing Skyler a spot at the sink.
I stared out the window as Skyler does so
"Mr. Billings" I said softly
"Hmm?" Skyler peered up at me
"Mr. Billings is coming over today"
"Right now"
"Harry! Why didn't you tell me? I haven't cooked anything"
"It's not a scheduled thing. He just comes over one day every week. Just usually not this early"
"You don't think he's mad at me, do you?" she turned the sink off
"What? Why?"
"That I stopped visiting him..." her voice lowered
"Skyler that is not your fault. The circumstances...the circumstances were different" I decided to not go deep into this subject "Mr. Billings loves you, Skye"
She chewed on her lip
"Well what should I do? I won't have time to make a lasagna"
"I have a frozen one in the freezer" I flashed a smirk, walking to the freezer to grab the pan
As soon as Skyler pushed the lasagna in the oven, Mr. Billings knocked at the door.
"It's open!" I called, starting a fresh brew of coffee
Peter slowly entered
"Hello Harry" he flashed a toothy smile
"Hi Pete"
He looked around me, catching glimpse of Skyler
"Why hello there Young lady. It's been a long time since i've seen you"
"H-hi Mr. Billings" Skyler smiled. Nerves seeming to get the best of her
Pete made his way over to Skye, meeting her in a warm embrace
"Nice to have you back, sweetheart" he spoke slowly.

Everyone enjoyed the lasagna. Mr. Billings didn't even notice it was a frozen entree. Well if he did, he didn't mention it.
Harry's cell, which he normally keeps on silent during dinner, rang. He quickly excused himself, letting us know it was the family that was interested in Jason's home.
"The food was great little miss" Mr. Billings leaned to the side
"Thank you" I smiled "I'm glad you enjoyed it"
"It's good to see your smile again" I could tell he was straining to say his words. Something that is common with old age. But it was sad to see little old peter struggling. "Ya know, Harry made it his mission to recover that smile of yours"
I turned to Harry. He was unaware of our conversation as he paced back and forth down the hall, talking to his clients
"Did he?"
"Oh yes" he nodded slowly "You mean the world to that boy. He'd do anything for you. I'm just happy that..." He stopped, seemingly thinking over weather or not he should continue

"They're going to take the house" Harry re-entered the room, a satisfied smile on his face
A bitter sweet feeling came over me
"That's great" I spoke, masking the other half of my feelings
"So what did I miss" He sat back down at the table
"Oh nothing" Peter chuckled "I'd better get going. Thank you for the meal you two" He kept the smile on his face.
I was disappointed, realizing Peter wasn't going to finish what he was previously going to tell me
Harry walked over to help him out of his chair
"Would you like me to walk you home?" Harry asks
"No that's quite alright Harry" Pete laughed again "You sound like you're taking me home from a date"
I laughed at the little old mans quickness of humor
Peter left with a final wave

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