Chapter four

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One day-Kodaline

Slow it down- the Lumineers


I heard it again last night. The fighting...the yelling. It had stopped for a couple days. The house was silent. I hoped that something had changed; that he had changed. but part of me knew it wouldn't be that simple.

I sat at my desk. The sound of the secretaries phone ringing outside of my office gave me more reasons to not concentrate. I leaned back in my leather chair, causing it to bend backwards. I persistently clicked my pen, furrowing my brow as I tried to focus on my work. As I tried to forget the day that everything turned for the worst

-Eighteen months ago-

Music blasted in my ear. I ran to the rhythm of the music, rapidly pushing pavement beneath my feet. The moon casted a glow on the neighborhood. I slowly came to a brisk walking pace as I approached my home. The distant sound of dogs barking and crickets chirping replaced my music as I plucked the earbud from my ear.

I lifted my old stained white t-shirt to my face, wiping the small trace of sweat.

I began to hear commotion as I near my house. Knowing it was probably Jason I walked to their door. I knocked on the door frame, but the yelling continued.

Since the door was unlocked, I decided to go in. I turn the corner, finding Skyler with her knees to her chest in a corner, with her hand raised to cover her face as Jason stood above her, his hand raised in threat.

"HEY" I yell, running to Jason and shoving him away from skyler.

"Harry" Skye looked up, her eyes were swollen and her face was wet from tears "what are you..what are" she spoke slowly

"What the heck is going on" I turn to Jason, whose regaining his balance as he grips the couch for stability

"Get out of my house" he glared

I shift my attention to skyler. A small drop of blood began to trickle down her arm. I look beside her and notice a broken vase.

I squeezed my fists together, turning back around to Jason.

I take a step back before swinging and hitting him square on the cheek

"Harry stop it!" Skyler cried, running in front of me

"You aren't to touch her!" I yell behind skyler "what on earth is wrong with you?!"

"I said get out of my house" Jason said, holding his face

"I'm calling the cops" I breath

"No!" Skyler grabbed my attention again "Harry don't. Please"

"Don't you see what he's doing to you?" I lift her arm to show her the red stains

"It was my fault. I was being difficult"

Those words tore my heart. I swallow roughly, trying to keep my tears in. He has her believing its her fault. That she deserves this.

"Skyler" my voice shook "it's not your fault."

"Just go" she shook her head, frantically wiping her tears

"I can't let him do this to you" I repeated her action "I can't just leave you here"

"Harry. Please" her voice broke

I ran my hand through my hair, tugging at the messy ends


"Harry" the secretary peeked her head in the doorway "you've got a call on line two"

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