Chapter sixteen

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Sleeping at last- Saturn

Sleeping at last- Arctic

* I really suggest reading the story at the same time that you play the music on this chapter *


The sun began sinking into the lower end of the sky, and the moon was readying its appearance as I drove into the driveway after a tedious day at work.

I pulled the screen door open and sunk my key into the lock

"I'm back" I call into the house.

The living room was dark. The shades were pulled over the windows, blocking any of the sunlight that was left

"Harry?" I say into the darkness.

I set my bag down on the ground and run my hands up the wall to find the light switch.

As I flicked it on, I saw Harry sitting on the couch. He was crouched over, His face was held in his hands

"Harry, are you ok?" I walked over to the couch.

He lifted his face towards mine. His eyes were red

"What happened?" I sat down beside him and placed my hand on his back

"Mr. Billings" He sniffed "He died this morning"

My heart  instantly sunk  to my stomach "Oh my gosh" I whispered "Harry I'm so sorry"

His face scrunched to a pained expression

"He was like a father to me" He said quietly

"I know" I soothingly ran my hand up and down his back

"He knew he was going to die Skyler" He wiped his watery eyes "He knew he was sick, but he didn't tell me" he held up a letter and started reading

"Harry" he began "If you're reading this, it means I have passed from this life to the next. I'm with my heavenly father now, so you shouldn't be saddened. My heart hasn't been healthy for quite a long time. It was just my time to go. I didn't tell you I was sick because I didn't want to burdden your heart. And you had a bigger responsibilty. To garuntee safety-" he skimmed the letter and started reading again "But I have written this letter to tell you how much of an honor it was to meet you the day you moved into our little neighborhood. You showed kindness to an old man and his wife when others didn't. I thanked God for you each and ever morning." Harry's voice cracked, causing him to shakily clear his throat, wiping his eyes once more "I also wrote this to tell you to never give up. Never give up on-" He stopped again and switched pages, skipping part of the letter "Life is a beautiful thing, Harry. Take every breath as a blessing. I love you, son. Don't forget about me"

He set down the letter, letting the tears fall from his eyes.

I've never seen Harry like this before. 

He has such a pure heart. Seeing him like this is beyond painful

I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tightly

" I'm so sorry" I whispered.

He pulled away from the hug with pursed lips

"I need to get out of here" he stood up quickly, walking to the kitchen to grab his keys

"Harry where are you going?" I ask 

He stays silent as he walks to the door

"At least let me go with you" I walk to him

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