Chapter ten

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Tom Odell- Heal

These past few days have been hard. Potential buyers going in and out of my home. Watching the major part I had left of Jason slowly slip through my fingers...a feeling I can't describe
The picture of Jason and I has been glued to my person. I refuse to let it out of my sight.
The buzzer on the oven sounded, drawing me from my room.
I slid on a pair of oven mitts, removing the broccoli rice casserole and baked potatoes from the oven.
One of Jason's favorite meals.
My feelings caught me off guard, being triggered by such a small thing. Grief began to seemingly swallow me whole.
I rushed back to my room, knowing harry would return soon. I didn't want him to see me like this...again.


The bank signed the Realtor company I work with to sell Jason's house. I wasn't shocked when that happened, seeing that the small town of Georgia I live in doesn't have many realting options.
Other realtors have shown various families this home. But today I have the task of trying to sell it.
"Here's the living room" I move the manila folder to under my other arm
"Now what's this?" Mrs. Summers asks, pointing to a large dent in the wall.
Their young son ran circles around the room
"That can be easily fixed" I reply "Simple repairs are all it requires. Not a big expense"
"I saw quite a few of those same type dents throughout the house" Mr. Summers commented, picking up his son
"Yeah, this house..." I pursed my lips gently "This house has a lot of history" I lowered my voice
I cleared my throat "Lets head to the kitchen"
Our footeps echoed throughout the empty home
"Oh I like the fixtures" Mrs. Summers ran her hand across the conventional stove
I stood there as the small family looked over the kitchen and dinning room
"I really like it" The wife nodded
"It's a repossession, so the house is a good price" I add
"Well we will have to think about it" Mr. Summers announced
"Here's the pricing, closing costs, and anything else you will need to make your decision" I smiled, handing him the folder
"Alright. Hopefully we'll talk to you soon" He shook my hand, leading his family out to their car.
The door closed behind them, leaving me alone in the empty house.
I stayed still, letting my eyes roam around.
Seeing the various spots with dents and holes, I become flooded with emotions.
I still haven't figured out how I should feel about Jason's passing.
I'm disgusted with myself that I would feel anything but sorrow.
But looking at these scars in her home. They also represent the scars he left on her body. I know she doesn't have to deal with that anymore. She's no longer in danger. But she is still in pain.
A delicious smell hit me as I walked through my front door
"Something smells good"
I walk to the kitchen, expecting to see Skye.
Dinner was prepared, set on the counter. But Skyler was absent
"Skye?" I call, walking to her door.
I knocked softly on her closed door
"Skye are you in here?....Skye aren't you going to eat?"
"I'm not hungry" she replied
"You have to eat something. Come on" I try to prod her outside
"I'm not coming out"
"This isn't Beauty and the Beast. This isn't how this works" I call through the door
"What?" Her voice was full of irritation
"You know...that part where the beast asks her to come it but she refuses and....Well never mind. Please come out and eat"
She refused a repsonse
With a sigh, I walked to the kitchen and prepared a plate.
I sat down at the table by myself, taking small bites of the food Skyler had prepared.
She really is a good cook.
I look across the table at the empty seat in front of me.
Scooting me chair back, I went to my car.
I pulled into a small suply store. The street lights beginning to buzz on
My finger grazed the shelves as I ventured around, trying to find what I needed
"Can I help you with anything?" An older man asked as he placed new items on the shelves. His name tag read 'Tim'
"I'm looking for metal tubes about this long" I held up my hands to show the length "They need to be light enough to be held by string"
"Oh alright. We have a few of those over this way"
I followed the worker a couple isles down
"Here we are" He stopped mid isle "Anything else?"
"Yes. I need some colored glass beads. A pale blue would be nice. It would reflect her eyes"
"Her, huh" Tim smiled
"Yeah" I nodded
"I'll go get some and bring it to you. You can choose from there. I'll be right back"
"Thank you"
I grab the right sized tubes and place them in my small basket.
Tim appeared back in the isle moments later
"Which one would you like" he held up three bags of assorted, large blue glass marbles. "I assumed you wanted to be able to hang along with the tubes. So these have small holes"
"Thank you, sir" I smiled, taking the correct shades
I brought my supplies I bought into my garage, joining them with the pieces I had picked up from the yard days ago
My fingers laced the string back and forth, entwining the tubes, chimes, and blue glass marbles.
Even though I maybe will never be able to call Skyler my own and to make her happy in that way...which hurts my heart in an indescribable way. That though I love her...she won't love me back... But I'm going to do all I can to make her happy in any other way.
After a few hours of perfecting the object, I held it up to admire.
I smiled at the now working wind chimes.
I glanced at my watch the catch the time. 10:18
I walked back into the house, down the hall.
"I'm leaving the food out so you can grab something to eat" I say into the door, hanging the wind chimes gently on her doorknob.
The end of the chimes just short of the ground
I shuffled back to my bedroom, leaving my door cracked.
I pulled my shirt off over my head, putting on a pair of joggers.
Pulling down my comforter, I laid in my bed, flipping through the channels.
My eyes began drooping, pulling me into brief sleep
"Harry" A soft voice spoke, waking me from my sleep
"Hmm?" I squinted my eyes open, seeing skyler in the doorway. "What's wrong?" I ask, sitting up
"Nothing" She said softly, slowly walking over to my bed and taking a seat on the edge "You fixed my wind chimes"
I nodded "You loved them"
"I...I just don't understand Harry. Why you're always so kind to me. Why you do these things. Especially when I don't deserve it"
"Kindness doesn't have to have a reason, Skye. But I do it because I care about you"
"I know. That's what you say every time" She looked down "But I wanted to thank you. It means a lot that you fixed those"
"Of course" I smiled "I'm glad you like it"
Her cheeks lifted in an attempt of a smile
"I'm going to go put the food away" she slid off the edge of the bed
"It was delicious, by the way"
"Thank you." She turned back around "Sorry for waking you up"
"Don't be sorry." I reply "If you ever need me, I'm here. Asleep or awake"

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