Chapter six

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The 1975-Is There Somebody who can watch you


I let out a deep sigh as I sit on my couch.

My hand cautiously writing out checks and signing bills.

The room was consumed with silence.

As the sun abandoned the sky, I reached for my lamp switch. The light illuminated my small spot.

I reach for my reading glasses, placing them on the bridge of my nose. I furrow my brow as I try to balance my checkbook. My mind seemingly elsewhere.

I could hear the clock on the wall behind me ticking away the seconds.

Footsteps quickly clattered up my porch steps, followed by loud knocking.

I discarded my checkbook on my coffee table.

The knocking became louder as I approached my door.

"I'm coming" I say, reaching for the knob

"Harry" Skyler cried, panic written throughout her facial features

"Skyler whats wrong?"

"Jason." She sobbed "He got in-" her words were interrupted by fits of sobbing

"Calm down" I gently placed my hands on both of her arms, steadying her "Did Jason do something?"

She frantically shook her head

"He was in a car accident. I can't dri-ive to the hospital because he had my keys when he took off" she wiped her cheeks "Please take me to him"

"Just one second" I prop the door open as I grab my keys that dangled from a hook in the kitchen "Lets go"

We sped off into the street which were wet from the rain

"What exactly happened?" I ask

"He was drinking" she stated "We had a fight and he drove off. He wasn't fit to drive. It's all my fault" She ran her words together.

"Breath, Skye. Just take a deep breath" I say, taking her hand in mine to comfort her


We hurry into the oh-too-familiar- hospital. I let Skylar run ahead to the front desk.

"Ma'm he's in surgery right now. You can't go back to see him" I overheard as I caught up to her.

"Please" she begged "I need to see him."

"I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do" the woman at the desk replied. Her lips pursed in empathy

Id be lying if I said I wasn't confused. Her eagerness to see him. It just doesn't make sense. It was as if Jason was this girls captor and she had a chance to be free. To make the decision to leave without him changing her mind.

How can I think like that? This is a mans life we're talking about

Skyler walked back to me, taking a seat in a cold empty chair. She quickly placed her face into her hands

I pulled a chair beside of her, taking a seat as well

Her voice broke through her sniffles and gasps "things were getting better" she said softly through her hands

"What do you mean?" I lean forward to hear her words more clearly

"The fighting" she wiped her sleeve across her face as she sat up. Her eyes looked empty. Her gaze stuck straight ahead "This past week. It was as if I got my Jason back." She said blankly "the yelling was still there. But he didn't hurt me. Not once."

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