Chapter nine

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Dream Lover-Bobby Darin


Today is Skyler's last day in her home before it gets repossessed tomorrow. She's spent most of her time inside; only taking a moment outside to water her plants.

I took a large step onto her porch. 

As I raised my hand to knock, I stopped; hearing music emanate from her open window. I walked a couple feet to the open space. The curtains were pulled back, allowing me to see inside. 

Skyler twirled around the room as an old record, 'Dream Lover' by Bobby Darin, played on her beloved record machine.

I smiled as I watched her carelessly sway back and forth.

I began to feel slightly creepy watching Skyler from her window. 

Chuckling lightly to myself, I walked over, pressing a firm knock on her door

She opened her door, breathing slightly heavy

"Hello" I smile

"Hi" she said in a huff

"What have you been up to? You sound out of breath" I smirked

"Oh nothing" she replied "Just packing up some boxes" she welcomed me inside with a nod of her head

The music grew louder as I stepped inside 

"The music" I say, sliding my shoes off "I like it"

She let out a half smile "Yeah. This music is a stress reliever for me"

"Dancing is a stress reliever, you know" I smiled, tossing my shoes in the corner

Her cheeks grew red.

"Did you...were you watching me.."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about" I turned around to hide my smirk "Was I watching you what?" I headed towards the empty space in the living room, surrounded by full boxes of her things

"Oh never mind" 

"May I?" I ask, holding out my head

"May you what?"

"Have this dance" 

She nervously pushed her hair behind her ears as she slowly walked towards me.

"I guess so" she let out a small smile

We paced back and forth to the old classic. I twirled her around, provoking a child like giggle from skyler. 

I laughed as I pulled her back to me.

As we danced to the side, skylers foot caught on a box, causing her to trip suddenly

I quickly braced her back, keeping a good grip on her wrist

She gasped as she suspended inches from the ground

Her eyes opened as she realised hadn't fallen

"Thanks for catching me" she laughs softly

"I'll always catch you" I smiled, pulling her upright

"I should get back to unpacking" she quieted her tone, releasing herself from my grip.

I rubbed the back of my neck, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"I'll help" I  suggest, following her to the pile of objects needing to be packed

"You know, you don't have to tape the boxes that contain your clothes" I say, pointing to the box she was closing up. "I have a dresser in the spare bedroom." I looked around at the boxes labled 'bedroom' "You really don't have to tape any of these up. Feel free to put up whatever you want in the house"

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