Chapter thirteen

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Josh record- For your Love


The clock on my office wall slowly ticked the minutes away.

I fiddled with my pen before standing up, walking out to the front of the building to get a sip of water.

Not that I was thirsty; I had already walked out here to the water fountain multiple times today. 

I just use it as an excuse to check on Skyler.

As I bent over to take a sip of cool water, I peek at Skyler through the corner of my eye. 

Her hands glided fluently across the keyboard.

"You don't have to keep checking on me you know" She said in monotone, not shifting her focus from the computer in front of her

"I-uh, I'm just getting a drink" I say, pulling myself upright

"For the fourth time this hour?" she asks

"I get very thirsty" I defended myself

She paused her typing long enough to shoot me a doubtful glance

I returned to my office as she continued her work


I tossed another crumpled paper ball into my trashcan across the room, trying to entertain myself.

Andy, one of the fellow Realtors, walked by my door. He quickly back traced his steps and stuck his head in my office

"What are you still doing here? You don't have any showings today"

"Oh I'm just finishing up" I say, scooting closer to my desk, trying to look busy

Andy looked in front of him, towards Skyler's desk

He then looked back at me, revealing a smirk

"You're waiting for her, aren't you" 

I smiled, pulling my index finger to my lips; requesting his silence

He nodded, letting the smirk remain on his face

"You should know She's going to be working late today, though" he lowered his voice

"Why?" I inquire

"New software program for the secretaries. Savannah will be here any minute and will be staying late tonight training with it" 

I let out a sigh

"Guess I better go home and make dinner then."

"You do that" Andy lightly patted the door frame, followed by a wave

"See ya" I call after him.


Savannah pushed the glass door open to the Realtor office, coffee cup in hand.

"Hey" She smiled, walking over to the reception desk.

"Hi" I smiled back 

She draped her coat on the coat rack, joining me behind the large desk.

"Let's figure this out" She let out a deep breath

The sound of footsteps clattered down the hall

I looked up to see Harry

"Do you guys need help with anything?" Harry said, grabbing his light jacket

"No we're good" I said quickly

If You Let Me In  [H.S]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz