2.2 I Hate It

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Harry's POV

'I hate the new year. I really loathe it. Why? Oh, cuz inviting the dark lord to stay with a bunch of little snake's doesn't only spell trouble for the lions or Dumbledore!' I tell myself groaning with a huff.

-earlier that day-

The post just came in and I was just munching on a piece of eggs. I'm really glad to be here with kids my age, even better when I don't have to give them my food like back at the Dursleys when I had to cook it only to eat none of it. I really don't want to think back on them, it's only bad memories for me... Where was I going with this again? Oh yeah, the post. I looked around to see if someone got anything that would peak my interest. I spotted a few newsletters here and there with some kids scuttling together to get a read on them. Apparently Tom was fitting right in with his former house as he was talking with some of his housemates like he was already there for years. Well, he was but anyway, seems like he got a letter. I looked at him just as he glanced over. I took my chance. 'Anything interesting?' I asked.

He looked at me with a neutral face. 'Just something I had asked of my subordinate. I told him to look for something. Apparently he will sent it sometime later.'

'Should I be concerned about what you asked him to look for?' I asked whereas he gave me a soft smile but his face didn't tell me anything. For some reason I felt something was gonna happen later. Question being: who is involved and am I gonna like it?

He looked away apparently not wanting to tell me more. What a petty man. I huffed to myself and glanced to Severus. 'Hey Sev, I think your Snakes are planning something. Any idea?'

'Good morning Harrison and no, I don't. Though I have been informed that it is supposedly harmless and I will hear of it in full detail this evening if I am unable to pin the plan on my own snakes' he replied going back to his own meal.

I sighed for the maybe 3rd times today. 'This man is too stuck up'.
Just then a brown barn owl caught my attention. And not only mine as it flew over to me and dropped a letter over my head which, as a cat, wasn't really pretty in my opinion but it seems some found it funny. It soon dropped off of my head and before anyone could see who send it I made it disappear in my necklace before going back to drinking some milk. Breakfast was over fairly soon after that and many had left to to their lessons. It seems like some of the older years had shown the younger years around the castle on the weekends which was nice to see and observe but I swear I saw Tom slip away into Myrtle's bathroom. Hope he will apologise to his former classmate.

Wait, they were classmates. Rather of the same year back then. Myrtle should know what Tom looked like back then when he was still only another student.
Oh boy I'm sure she had gotten a heart attack - if she can even get one - or went to heaven from shock. Must have been an interesting weekend for both of them not that I know what happened exactly.

I went to my home, the 'birdnest' in the ceiling, to read the letter. Judging by the seal it was from Gringotts. 'Weird. What do the Goblins want from me this time? Last time I was there, they wanted me to help get someone that fell out of their wagons out. It was funny seeing that it was Mister Malfoy... I'll never forget the words he said to me.'

- - - - - - - small Flashback - - - - - - -

'What in Circe's name is a Hippogriff doing here!?' he had asked himself while giving a surprised yelp, drawing his wand from its green holster and pointing it at me. Before he could mutter his Bombarda I simply asked him having landed:
'Yo sir Malfoy! How's your son faring? I'm sure he's going to attend Hogwarts next year no?'
'...What?' "Who's there! Come out!"
'... I'm in front of you'
'This beast knows how to talk?'
'I even know how to turn your hair orange-red' I retorded cheekily. He stared at me like he's trying to discover what I am, most probably wanting to know more. To be was displeased at my choice in color, it was intentional I tell u.
'The Goblins asked me for a favor as they didn't have a way to get into the crate you fell into so they asked for my help' I said giving him a light bow introducing myself 'I am Harrison and part of the Staff in Hogwarts. It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Malfoy. What do you say to me getting you out of here?'
"That is the most ridiculous thing I will have ever done."

- - - - - - - end of Flashback - - - - - -

Eventually he got on my back and I just got us out of there. Wonder what he thought of that later tho. I'm sure he didn't tell his son as he didn't seem to have a clue who I was. Anyway the letter.

<Dear Sir Harrison,
we ask you to come to Gringotts as soon as the next year arrives. It's an important matter and we wish to discuss it with you privately. Please come find us and ask for Griphook at the reception to guide you to the head goblin. May your Golf flow and your enemies fall before you.


... Guess I have something to do next year, oh well. Wonder what it's about though.. Who cares I'll know when it's time. Speaking of time I looked at how late it was. I can get quite of track at times and lose my sense of time easily according to some individuals.

The sun was almost at its cenit so i decided to go for a flight. I turned into my wine fox form and flew in between the towers. I guess past a history class only to find some 'resting' with they're heads on their desks. 'We should really get a proper teacher for that... ' I thought as I went to fly through the forbidden forest. I knew the place and its residents like the back of my hand - err.. Claw I mean. I jumped from tree to tree and greeted some centaurs passing by below. One drew their bow but I rolled to the side as the arrow passed by. Another centaur put his hand on their shoulder and told him I was a friend. Mostly because I keep the students away from their territory. He apologized but I just told him that it was a nice check up for my reflexes. We parted ways and I went back to hogwarts.

Arriving I slipped until the Great Hall's windows. I then went to sleep on one of the tables and waited for meal time.

Third Pov

While Harry slept, the hall started to fill up with people. The first to enter were dressed in black robes with green lining. One of them had a potion with a shimmering content. The one who held the bottle had dark hair and brown eyes. Some others were younger and few were older than him. The older years knowing the contents of the potion snickered before being shushed by the others. As the bottle was opened they casted a spell to blow it over to the sleeping fox lying on the Hufflepuff's table. They quickly scooted away to the bathroom after that to came back later.

The hall became louder and the snake's were looking at their victim that only waited for what would happen next.

Harry's POV

I woke up from the noise and stretched. Suddenly everything was quiet. 'What? Is something wrong? *shiver* why is it suddenly so cold?' I asked.

I looked around being met by:
speechless faces of the staff,
Blinking looks from the puffs,
Shocked faces from the griffins
And stone glances from the snakes.
'?...!? Did I turn huma-'
The Weasley twins exploded in laughter soon getting followed by others. I looked around before I shivered again. I then looked at myself. I was looking down to see my paws but I saw red fur lying in front of me.
'. . . Don't tell me!'
I brought my tail and wings to my face only to see!... They were both naked. I. Lost. My. Fur. I closed my eyes as I tried to count to ten... It was in vain.



Yeah, happy new year. Damn you Tom! I'll jinx your robes pink!

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