1.5 - Game And Festival?

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The stands were filled to the brim with students, all hollering about the first Quidditch game of the semester which was between the Griffindor's and Slytherin's who both looked very~ fired up for today's game. At the moment Harry was wondering what a certain headmaster was thinking putting first years into the game as players even though one belonged to a different house. He shakes his head. It was allowed years before Dumbledore became HM according to Holly but only under special circumstances such as training with their family and already being accustomed to Brooms. It's not like he's was against it either but he was rather concerned for their well-being.

They watched the game during which Harry was lying on the point box as a fox cuz he was cold. If he was a cat some might think he was rooting for the Griffindor's since cats and lions are both felines in the end and Harry didn't want the houses to argue with each other. A fox was more tricky to place as it was colored like a lion but it's character was cunning like a snake. It was currently 50-70 for the Griffindor's as the two Wesley's were almost deadly as a combo. Seeker-wise, Draco looked better off in his current situation than Neville who was tightly holding on to his broom and rarely looking around for the golden fairy winged ball.

Harrison had been watching it for a while now as most teachers could guess by how his tail was going up and down on the box he was lying on while his head looked in certain directions occasionally. Draco having noticed the foxes behaviour used it to his advantage, followed its gaze, he saw the snitch and promptly flew after it warranting Neville to do the same much to the poor boys inner chagrin.

They flew through the game field when someone found the Griffindor seekers behaviour laughable and started hexing his broom. Neville hugged his broom which rather behaved like an ox going wild and trying to throw him off. Harry raised his head, ear perked and stood up from his lying position while hearing Severus start muttering in reverse in an attempt to break the hex or jinx on the out of control broom. Due to the commentary some attention was placed on the first year seeker's predicament which made his opponent look at him with a raised eyebrow due to Neville's shouting and screaming.

'This isn't good' Harry thought jumping from the teachers box and winding through the players like he was a leaf in the wind with his strong eagle like wings. Needless to say, quite graceful. Some redhead from the student stands went to a raven and said that Snape was hexing Neville's broom (both still behave like  Dumbledore wants them to sadly).
While the student went to the start of a certain unsuspecting dark master and dungeon bat Harry reached the little boy who looked like he still had baby fat on him.

Analysing the Situation Harry did the following: he grabbed Neville by the scruff and hoisted him on his back (he made himself bigger) while he grabbed the broom just as a fire broke out which made some look to the teachers box from shock. Yes. Quidditch is never a safe game but both the broom and fire couldn't possibly have been because of the game. Harry flew back to the teachers box seeing someone in blue lined robes vanish from under the seats. 'Hmm.. '
He wandlessly casted the aquamenty charm to extinguish the fire while looking at the teachers. More precisely the ones at the back seats. His eyes briefly connected to Quirrels and for a moment Harry saw that they were a crimson color and not brown.
'Hey Holly... ' [Yes Harry? Good catch by the way] 'Thx also, about that xxxxxxx...'

----> timeskip cuz I'm running out of some ideas for the chapter ---->

It was Halloween. Harry's not quite favorite festival of the year. Why? Cuz he knows his parents died on this day which is dampening his mood quite a bit. A few older years who had already guessed why the fox (or any other animal he was during this event) had his ears flat the entire day just remained quietam about it. Last year however, he promised Holly to celebrate the festival and lament his parents death day the day after tomorrow. Furthermore, the two twins had betted with the house pacifier and won. Due to that they wanted the fox to be happy for once during this time and~ sing them all a song!

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