3.3 Out Of The Cold

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A screech tore through the air, the older years - wand in hand - went out of their compartments and casted the Dementor charm. A majestic horde of animals flooded the hallways from the back of the train to the front, a dog patronus had sprung from the wand of an adult joining the assault against the dark creatures. Like lightning flashing past the windows, the patronus's repelled the Dementors. Amazingly enough, despite most of them not being trained in the charm, the Dementors still fleed like intended like they were burned by the light.

The students who had turned away from the window, or had been eyeing the door the entire time like a certain flabbergasted dark lord, looked from one side to another when the rumble of animals passed by their rooms.

Tom's eyebrows furrowed as he - and some other young kids from the neighboring compartments - looked outside their doors. Scared but curious faces met each other, the older years going to their younger peers while the prefects took to their duty trying to make everyone feel some sort of solace from the encountered situation.

Tom turned around and back inside his compartment, which he shared with the bronze trio since someone (adult) was worried for the heir of Malfoy. Slowly, the engine started up again making the lights go back on, prefects and older years were talking about getting into trouble for casting a spell outside of school grounds. The adult who was with the younger years - who introduced himself as their new professor, professor Lupin - told them that it will be excused as there were extenuating circumstances involved and it was necessary.

'T-..Tom' the dark lord blinked, Nagini who had gone on his shoulders when the temperature dropped hissed slightly §The~ window...§. Crouching from his seat, he leaned to the window, a dimming light flew lower and lower, slowly falling into the trees. Tom jumped up from his seat recognizing the voice now coupled with the magic the bird gave off, "Harrison!?" Draco's and those outside their compartment's heads swirled around to look at the Slytherin who suddenly - almost tearing or breaking it - opened the window stretching his arm out.

The wind blew against his robes, while one of his feet was on the food stand/trash-collector. Those closest to him saw a dark slightly glowing figure fall down into the forest, "Wait is that the Councelor Tom!?" Draco stood up wide-eyed. The tip of Tom's wand glowed, "Wingardium Leviosa!". An additional glow surrounded the bird as the train began going forward.

With a quick swing to himself, the magic relled back making the fainted and exhausted form of their feathery dishevelled Councelor swoosh over and almost crash into their compartment, if not for Tom catching him in his arms but falling backwards from the force.

The students gathered nearby looking at the bruised and cold form of the bird, the small Slytherin grunted supporting himself into a sitting position. One of his eyes was closed from the small discomfort, 'Don't remember the train rides to be this rowdy'. Nagini slithered down towards the bird inspecting it, her smooth tail brushing against its neck feathers where a soft metallic sound could be heard. §Sss.. It is~ him. He has~ the necklace§ standing up while holding both animals, Tom sat down in his seat, the others getting a better look at the bird now seeing the familiar 'collar'. They gasped, some with dry voices due to the traumatic meeting and the cold air.

While the prefects gathered before the individual proclaiming himself the new professor - he showed the letter as proof - some discussions ensued. Reporting/tattling to their parents being one of them, while some opened up books to learn about the terrifying creatures they just saw. Draco gave some balm cream his mother gave him to Tom so they could take care of the Councelor under the guidance of some Hufflepuff and ravens who were good with that. Tom may be a powerful wizard but he isn't that proficient in healing spells/charms, and the ones he knew where not on the school curriculum..

Lupin sent another patronus to the school, explaining the delay in their arrival and detailing the current situation to them. The express service went around providing blankets and hot chocolate, tea and sweets for free; the school would pay for this but it was necessary that they helped the 11-15 year olds right now.

Upon their arrival, the students were informed by their teachers that the sorting would take place tomorrow and - due to the extenuating circumstances - they would be randomly placed for the night. Madam Pomfrey looked at Harrison while Snape offered some calming droughts, before he kidnapped his Godson and second boss for a talk.

"What happened?" he leaned against his desk in the potions lab. Draco sat where he usually sat in class, the walls and the presence of his godfather having completely shaken him out of his tremors. Tom sat lazily on one of the desk his legs crossed over as he leaned on them, a dark look on his face.

"The train ride went well up until the mountain range where the bridge would be, the weather worsened and the windows froze over. At first I didn't notice, since such changes aren't bad for my core. But when Draco and his gang started to shiver and show symptoms similar to Azkaban, I found it hard not to see. But it was presumptuous for there to be Dementors anywhere near the train to Hogwarts, escapee or not."

Draco nodded, he had a blanket over his shoulders,"If that's what it's like in Azkaban, I'd never want to be anywhere near it. Is there a way to escape a Dementor?". Snape, with his head a bit lowered while looking at the young snake let, took a silent breath before holding up three fingers. "For a student your age, no. Later however, there are three ways to not succumb or to escape a dementor: Either you are an animagus, cast the patronus charm, or have colleagues or people who would do so".

Draco leaned his head backwards with a confused face, he found something odd, "Then what happened to the Councelor? What did he do?". Snape's mouth opened while his eyes went to look down to the side, it closed as he turned to look at the teenage dark lord, "I.. am not quite sure".

Tom spoke up, Nagini slightly wiggling with her tongue, "From what I could discern, he did something bad for him. His magic was pressing down on his veins, he seems to have tried to combine a spell - most likely the patronus - with his own self."

He touched the wings of his nose, "Sure, that would strengthen the spell as it would be a higher grade of magic, but the degree of control necessary would simultaneously increase according to the power used. Perhaps it is because wizard magic is incompatible with the core of a magic beast, but the councelor would be better of - "

Tom/Pomfrey: "-Not using any magic for the time being until he's completely recovered."

Harry who was lying in the hospital wing with his stomach on a big heated pillow gave an indignant squeak, 'Well great...'. Harry leaned his head and beak on one of his wings, 'Guess I'll take it easy and just go to Gringotts tomorrow. Without my magic, I'm not much help here'.

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