4.8 Tournament-Part 2

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The Hungarian Horntail was still in its cage behind the standing arena as Neville slowly steeped onto the rocky terrain and into sight.
Like with Cedric, he was cheered for and encouraged by most of the watchers. The Slytherin's for one, also spoke a few tones - mostly suggesting to hold onto his wand - and refrained from rude remarks.
'Afterall this is still a fight against a dragon. There are many stories of how it could end, if someone tried to fight one of their kind'.

My tongue flitted out. I could taste the cold air, and the fretty emotions that hung like Christmasballs in the arena.
Anxiety, excitement, fear, some were murderous for a battle.
'Who would want to fight-... Tom.'

I kept my eyes on Nev. He had looked around, taking in the space and the stands; his eyes halted at the adults stands. I went forward on the blanket roof a bit to see who he was looking at. Taking a guess.. His grandmother. A thin figure for her high age, she had a neat coat on with a near black fur shawl around her shoulders that framed the underside of her face. I wondered what either of these two thought of the current time and situation.

Neville was obviously nervous, anyone who knew the boy even for only a day could see that like ink on a paper. His grandmother though. I let my magic go around her like a breeze. Around her, like everybody else, was an aura of magic. Some's were loose, others tight around oneself. Some woobly, some like eggshells or a natural second skin.
Hers was shaped like a cocoon, it was deep silver grey, though you rather saw grey. It was woobly.

Ah, so she is genuinely worried. Neville would be happy to know...

Third POV

Harry's eyes, his snake slits, had widened a tiny fraction. But he soon moved his head back noticing the approach of what could be called a massive heater. As soon as its snout was let through the arena, it jumped straight in. Neville was frozen on the spot by the massive creature now in close proximity within seconds. The Dragon raised its head, blinking its eyes and sniffing the air. It sweared its head at all the people, a yellowish glint was reflected in its eyes. The egg.

Near 7 steps of Neville. It roared at him. Neville's shoulders hunched together as he forgot to breathe, his grasp on his wand tightened so much it might crack. Just as the Horntail opened its mouth again, Neville shivered before taking off like a startled animal. He pranced against the few stones before ducking against an oval big rock. Fire met the rook on the other side; the stands were immediately quiet. The rock heated up more and more, the crispy chilly air becoming more hot and giving a dryness that was similar to the sunny season.

A standoff between the two. The rock holding the stalemate. Nev looked unfocused, only his fidgety fingers that readjusted their hold on his wand brought him out of his first panicked mindset that was currently experiencing a panic overload. He forcefully focused his eyes on the wooden stick, slowly moving up and about the stands before undeterridly looking at the edge of the rock where red fiery flickers licked at the stone, melting it's edge as moments passed by.

He was breathing, thinking of what he could do. Looking around for help. His eyes landed on Harry who was looking at him. With their eye contact, Neville thought back to the Councelors other forms and the action rich packed past week.
Slowly one hand unclasped from his wand, he got into a crouch; his free hand steady on the ground.

Many waited with baited breath of what Neville would do now. None expected him to cast an "Accio.!".

Getting the golden Egg with an Accio would have been an interesting and simple idea, but even if he did that he would still have to get out. He couldn't do that.

"Accio.! Broom!"

Longbottom was calling for a broom!? LONGBOTTOM WAS CALLING FOR A BROOM???

Just as the dragons breath halted and the Rock Boulder cracked, a whistling noise was heard. Harry had gone on the higher part of the blanket roof to see the broom come into their view. It went over the stands and halted next to Nev who just barely had his other hand out to catch it.

The next few moments were over in seconds, filled with screams and shouts. And a lose dragon going after Nev who was in the dragons most prized food territories: the sky. Harry felt an icy aged scream that went further and further away.

'Why pray tell did I predict that the chain was weak? Wait. Why...was it weak? It should be strong enough to keep the dragon in, to be fit against any of its muscle actions so the audience is safe. Where the other dragons chains also the same quality or only Neville's?'


'Ah. Hi Neville.'

Harry had shoot up the blankets and reflexively clung onto the straws at the end of Neville's broom when the boy shot past him. The Dragon had just freed itself when it happened, the screams followed once the chains broke. Now the three were out and away from the stadium.


'I'm glad that you didn't completely freeze up back there, but I think you sure are having the hardest time out of the others now.'

"This is no time for that! What am- am I supposed to do now!?"

Harry had slythered over so he was like over the entire broom, with one part of himself near Nev's right waist. His head peaked back at the dragon and its strong wings that beat down on the air.

His eyes met Neville's head, who was looking ahead, flying.
'Evade it! Use what you can to separate yourself and it! Use its BIG SIZE against it!'

Neville flew to the lake, close to the waters. The Dragon only approaching barely because it couldn't let its big wings hit the water, the impact would be detrimental to its flying force. Close to the castle, a shadow came close underneath the water. A big long tentacle had broken out and swatted at the beast, the slimy thing quickly went down again when the dragon turned to give it its fire breath as revenge before chasing after its small target again.

Next they cut through the forest. They gained distance. Neville let out a weary laugh out of relief.
'YEAH! Oh shit-!'

Another firebreath. Harry pranced off switching forms, green magic with starry blue specks encasing him 'I'll stop it!'.
Upon contact with the scaly hide, scars were etched onto the dragons body by the tiger claws on it as Harry slid down. It snapped its mouth shut and gave a motion upwards from the sudden switch. Harry held on, tugging and scratching at its hide as furious as he could.

In the distance, Neville was coming out of the woods. Harry was thrown off as the dragon gave chase. Before Harry could intervene again he was paralysed.
His magic was restricted, his figure still... Who had the galls to stun him right now!?? He barely saw Neville and the Hungarian Horntail disappear behind a mountain, going to Hogwarts as his panther form fell sideways.

'Be safe Neville! Now. Just what..', there were shoes before him. From his viewpoint, black slacks. These were adults.
'-Irresponsible adults!'

Harry heard the dragon cry out and the bridge collapse. His heart gave out when he heard a young boy's - Neville's - scream.

He was struck with another spell and his mind shut off... Distantly, he thought, he saw what could be a dot come back behind the aforementioned mountain and sloppily to the arena.

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