4.5 Agreement

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"Albus" Igor hugged Dumbledore, Harry (who was with Snape) was blinking from the fire show. He found it amazing, the kids must've trained hard for it, but for his sensitive eyes it might as well have been soot they blew in his face. Snape had to truly try hard not to laugh at his face, he turned around slightly with a hand to his mouth. Harry licked his nose.

"I am glad to see that you both arrived safely and on time", both headmaster Igor and Headmistress Maxim nodded.
"Of course Albus" Maxim smiled.
"Punctuality is important" Igor huffed.

Dumbledore noticed the students, "Ah, where are my manners, sit down and enjoy the food".

Both the girls and the boys went to sit on the tables. While the girls from the all-girls school split up between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff table, the boys from Durmstrang - which only admits boys (from noble families) - solely sat with the Slytherin's. Tom mused Victor Crum with a raised eyebrow while Draco was mentally trying to formulate a plan to get his signature.

"Oh? And who might this adorable little kitty be?"
"Mrreow!?", Madam Maxim picked up Harry who had an amazing expression. The twins snorted. Snape opened his mouth and closed, 'This might be interesting'.

Luckily Harrison was saved. Or rather the Headmistress was spared the shock of a voice in her head. McGonagall stood up raising her hand a bit forward, "Ah, Madam Maxim, that is actually a member of our staff. I'm sure you've heard of our Councelor..?".

Maxim, who had by this point layed Harrison down on her arm, picked him up to look at him. The other headmasters were also looking, though Dumbledore was releasing a hot breath under his beard unnoticed to anyone. Seeing the chance, Harry used his magic - which made his eyes and necklace glow - to make a light gust of wind blow in her face. Not only that, the wind went to the candle fires and wrote 'Hello' in the air.

The foreign students - to the secret glee of Hogwarts's student body - were stunned.

"OH I've heard about this from the newspaper before" Igor walked closer while madam Maxim let Harry jump on the speech Podest. He turned to Dumbledore, "Albus, you're allowing rodents like this meager beast inside your school now? I'm suprised".

McGonagall and Snape simultaneously jolted drinking, they pursed their mouths. If there's one thing Harrison won't stand for besides the students or Hogwarts being threatened, it's when others look down on him; which by Merlin's beard you shouldn't do!

Victor and Fleur wondered why the students were raising a hand and counting down from five.
"Don't be surprised" was the only warning they were given.

The fire letters dispersed into embers like a firework going out, Harrison's eyes narrowed. The temperature seemed to drop. Igor stuck his nose up when he saw the coldness in the little beasts eyes.

'Ah,' the Councelor voice was like a small childs who just saw an ant climb up a tree 'is my current form unfitting for the unyielding headmaster of Durmstrang to give me some of his prized attention? Well..' the Amber's were drawn in by the big wind caused by green colored magic.


Unlike the newcomers (and Dumbledore) the rest of Hogwarts remained relaxed at Harrison's change of form. Although they had to admit it was apparently a form he had not assumed before.. Judging by its size.

'I hope he'll now give me a re-evaluation' they looked up.

Igor's nose twitched, his eyes widened and his mouth quivered

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Igor's nose twitched, his eyes widened and his mouth quivered. Sure, he'd heard the rumors but... This was NOT what he had expected! He had fought a dragon before, and this beast right here had literally turned into one like it was his actual form. This wasn't just simple shape-shifting or transfiguration!! This was something that - dare he say it - only Lady Magic or by the heavens Merlin should be able to do.

The dragon's green gleaming eyes looked down on him, his head lowering to an almost human level, 'Well I think I have gotten what I asked for' his magic airily weaved around him and he shrank down 'Excuse my little ah..how to say it.. temper tantrum. I couldn't ignore headmaster Igor's rude comment about my position and inadequate self~'.

Karkarov held his tongue, he balled his fist 'This little...! Tsk, I guess there are some things out there even I have yet to see'.
Durmstrang was impressed how the Hogwarts Councilor managed to push back their High Master; not that the threat the beast had shown wasn't great, but the ones next to them weren't even fazed despite the dragon.

Then they all ate, the night passed as everyone left to sleep. Well, but not without a little secret meeting with Lady Maxim and Lord Karkarov. Harrison had politely asked the ginormous lady (that he saw eye flirting back and forth with Hagrid) to invite the man over because he had something to discuss with then regarding the tri-wizard tournament.

Harry privately convinces the two schools to give the students a week for themselves to prepare for the tournament. His reason for that is that until now, Hogwarts has been negligent on the DADA lessons and they only started recently, and the students (those not of noble houses) have zilch dueling experience. The giant Headmistress of Bourbaton agreed seeing that their students would be in a disadvantage; she also wanted her girls to get used to the place for now. When both looked to Igor, Durmstrang's headmaster, he only looked to the side.

"Sir Igor?" the man startled out of his revelry and looked at the duo. "Hah? Yes?", the madam gave him a disapproving look.
"An extended time period for the students, a week for their personal preparations, would you agree on your students behalf?".

Igor looked affronted "No-... But maybe yes" he nodded looking dissatisfied at the wall. Harry allowed himself a peak to see what changed the mind of one of Dumbledore's old friends.

He saw what seems to be a vivid Shesha in the water moving towards the ship.

'.. I'll have to thank her later'
'Then it is agreed. On behalf of the students in Hogwarts, you have my sincerest thanks Headmistress of Bourbaton and headmaster of Durmstrang' Harry bowed lowering his head. The Headmistress waved him off, "Nonsense, I thank you for bringing this issue up. I had no idea that your students were not yet trained for actual combat. Even more so, that my girls don't have to get rushed into that fight".

Igor snorted turning to leave "Heh, I guess for some beast he can take care of those little witches and wizards under the ruse of pity".

'Pity?' he turned to her, 'What does he mean with pity?'. She curled her lips up looking after him, "Well... Who knows".

The three parted. Harry went and - with Hogwarts help - gave castle wide notice letters that the following week will not have classes but personal duel lessons ostracized by Harrison. The years 2-6 are to meet at the Quidditch field starting at 8 am.

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