3.1 Back to school

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'Bye Holly!' he took to the air, a hypogriff with dark feathers, dark brown lion fur and neon green eyes. 'Stay safe! See you in the evening!' Flying away from the castle, Harry disappeared into the mist layered above the forbidden forest. He followed the rails... to go to the trainstation.

It was still fairly early, about 10 o'clock. Though that would be considered late for regular schools, for a boarding School such as Hogwarts it was way early. There were only a few senior students with their parents, friends or family there.

A teen in the 5th grade looked past the shoulder of his friend, he heard a noise. "Hm? Joshua is everything alright?" asked his friend Thompson. Joshua was a Hufflepuff, with the other being in Ravenglaw. They were childhood friends and halfbloods, thus, they got along especially well and often sat together when they could. They even got their wands together.

"Don't you hear something? Like...flapping?" The other got quiet as both listened closely, their family was a bit away from them as they were catching up with each other after their latest holidays. Thompsons's mother noticed his silence, and how both turned to look at the Train track's tunnel opening.

"Yeah I hear it" just then, out of the dark mist, all three saw the outlines of a winged magical creature appear. Drawing her wand immediately, the mother alerted the rest of her chat group. Both the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff got their wands from their holsters.

From over the railings it flew onto the platform landing there, out of the mist they recognized it to be a Hippogriff 'What is it doing here!? Shouldn't they normally stay in their territory, not in towns or near society?!'. Black wings folded in on the waist of the winged lion as green eyes looked at the group of 4 with 2 normal people with them. Suddenly they heard a voice 'I'd appreciate it if you took down those wands students' a metallic necklace peaked out from under the Hippogriffs front fur, both student's eyes widened.

They slowly lowered the ebony wands, making ones mother and the others father stare at their follish decisions... Well, that was until they saw Joshua bow slightly before the creature "Hello Sir Harrison", "Greetings Counselor", Thompson bowed aswell. Both parents quickly withdrew their wands when the Hippogriff changed into an eagle in a green flash.

He flew on top of one of their carts 'Good morning to you too'. Both the Lady and the Sir did a greeting of respect, it wasn't exactly restricted information, that one of Hogwarts's staff was a special but intelligent magical creature.. appointed by the castle itself. "Soo~ why r ya here teach?" Joshua slung his arms behind his head standing there lazily. An amused noise filled the station 'I'm planning on getting some students to the station.. seeing as how we're dealing with particularly bad weather today. I heard there is going to be a storm in a few hours..I'm just going to make sure with those who live far away from here" he raised a claw as he said this, clenching and unclenching as he did so.

The muggle father of Joshua looked at his watch "Well then I suggest you go ahead, it's already 11 o'clock. Staff or not the train leaves at 3pm." Harrisons wings spread apart 'Already!? Guess the mist stalled me a bit! See you two later!'. He flew through the wall and left the regular worlds trainstation, 'First stop: Hermione Granger!'.


Inside a modern house, a family of three lived, it consisted of two parents - who were busy watching their daughter - and said daughter fuss about around the living room checking yet again if she had everything she needed for her wizardry school. "Hermione dear calm down", her father called from his seat near the kitchen counter. "I can't, if I'm getting picked up and notice later that not everything is in my trunk, I'll have trouble following the curriculum in school." The woman standing in the kitchen shook her head, usually its the adults that are obsessed with their work thus getting called a workaholic, but is there a term of it that applies to the younger generation?

"Who's picking you up again dear?", Hermione who was already dressed in her robes turned away from her trunk on the ground to reply to her mom, "It's a substitute teacher and a member of staff, I've told you about him before, our Councelor?". The mother had a moment of remembrance but that went to some slight confusion, "Ah I remember, Harrison right? Wait, isn't he a.. magical creature?". Hermione turned back to look and count the things in her trunk: books, clothes, feather pen, bath essentials and so forth, "Yes but don't worry, he's smarter than some students if you ask me, he won't harm you if your worried about that".

Her father turned around in his seat finger raised in protest, "Now dear I'm not worried about that.. I could fight off any creature trying to harm my family, no problem". Both Hermione's and her mother's lips quirked inwardly, against another man sure, but..

Unnoticed by the three, they were being observed from outside a window, 'I didn't know ms. Grangers family likes to joke around, she didn't seem the type'. Harrison was perched on the windowsill looking bemused at the occupants on the other side of the window, he knocked on the glass. The parents flinched looking over with Hermione, seeing the noble eagle resting there. A blue shimmer peaked through its mantle of feathers revealing five hidden crystals, Hermione who was the only one to recognize it immediately stood up and opened it to her family's dismay, eagles were dangerous animals!

Her father had gone over hurriedly and wanted to protect his daughter whereas the bird flew up and over both humans before landing on the open part of the Griffindor's trunk, 'Good morning dear Grangers, I've come to take miss Hermione to the train station if you don't mind?'. The parents eyes widened upon hearing the animal speak so fluently into their.. Minds? Hermione went over to her trunk. 'Ready to go?', the third year nodded as Harrison took to the air before resting on her shoulder after she had closed her trunk.

Hermione halted, "Wait I'm going to say goodbye to my parents real quick". The Councelor nodded going to sit on an armchairs backrest, the family hugged before parting and wishing Hermione good luck. "Please take care of our daughter", he gave a short bow to the two parents before going to Hermione. 'Miss Hermione, have you ever flied on an eagle?', the other shook her head confused but hesitant. 'Then please excuse me, but we're a bid behind schedule.', his crystals glowed green as Hermione and her trunk shrank down.

After helping her get inside a pouch that hung around his neck via a metal chain they took of toward the next destination, the Longbottoms.

"Why there?", Hermione asked the size of a mouse. 'He asked me to as he feared his grandmother wouldn't let him... or cause he didn't want to go to the train station with her. Not everyone likes.. to spend time with their actual relatives'. The place Neville stayed at was a Manor in a city 15 minutes from little Whinging, that fact along made Harry not like the direction or environment. But regardless they arrived at the pureblood family's residence. Instead of landing however, Harry took to searching the insides of the house from outside.

With his eyes Harry easily saw the student from outside as he leaned against the windowsill of his room. 'Bingo', Harry flew closer only to realise that the young Hufflepuff's own room had a locking spell on it. Harry could still get in, but those connected to the spell couldn't leave the designated area, Harry's eagleface looked like it found its natural enemy in combat, oh how he hated these types of people. He landed on the other side of the window making the surprised Neville take a few steps back. Using his magic to enter the room, the green light accompanying Harry made the poor boy relax, "Councelor..".

Now this was awkward for the two students, not exactly how one was expected to meet a teacher or staff member from school. Although he had requested it expecting his current situation, it probably left a bad impression on the other. 'Greetings Neville, nice day to go to school don't you think?', the other looked up, 'School? That would be nice but..'. Flapping of wings interrupted him, 'You can't get out? We'll see about that, are you ready to go or did she hinder you from even packing your school supplies?'.

Neville shook his head, he had packed everything school related before his grandmother noticed him thankfully. The eagle nodded, 'Well let's go then, I can bring you out of here. But let's be quick before the old woman comes ok?', Neville scrambled to get his trunk out of his closet at the mention of his granny catching him. His owl/pet had already been outside to find its own food so that didn't pose a problem. Harry, just like he did with Hermione, shrunk the Hufflepuff and his stuff and put them in his pouch. 'Let's set off!', with the help of his magic, Harrison stunned his two flight guests as they phased through the window.. Neville getting another happy shook when he wasn't getting pulled back by the spell.

'To Plattform 9 3/4th!'.

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