4.8 Tournament-Part 3

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"Won't people protest? I mean he protected the Boy-Who-Lived."

A somber old voice spoke "Yes, but, he still interfered in a tournament whose rules date back to the founders era. They're sacred. Not to mention, he had committed an offence before. For all those crimes, he deserves to be send to Azkaban for at least ten years, better yet thirty so he has time to think about who he should listen to. He is not a wizard, Cornelius, he doesn't deserve a trial."

"Hm..yes, you're right Master Dumbledore, the ministry exists to uphold Order in our magical community. I will see to it that that abnormal beast knows it's place."

"Thank you, Cornelius. I know you'd make the choice in the best interests of everyone."


Harry was stunned, he felt his limbs scratched up against the pavement and ground as his body was being dragged somewhere. Then, he felt someone cast the levitation charm and he was shoved against wood.

'..A carriage.'

He felt his body center switch as he remained in place. The carriage dipped as two other figures got on. He didn't hear them, but, their breathing was heavy. A greasy cent that would make him want to retch crept up his nose. These two must be wizards.

"So this is that beast that was mentioned in the Daily Prophet before?"

"Ah, yeah. Heard it caused trouble with the headmasters to postpone the tournament. Honestly, I thought it was a good call. For the kids sake."

"D'you mean the Chosen one?"

"A bit, but I meant the underage ones. The thing is a battle for survival. I thought the beast here", Harry could feel a cold boot prod his side, there were some small noises outside, "was smart to a degree. He still offended the headmasters of Durmstrang and Hogwarts, heard the Minister was also disrespected".

"Hmm.. If the thing didn't interfere he might not have to be locked up in Azkaban. Oh well. At least he's not gonna make the trip uncomfortable."

A hum of agreement met the sentence.

The door was opened and a foot stepped on metal stairs, the carriage didn't dip though.

"You got clearance, good journey."


The door closed and in no time was Harry's nose crushed against the benches as he lied on the floor. Then.. The carriage fell.

'AAAHH!!' he screamed as loud as his head allowed, still stunned. A jank, he slid over hitting the other bench with his back and they were in the air. Shaking fear grabbed Harry.

He was stunned. Probably far away from Hogwarts and the Diagon Alley as he could not hear Holly or the familiar magic that had seeped into the shopping district's oldest buildings. Worst yet, he couldn't feel the necklace around his neck. Not even as he has poltered around the ground at take off. His guards, likely the ones who took it off or their associate ministry buddies, must've taken it off. Now he can't talk... In this form...

"Three of a kind!"

"Damn you!"

'... Sue me.'


"I swear the bitch gets more unbearable with each month."

"Ah, she knows Corn's is an ugly lonesome man. A bit of sweet play and it's no surprise."

'Do I have any happy memories to cast a normal Patronous?' Harry dug deeper and deeper into his own thoughts, he didn't want to hear his 'bodyguards' talk. Though this Umbridge seemed insufferable.  Even McGonagall would feel inclined to throw a chair at her back. He drifted back to thinking though his memories. Did it have to be off an animal encounter? All Patronouses take an animal shape afterall.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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