3.5 (2) MH

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"Yawn.." Luna walked with her sleepy roommate out of the Great Hall. They just had Luch, but the other, being a bookworm craving her liturature, stayed up longer than should have been allowed; if there was a rule for that.

Luna smiled leading her friend by the hand, they were walking at the right rear of their group. They were a total of 8 Ravenclaws, and they were heading to their substitute for astrology. Meaning, they - and the Hufflepuff's that they'd usually have the lessons with - would ultimately meet up at the staircase of the third floor.

They walked up the first staircase to the first floor, the next staircase to the second, and then they took the last one to arrive at the third floor. Finally standing together with their regular lessonpartners, they noticed (as impossible as it was not to) that others were coming over to their waiting spot.

"Just be sure you keep your red ants from me."

"What do you mean with red ants filthy Slytherin??"

"Nothing you dumb weasel, just those things living on you head."

"There's nothing living on my head!"

"I beg to differ *Chuckle* what else smeels so bad on you? Oh wait, maybe that's just you? Are you naturally dumb too? I thought it was because ant Secretion was melting your brain the entire time..."

Coming to them, with a war of tongues going on, were groups of Slitherins and Gryffindors. Luna smiled, she spotted Neville hidden behind Ron, she waved at him.

Neville beamed seeing Luna up ahead, he separated from his group, sneakily walking closer to the wall to not garner attention to himself till he was there.

"Nice to see you, what's going on?"

He gave a good-natured nervous face, "Well...we were supposed to have flying lessons now but..those are replaced with <MH> now, so we were just gonna walk here, but we met up with the Slitherins and it's been like this ever since...".

Luna nodded, her friend was surprised though (she's awake due to walking all these stairs). "Who'd have thought, all third years seem to have the first <MH>lesson at the same time..".

To her right, on the wodden ledge of the stairs, someone nodden 'Your right, I didn't know it either'.

They jolted jumping a bit back, their eyes pinned at that one figure: a fox.

Neville was playing with his hands at the sight (nerves or a fettish in development?), "Councelor?".

'Yes, hello everyone.'

The Gryffindors and Slytherins hurried over, dusting themselves off like the ones already there; they were eagerly awaiting what they'd do now. Afterall, once a lesson plan was given at the start of the year, it stayed like that till the end –but now there's an unexpected exemption to that 'regular timetable'. Not to mention, they still knew nothing of what they'd do!

'While I'm happy about this arrangement, since you can't spoil the fun for each other, I'm sad to see that even now some of you choose to be a clowns and argue with one another.'


'I do not care who started it, and neither am I interested why or what it was about, but it will not be repeated. Are we clear?'

Both Draco and Ron looked at each other with predetory looks, one of an weasel, the other of a big reptile. 'Why should I forgive this bastard/brat!?'

The fox's eyes started to shine, 'Boys..'. His head was slightly lowered, his glowing eyes visible to the many students..especially to the two boys.

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