1.6 - Hocrux and Voldemort

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Third POV

The rest of the year passed by uneventful with the slight exceptions of pranks, a weird trio from various houses (Neville, Ron and Hermione) looked like they were snooping around and Harrison was busy with something. At some point the wolf had given the kids detention when he noticed them snooping around for Nicholas Flamel and 'accidentally' went to the 3rd floor corridor. Needless to say they were to sit still and he stared at them the entire time. His logic being if the dosens dislike it then they will stay away from it.

Other than that he stayed a way from a few Ravenclaw's who was red to study him again for what kind of creature he is and Yada Yada in short he associated lies with a certain year among the Ravens and who might be in cahoots with them. He thoroughly grumbled about that to the amusement of some others as this happens almost every 2-3 years! So yeah. Not nice for him.

However he himself had gone to the 3rd floor and passed through it. The Cerberus he talked about letting him free and temporarily transferred him to the ROR for food and some long overdue stretching. The devil snare was also no problem for him as he simply turned into his 🐯 form which wasn't called sunset tiger for nothing. The winged keys were a funny game and he thought of using it for seeker training or any other stuff.

The potions quiz gave him a headache but as he knew the professor the size of the potions was something to always consider. While the quiz is worth it's headache the teacher would want to pressure the students in multiple ways so~ es obviously the smallest as one would only have so much of precious potions and as it should get refilled out better be in small quantities. Drinking the last he passed through a flaming doorframe and to a chessboard '. . . Who thought up this shit?'

Stepping on the chessboard I did the only thing a battle orientated animal would do when I saw the puppets respond with stopping me in their own ways. Axes and morning stars swung for my head like a batter at Baseball but what did I do? I TRASHED the game pieces and simply proceeded on 'That was a nice workout!'.

Going through the door for the nth time he saw a mirror in front of him. Raising an amused eyebrow at it he went to stand in front of it not expecting what it showed. He... saw himself in his human form with many people standing behind him. Some were, as he figured by their looks already dead or 'chained' to stand on the side for now. Two of them caught his interest. The first, because he stood near the two Ghost's that looked at him fondly. The man had a funny aura about him and he got the slight image of a dog while looking at him.

The other because of his eyes. A calm crimson in comparison to the burning malicious counterpart he saw during the Quidditch game. Looking here and there were some student and those he didn't know of with different school uniforms. He also saw Fawkes standing on the head of a Basilisk behind the students. He could take a few guesses but was fairly happy with the view. He looked at himself in the mirror but felt something land in between his shoulder blades. He let the object vanish into his nest with a grateful look to the ones standing in the mirror. He burned the image into his head hoping to dream about it tonight.

He himself then left to gather the other things he needed which actually made him slip outside the school for a few days but it was barely noticed as he had told 2 head-of-houses that he would just take a short break and grieve for his parents. It wasn't a lie, he did do that but only for a day. The rest he spend searching, finding and collecting. Just as 3/4th of the year was over he returned having found what he needed and delivered it to a certain someone.

He enthusiastically arrived at the great Hall that day with a wolfish grin which made some get a cold shiver run down their backs like someone just glided their cold fingers down their back/necks. All had one thought in mind 'That wolf/he/Harrison is planning something that will most definitely have a great impact on someone's life!'.

Harry just ate something before he flew to the ceiling to his hidden nest to look at the things he had found with a grin. Down below at the teachers table a certain DADA Prof just got a bad premonition which felt like he left his sword (or ❤️) somewhere and it was stolen. On the other hand Harry was playing around with a certain red gemstone while eying the 5 objects in front of him. 'Seems like I've got work to do. Holly, please instruct me.' [With pleasure! I can finally help that student!].

During the next night Harry may have meddled with the dark arts more than he should have as he made an unfinished solution of the elixir of life with 5 Hocruxes in it. During the process he accidentally cut himself with Rowenas brooch but didn't notice it much because of his pain tolerance and advanced healing ability. At the next day he happily sneaked into a certain professors room and left a disillusioned vial there with a letter lying below it. On it stood:

Hello Tom,

First of, excuse my using of your first name. I know it from the walls you are currently in. The vial in front of you is an unfinished elixir of life that only needs your other Hocruxes to be complete. I've brewed it by a certain lady's and motherhen's request who has had a debt with you. Don't worry the ones from your early years are already in there so you needn't look for them. Now go and don't harm any the of the students by letting Trolls in again or anything worse, I'm watching you.

Your sincerely,

. & H.

At the end of the school day a certain man stepped into his room grumbling about the horrible amount of knowledge these kids have on self defense or manners till he saw the thing standing on his nightstand. He picket it up while being careful with the potion vial on top but searching both for any spells and such. The vial changed colour but wasn't really poisonous, he then read the text carefully.

"WHAT! NANI!??" His mouth opened so big one would think the bones would crack. Meanwhile the strange laughter of a cat that rolled around on laughingstock worrying the ghosts 'Did he get a boiling curse on his brain?'.

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