2.4 What moves in the dark

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It was at Riddle Manor where, with the exception of the dark lord, the death eaters were in the middle of gathering. Being the first to arrive Lucius Malfoy cast a cleaning charm on both his and his wife's chairs before sitting down. 'I wonder what our lord wishes to inform us about, this has been the first meeting in over 5 months!' I was interrupted from my thoughts as the chair besides me was pulled back and my dark flower sat down next to me.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to tell the house elves to prepare for a tea party with Lady Greengrass and some other ladies" she moved her hand on the table as the other went to check her hair style - the usual tight bun she wore to meetings. I nodded placing my own hand over hers, our eyes met..."Hey lover pair this isn't your nest!". We both looked to the other side of the table from where none other than my wife's sister, Bellatrix, appeared from cackling while swinging her wand sideways.

"Greetings Bellatrix", "How are you Bella?" she came over to us sitting down next to Narcissa. I listened in for a while until it became off-topic for me, I heard more voices. Sir Greyback and Lord Nott had arrived...oddly close to each other, their clothes basically touched each other. Both looked at each other for under 2 minutes before strutting away from each other, they sat down with well concealed discomfort.

It was Friday, the 25th of Juli and almost 13 o'clock. The rest arrived just on time "Has our lord arrived yet?" asked Barty Crouch Jr. squirming in his seat slightly. "No, he hasn't." I replied just as the fireplace lid up and the dark Lords voice came through.
"Hello my death eaters," he began but we weren't able to see his face. We stood up before bowing to him "All hail the dark lord".

"I see everyone is accounted for, that will make things progress faster than I thought." We heard a humm of our lord, 'Is it just me or does his voice sound more smooth?'. On his orders we sat down again letting the meeting officially begin.

"As your all aware I haven't been in contact much for the last...Semester. Reason for that is something quite enjoyable for me as you'll soon see." The soft sounds of hissing went around the room as Nagini slithered onto the table. "Ah, I see Nagini had arrived." They exchanged hisses 'What does he mean 'she arrived'? Isn't she always here at the Manor for protection?'.

"Lord Slytherin are you well!? Shall I go kill Muggles for you?" an excited Bellatrix rose her voice, my head hurt.

$I see they're all curious, are they not Nagini?$ I smiled sitting in my own room in the Slytherin dorms. I wonder how'd they react if they knew I was at Hogwarts? Would they think I don't trust them or would they be disheartened of not being here 'fighting' by my side.
$Quite~ so my massster$ I saw her smile back with her cute snout.

$Then let's not keep them in the dark for much longer...shall I just be straightforward with it?$ the thought of Lucius, Nott and Bellatrix falling off of their chairs crossed my mind, '...Let's do it.'.

"The reason for my absence," I paused seeing them become silent to hear better, "was for my recovery. Although, 'recovery' doesn't quite fit the situation here...let's go with 'rehabilitation' instead". As expected of nobles in my circles, it didn't take long for them to figure out what I'm insinuating. While those that I wanted to fall did, Lady Malfoy practically shot in the air before bringing her palms down with a bang "My lord you have a body!??".

"Indeed, a certain fellow moved in the shadows quite eloquently and not only stole most of my hocruxes from right under our noses he even made the elixir of life and brought me back after giving me a tempting deal. I am currently staying with him." Lucius crawled on his seat again while hoisting himself on the table. The amused hissing of Nagini brought my own smile forth.

"That is-" he huffed as he stood (for the most part) if a bit shaken, "-shocking m'lord." I nodded, that it had been for me too. "Isn't it? But as of now I'm very satisfied with this outcome. Oh, and Lucius, you know of this individual and have even met personally before according to what I heard." Everyone looked at Lord Malfoy who blinked from suddenly holding 'the ball'.

"Really? Could you describe them so I can recall their name?" Poor Lucius suddenly felt like a mouse. But how would he have known that their master loved to screw him over so much?

"Very well~ They mostly have brown hair, green eyes, wings and are mute unless your occlumency is faulty. I also heard that you tried to fight them even though they attempted to help you..escape the pit you were in." Many faces scrunched up: Mostly? Wings..? Mute? Pit? Lucius's head was spinning.
$This is fun to watch$ the split tongue of Nagini wiggled in the air.

"Hey Thomas," a banging on the door was heard from the fire, what was weird was that it was the voice of none other that the Malfoy heir. "Professor Serverus wanted to talk with you over your potion report! He looked shaken..did you propose using Harrison in a potion or what?".

"Dragon!?" Narcissa's mouth fell open as her sister's eyebrows scrunched up 'Where is our lord? Shouldn't either of those two be at Hogwarts!?'. "Mother!?" came the shocked reply of her son. "Ah, great timing." A fingersnap was heard as a door was opened, rather than the dark Lords face, it was Draco Malfoy's whom the death eaters saw first.

Draco stilled seeing the familiar faces of his mother, father and Bellatrix. 'Why are they together? And how is Thomas talking to them!?' The young Slytherin looked over at the rooms owner finding him looking at him amusedly. "Why.. who are‐"

"What is taking so long?" The well known voice of the dungeon Master joined in as he stepped into the room. He saw green fire with the faces of his godson's family as well as one Thomas Grave sitting in a chair with no worries shown on his face unlike his Godson. A hand (his own) snaked its way behind his way closing the door "What in Merlin's name is going on!?".

"We should ask you that Severus, aren't you and Draco supposed to be at Hogwarts right now?" came the accusant Lady Malfoy. Severus raised an eyebrow coughing into his sleeve "We are, but..aren't you all supposed to be in a meeting?". "We are." replied Nott a bit stupefied at the situation. The hollering laughter of Thomas filled the two spaces (DE Hall and Slytherin dormroom).

"Ahahahaha! I give, I give..*chuckles*..." Nagini hissed at the other side before going into the fire and coming out on the opposite side as a white snake that both Slytherin's are familiar with. "Nagini... is Jade!?" Severus stepped back at the logic currently forming in his head.

"Wait if the one I'm familiar with is from Hogwarts-! My lord you're there as a student!?" Gasps spread amongst the DE as Severus felt close to fainting. So he hadn't imagined the feeling he got when reading the potion essay. Standing from his seat Tom shoved his face near the fire making his new form visible to his followers "Correct~". Meanwhile Draco looked from one place to another; the fireplace, his junior, the snake and then his Godfather. 'Yepp,' he turned around on his heels as Snake eyes followed him, 'I'm so out of here. This is like having to deal with one of Harrison's pranks/puzzles that end with nothing but headaches or a bucket of water and sweat.'.

$My lord the youngling just left.$ Nagini got on top of his shoulder. $Let him, his parents are amusing enough for me.$

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